High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

it’s strange to me how they argue that nightborne are a different race when they’re totally the same, except better (imo). the men are less gross looking. the female model is better. the ONLY thing that nelves have that is better than nightborne imo is shadowmeld. but unless you’re a rank 1 pvper it doesn’t matter.

Rank1 PvE’er.
Dang it get your racials right.

They are a different race. You know what…Meccah…im killing you in duels now

i swear i’m the only person in the entire world that likes male nightborne more than male nelves. -.-

I hate them both equally even if I like my nightborne.
Honestly, I might race change my warrior into one.

no it isnt. the term ‘high elf’ no longer refers to an ancient race that lives in the high elf state of quel’thalas and discovered the sunwell, those people rebranded themselves blood elves after a national tragedy. today ‘high elf’ is a term used by a few exiles who either live in a couple apartments in dalaran or a hut in the hinterlands to show political dissent

its interesting these elves also chose dalaran and a hut just south of quel’thalas and not SW or actual alliance territory

if you think the high elf story is raising children in dalaran or living in a hut, then i dont believe youre request is anything but the desire for the aesthetics of a light skinned and majestic elf on the alliance. essentially what you want is an alliance blood elf

oh and if lore isnt enough for you here is development declaring blood elves and high elves are the exact same people and there are no alliance high elf hubs left where they could from. meaning sc is aligned with dalaran and the hut elves have no interest in the alliance

that would be cool. :slight_smile:

if i wasn’t burnt out on leveling i would have at least 3 nightborne at cap. my female hunter i’m leveling slowly with my bff, the warlock that i made that is just sitting there because i’m burnt out on leveling, and either a monk or a rogue. can’t decide which. lol.

Yeah i have5 level 120s.
Problem is the grind for azerite power and esences hurts.

i have 13 120s. 4 ally and 9 horde. the only ones who have more than one essence are meccah and dekkar. lol.

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that’s not that many. there’s people who have 50 120s that post on GD. lol

Then let me play as them.

Also the idea they couldn’t pull an entire city of them out of thin air is pretty wild to believe when they did literally exactly that with shal’aran.

You know, like that one in outland full of veterans from the second war which you conveniently didn’t mention?

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Haha. I mean, at least they’re a high level though. I just do it slowly. Wait for the legion invasions.

Once again. Holding the different races to different standards. Just proves my point.

Yeah. You’ve gotta be joking. The difference between my Nightborne and my Night Elf is one doesn’t lift weights.

That may help a player tell them apart, but in universe, that’s nothing.

Are there no ripped Shal’dorei? Is it impossible?

And the females look exactly the same. Just flipped ears.

Nah dude. Look at it from my point of view. WoW works a certain way. There are thousands of words about how it works. It has its own internal logic that works.

And then someone is like, “But the WoW Race page says” Yeah. The WoW race page for Blood Elves says that the Sunwell’s a source of Arcane and Holy power but according to the cataclysm intro they’re still addicted to arcane… so why aren’t they getting it from the well?

The Nightborne became a different race over 10,000 years. yeah. The same way all the other elves became a different race.

That’s why this discussion isn’t going to go anywhere. You’re not going to convince me that WoW chronicles and Warcraft and the way everything works is wrong just because of a single sentence on the page they use to introduce things to laymen is.

No it’s not. Because you’ve got to kill the rest of the Lore for it to make sense.

So once again… Submit a WoW lore Q&A question. Because it’s the only way a sentence off of the, “Let me tell you people who have never played WoW what this is about” page is gonna take down the rest of the lore.

No it isn’t.

It’s the same context as all changes to Elves in all of WoW.

Yeah. So. Dev Q&A. Because, Magic changed the nightborne into another race. But magic didn’t change the Blood Elves into another race.

Contradicted lore. Only way you’re gonna get around that is a developer statement.

Also, keep in mind that things from the WoW encyclopedia are less canon than other, newer sources, which is where the “Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race” statement comes from.

So the Chronicles talks about how different Elves are made, talks about the change from Kaldorei to High Elves.

And now you’ve got the Nightborne sentence. Which contradicts the WoW encyclopedia too.

So you need the developers to clear that up.

Let me know when they answer.

The titan artifact just made a well of arcane power.

But the Nightwell is just a replacement for the Well of Eternity.

A dragon makes the NIght Elves eternal, so they stay in the same shape they were when they had the well of eternity. Though they’re not drinking directly from it.

But if withered, or wretched are still the same race as other elves, then magical tattoos because you’re ingesting magic is too. So…

Once again…

Let it go my man. You’re not going to change my mind. All you’ve got is a sentence from a race page.

Have fun with that. Unfortunately, my statements come from the lore and you can’t keep me from pointing to the preponderance of lore evidence.

All you can do is cite a single sentence that contradicts the other sources and needs corrected.

You mean the time he lets you know that two races are similar? But doesn’t say they’re exactly the same.

Ion’s gaffe works in my favor, unless you decide you want to take him figuratively and make up what he said.

Have fun my man.

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i was an anti before i really started to read the arguments. yesterday they admitted that the main reason they don’t want helves is because they’re afraid they’d be have light hair, skin, and eyes. it’s totally about looks for them. which i think is a dumb reason. they could make them not look anything like belves. but WAIT. can’t do that either because then they wouldn’t be helves. meanwhile kt and sw humans are both humans and look nothing alike. lol


I like them a lot. I think that body style mostly works for casters though. Like… I don’t believe in Nightborne male warriors. haha.

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So you’re confusing traditional “visual” theme of the Thalassian race, with the visual theme of their lore/traditions/customs.

When Ion brings up the important “Physical” traits that identify Blood elves he doesn’t bring up what sort of clothes they wear, or language they speak, which was what I was referring to when I was listing how High elves are different than Blood Elves, he was referring to the physical characteristics that define them such as their skin color and hair and how important it is to avoid infringing on visual themes when adding new races.

As a race those themes are inherently Blood Elven, as that was the entire theme of their race when they were made playable, it is also why Void elves were changed in those ways directly as apposed to just changing their lore and giving them different hairstyles.

i like them also for rogues. eventually i’m probably gonna level a male warlock and rogue. i already have a warrior who is an orc. and i kinda hate him/the class so i’m not too worried about a second warrior. lol.

there are blonde haired blue eyed fair skinned of many races…

This megathread has been going on since before BFA released.

It’s never going to happen.

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We’re referring to those features on a playable Thalassian race, not those features on their own. It’s not like because beards are important on Dwarves they’re not allowed to have them on humans. We play races for different reasons, and its important that two versions of the same “race” dont infringe on each other aesthetically.

maybe i should make a thread asking for other races to lose their beards because it infringes on my dwarven racial fantasy. then i can also be an anti.