High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

They look really cool and they borrow their architecture from cool groups as well. I’m glad they’re around.

I like all the Allied races so far though.

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I’m referring to two different types of High elves here, the whole “High elves are High elves in nothing but name” is stating that modern high elves have hardly anything in common with traditional high elves besides their name. We’ve gone over this Fyor.

The “traditional” high elves that I originally inferred are represented by the current Blood elves in terms of aesthetic, culture, and traditions

And the modern alliance high elves who’s shed their thalassian customs and traditions as High elves in favor of the alliance cultures.

You’re trying to equate two different things as the same when the context is different. The former was an explanation of the races as a faction, but not in terms of game design. I cannot understand the intent of treating such matters in a vacuum.

You asked about traits and I felt like being snarky. In terms of their traits I believe it is covered under (and im not good on dwarf lore mind you), either the encyclopedia or chronicles volume 1.

You are incorrect. :man_shrugging:

Easier to categorize people. Thalyssra considers the night elves her people even though she is a nightborne, but she identifies herself as a nightborne because she has acknowledged she has changed. It not only helps to clarify so you’re not going HIgh elf generation 1 or 2, but also helps to cement the new identity.

As for Blizzard. Yeah…they…don’t really care what we want as consumers anymore.

It is an interesting discussion point. IIRC, using light makes them more alive, so they tend to feel the effect of decay on their bodies.

I am not sure if that is the case, primarily because we have seen cases where the void was being used to try and corrupt the sunwell which is light based. I believe it isn’t a case where the sunwell is necessarily harmful to them, but simply because their new nature means they simply cannot access it at all. It may surely be more harmful to them as well.

Mine is buried away

I am not sure if that is the case, given that the DiD did spend thousands of generations without Ragnaros’ influence after his banishment, though of course my memory of the events may be incorrect. Furthermore, Thaurissan the second was half dark iron, so it is very well possible the reason he does not manifest those traits is due to more dominant genes in other dwarven lineages.

I believe it may be that entities who transform certain races may have those changes be permanent. Of course, it is hard to tell because WoW doesn’t exactly keep an accurate timeline or show everything occurring.

Mind you, I am not disagreeing with the possibility of these changes being temporary, simply that there is simply too little information to suggest it. Mind you, the last time we ever saw a night elf people go without a strong source of arcane power, they became high elves (for some reason). It is very well possible that the reverse may not occur over time in a complete way.

I am not sure I would agree with it, given consideration of the high elf comic demonstrating they did have those significant physiological changes prior to the birth of the sunwell which rivaled the arcane energy given through the well of eternity.
Mind you, they also did lose the blessing of nozdormu which may also be a contributing factor.

Dark trolls for the alliance? I am not sure. Given the nightborne/void elves were met with friction do you think there is a desire for it?

They’re referred to as being undead, similar to how Sylvanas is known as a banshee which is a type of undead.
Death knights are a type of undead, and this classification has been present ever since their first appearance.

There wasn’t any confusion about this.

You can’t believe that the modern, Alliance-aligned HE’s “shed their Thalassian customs and traditions”, that they’ve got “hardly anything in common with traditional High Elves” which are “represented by the current Blood Elves in terms of aesthetic, culture, and traditions”, and simultaneously believe that said Alliance-aligned HE’s will legitimately be stealing themes from the BE’s if they are implemented.

How are they going to steal from BE’s if they’ve got “hardly anything in common with [Blood Elves]”? :man_shrugging:


Sometimes it makes you wretched.

Every dev has said something which makes people argue. It isn’t a gaffe, it didn’t embarrass him in anyway. It is simply your interpretation of his words and being unhappy with them.

I don’t care. No one cares. The only time anyone cares is if you HAVEN’T done it which i imagine someone would be honest about

Prior to their transformation yes.

Except they look significantly different from night elves, their behavior in response to magic, etc etc. They are related to night elves, but they aren’t night elves.
A different night elf has skin differences or eye color differences. The nightborne were changed so significantly they are considered a different race, and if the game calls them a different race, then that is the end of the discussion.
You simlpy undervalue the changes they went through, then you over dramatize the changes blood elves saw when their changes were literally just eye color.

How you view things does not matter. They’re a different race, and it is an objective statement flat out.

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I don’t care dude. If the lore says this then it says this. It doesn’t matter how you THINK it should be, how you THINK the pattern should be, all that matters is what IS.
Nightborne are a different race. Move off of it

I would say that may just be picking out specific sentences and not considering the context.
The high elves are the same as blood elves.
They have all the same themes.
The only thing that make them difference is their name, which is the only way they can claim to be separate. They are high elves in name only, because otherwise, they would be called blood elves because of all the similarities they hold.

Sylvanas had nothing to do with the sunreavers.
She only wanted forces to go to NOrthrend. Aethas was going to dalaran regardless of what Lorthemar said

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I think Spider Elf is the craziest. Though like. Demon Elf is sick. The Demon Hunters.

I mean, we’ll never agree on this since we can’t even agree on the semantics of his statement. Goes back to the, “Blood Elves are like High Elves.” statement. Which you take literally and I take as a comparison because it wasn’t stated literally. So no real point I don’t think.

I’m sorry you’ve got a thing against quantifying statements.

Post transformation. Like I said, read War of the Ancients.

They’re just Night Elves… and their their lore is silly. A well, less powerful than the well of the ancients, but still a source of arcane energy, made them more Night Elf than Night Elf? shrugs It’s whatever.

That’s not what “Significantly” means.

when they look different from night elves, they look minutely different from Night Elves.

Eye color differences matter now suddenly?

and at most they’ve got a night tan.

It’s not the end of the discussion just because they’ve got a single finite sentence. Because, if they’re a different race, then based on the lore then High Elves and Blood Elves are a different race as well.

Save for an Ask the Developers segment I guess.

You’re over valuing the changes they went through.

Then you’re over dramatizing the changes the Nightborne went through.

They’re the same Elves. Read War of the Ancients. They don’t even act different.

Then let it go.

In the same way that Blood Elves, High Elves, Ren’dorei, Fel Blood Elves, Kal’dorei, Fal’dorei… alright. not Fal’dorei…. Anyways. shrugs

Sorry man. You’re not gonna convince me and honestly a single sentence on their race page isn’t going to supercede WoW chronicles or the rest of the lore either.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

If you get a definitive statement from the WoW developers in a WoW Q&A I’ll change my mind. Until then, I’m going to go with the preponderance of lore evidence.

are maghar a different race? how about hmt? because they’re considered differences races even though they’re not at all. so that nightborne thing isn’t a good argument imo.

Nope. They’re not.

Move off of it.

there is a reason you are the one who repeats this, mostly because it is so easy to debunk and put into context. it specifically says they joined the alliance forces in northrend, not joined or are already a part of the alliance. they joined the alliance vanguard to be exact, which was the combined forces the alliance picked up along the northrend campaign which included the locals and the kirin tor/SC

the entire point of the SC is to mimic the sunreavers who also assist the horde in the exact same capacity in northrend. for the horde this combined force is called the horde expedition. the SC would not even exist if the sunreavers never established a relationship with the horde and welcomed them into the sunreavers enclave

and how is the alliance vanguard these days btw? :thinking:

you dont even have a small group. you have a few individuals. a narrative blizzard has maintained since vanilla up to BFA where 3 care enough about the alliance to put on a 7th legion uniform and risk their lives

metzen also said ‘blood elves are our high elves’ knowing that the original expedition was still alive and hunkered down in terokar forest, yet still said blood elves are our high elves

the race is high elf, changing an adjective does not create a new race. it was a rebranding of the high elf people. thats why development, lore in game and out, that can be cited always remind you ‘blood elves are high elves’ not blood elves are blood elves, and giving that exact race to the alliance blurs the faction identities too much. thats why you got a high elf variant :grinning:

They are because the race selection screen says they are.

So I guess High Elves will be a different race when they’re up on that screen.


they should also have some classes that belves don’t have, or less classes than belves have. depending on if they’re going the maghar (priest) or htm (lack of priest or pally) way.

No. No they are not. 10,000 years ago - before they crawled under a sunless, moonless dome, no longer had access to the Moonwell and had to live off of the Nightwell - they were Night Elves. Now they are something else. As Thalyssra said “…it changed us”.

10,000 years ago… My city was radiant… The jewel of the Night Elf Empire. Suramar. Our people prospered for centuries … Until the Legion came. Entranced by the power they offered, our queen betrayed us … to the ruin of the world. As destruction drew ever closer, a desperate choice was made … To conjure a powerful shield that would save our beloved city. It worked. Centuries passed. Without moonlight. Without sunlight.

To survive, we turned to the Nightwell, a font of great power at the city’s heart. Slowly … it changed us and ultimately drew the Legion once more to our gates. They offered us a trade. The Nightwell for our lives. As the Elders planned their surrender, some of us … rebelled. We failed. Now the Devils have taken Suramar. And by the curse of the Nightwell, I am damned to wither away … as my … city … burns.

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The Devs have left out both the Pearlfin Jinyu & the Grookin Forest Hozen whom are also members of the Alliance & Horde respectively since MoP out of the faction war as well. I could go on to list all the various member races whom are allied to either faction as based on the games Official Lore that have had zero screen time since their races or tribes additions to said factions. This is argument has no legs to stand on.


the race selection screen also says blood elves are not just high elves, but THE high elves. the one who discovered quel’thalas and the sunwell and the RTS games


as well as the official site! when you click on the game tab at the home screen you can read about the races! it even says blood elves are the high elves :woman_technologist:

That picture doesn’t actually say they’re the high elves, it says they’re the blood elves. And in a separate paragraph it talks about the high elves.

And even if it did say that, which it doesn’t, this is still contradicted by everything past the race selection screen.

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Demon hunter is my favorite class because of the try hard edgelord. Pity azeroth grinding is a PAIN!

It isn’t that, its the fact that you spend more time complaining about the argument than focusing on it. You then bring up what you have done and it doesn’t really matter. It just becomes words.

The nightborne transformation did not occur until AFTER the war of the ancients, and it was during the war of the ancients they acquired the eye of aman’thul iirc.

So I am not sure what you are referring to exactly.

That is not what minutely means. See? I can make nonsensical claims as well.
A minute detail would be blood elves with green eyes vs high elf with blue eyes.
A significant difference is nightborne to night elves, as the different is so large you cannot mistake them. Don’t try to change the definition of words to suit you.

Sorry but what?

Right You’re just being facetious at this point.

yeah it is.

You can’t apply what happened with the nightborne to high elves and blood elves because the context is entirely different, and it is flat out stated blood elves are the same race as high elves. So no, you don’t get to change things because you don’t like it.

Not really considering your above statement.

They’re the same elves, who have been changed over 10k years by a titan artifact and a well of arcane power.
I am sure the trolls who originally became night elves were the same people, but they were changed.


Cool then I’ll simply focus on correcting you when you prioritize interpretations over objective statements.

Clearly you didn’t when Ion said it.

They aren’t considered different races.

Just as you can’t actually prove that he has anything to do with the group besides being named after him. The door swings both ways my friend.

It’s irrelevant who “canonically” completed the Quel’delar questline as each present a potential outcome. One outcome has Auric voice his opinions on the High elves and blood elves, the others don’t, but they are still his opinions and views which reflect that he does indeed wish for reunification between the two groups. This is furthered by another Allerian High elf Ros’eleth who quite literally says the same thing as him, not only referring to Blood elves as Quel’dorei but also mentioning the desire to reunite the groups as restore their glory as a race. Clearly this is a trending idea among the allerian High elves.

It’s informing us of a cultural change in modern Thalassian High elves, that while traditionally High elves embraced magic, they as a group have shifted away from it.

No, I’m not asking you to cite the whole book to me I’m asking you to cite anything that suggests that Blood elves stopped practicing traditional High elf customs. If you’re going to tell me I’m wrong despite it being a prevalent theme with Blood elves, at least cite proof.

Because that’s the whole point of the heritage quest? The entire questline was honoring living through their past as they fought to protect Quel’thalas as High elves against the Scourge. Many of the High elves you see defending Quel’thalas are the Blood Elves you see and quest with in SIlvermoon as a Blood Elf. They repeatedly mention how their traditions and customs are very important to them.

They changed their name to honor their bloodline and heritage as High elves. This is just more evidence that Blood Elves are still reverent of their past - it is something Thalryssa points out during the Nightborn unlock quest when she points out that the Horde allows them to uphold their traditions and customs, to which Lady Liadrin points out that they haven’t forgotten who they are.

Again, learning new customs and traditions does not mean they have moved on or forgotten their past. They’re are still Frosthand Sunreavers that ulitilize Ice and water just as the High elves did.

Pretty sure the High elves were also not brought to the brink of extinction either and put into a position where they were desperate to survive. And considering that these “Blood” elves were introduced in WC3, it is a direct decision those High elves made when they were faced with that crisis. But none of this proves that they stopped practicing their traditions as Thalassian elves.

You’ve literally cited nothing to prove me wrong, all you can do is point at a book yet conveniently can’t actually cite any passages that refer, or contradict my comments.

rolls eyes

Yeah. Yeah.

They’re a completely separate race.

They lost the well of eternity and replaced it with a well that works exactly the same way.

Also they’ve got that wine.

Their females are a shade darker, except their lightest shade is the exact same as a Kal’dorei skin color. and their men don’t work out.

Completely different from the Night Elf civilization described in War of the Ancients.

After all… they’ve got… That wine? Wait. no. In the War of the Ancients they were also some boozers.

But the wine has magic in it. So they’re addicted to it! ….

Wait. They were addicted to the well of eternity.

They’re the same. There is even a quest you do for them talking about how their culture is the same.

Got it, so just screw the actual in-game statements and our own experience in the zone.

If all Wells do exactly the same thing why did the sunwell ever need to be cleansed? After all, they all work the same way, amiright?

It changed us - Thalyssra

No it didn’t - Callistus