High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Have you read the Blood Elf page on the WoW website?

It literally says

In the wake of Kil’jaeden’s defeat, the draenei prophet Velen purified the Sunwell with the Light-infused heart of a fallen naaru, transforming the fount into a source of both holy and arcane energies.

Just more examples of you substituting established lore with MORE of your headcanon.

That citations not gonna do the leg work you want it to do.

Silver Covenant is in game. Mage Districts got High Elves. WoW encyclopedia states High Elves were rejoining the Alliance.

Keep in mind that there was a period of time where literally every elf in Quel’thalas was murdered, which the novellas turned around so they weren’t all dead.

The novella “In the Shadow of the Sun.”

I haven’t contradicted any lore. Just said things from the lore you don’t want to hear.

I keep saying, “It doesn’t matter” when it doesn’t matter.

10,000 years to change the nightborne? Magic changed them and magic has changed other elves much, much faster.

People always lean on that period of time like it’s necessary for a change. They changed because of magic over 10,000 years, and a small change. Fel’dorei and Ren’dorei change faster. The Quel’dorei changed on a boat ride. Demon Hunters change quick.

It’s always wow cosmology, always works the same way, and time doesn’t matter. Magical intensity matters.

Meanwhile, Blood Elves had a change, have green eyes now, because of the low intensity of fel they use, because Fel Blood Elves show you exactly what happens if you up the juice.

And then the other thing that doesn’t matter is your absurd reasoning on Allied Race faction loyalty. You’re trying to explain away the two factions that switched sides and then accentuate the ones who didn’t. It’s just a poor argument and doesn’t matter.

And if I’ve contradicted the lore then you’re going to have to challenge those instances and defeat them. Not try a blanket, “You’ve contradicted the Lore” statement. Especially since I can back everything up with the lore.


Watch the WoW intro I just posted to see why it’s contradicted.

what was my original point?

That all you guys really want is another pretty race? I’m going to stand by that one but we’ll have to agree to disagree. Maybe you really do want to run around saying “Tally ho Silver covenant hero’s! A threat is seen to the north” but that doesn’t help the game at all.

Or that AR’s are a failure? Stats confirm

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Mmhmm. And the Nightborne are a different race though because they’ve got some glowie tattoos?

Nice. Learn WoW’s cosmology. Get Chronicles. Look at the way every other Elf race changed in the game.


so we’ve learned that you don’t listen, you misunderstand human motivation, and you don’t understand where stats come from


So funny…

I’m taking off. Take care people. have a good day.

Silver Covenant is in Dalaran which has had no involvement in the current expansion hence why no silver covenant high elves anywhere in game.

Which was referring to the Quel’lithien elves Lor’themar went and visited. As I pointed out before they are the only High elves who left due to their refusal to drain mana.

But you have, I cited the Dev videos that contradicted you. I cited the Kal’dorei ad legion cinematic that contradicted you, to which every time you respond with “That doesn’t matter” and then just substitute with headcanon and theories.

And in every example of rapid change through magic the result has been drastic changes in appearance. The only reason Night elves look even close to Nightborne was because the change was gradual and not the result of some powerful ritual or artifact instantly changing them.

This is why High and blood Elves look the same. It’s funny that you believe Nightborne to be exactly the same as Night elves despite being exposted a source of magic changing them over ten thousand years yet claim the fel radiation from some crystals changed the blood elves in less than a decade. Can we say contradicting?

Quel’dorei didn’t change on the boat ride, they changed over thousands of years.

Fel Blood Elves are what happens when you actually start to “change” from an evolutionary standpoint, much like the Orcs who drank demon blood. And like I said earlier, fast, drastic evolutions through magic result in vast physical changes. Fel blood elves look far different from standard blood elves than High elves look from blood elves for this very reason.

You keep harping on the fact that races have been changed in an instant from magic, yet ignore the circumstances that surround these events and the results they have. And the fact that none of these things apply to the blood elves with green eyes.

It really isn’t because unlike these allied races that were rejected we have plenty of examples of High elves and Blood elves getting along. From them being accepted into the Sunwell, from them working together in the mage class hall, from them largely remaining neutral for the majority of the faction wars, to members of them actively referring to blood elves as Quel’dorei and preaching the desire for reunification. All these things align with what I’ve been saying revolving these allied races.

I already did, it’s you that keeps responding with “That doesn’t matter” every single time I provide a link or a citation.

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How hilarious that you consider Blood elves a different race because of green eyes and a few years near some fel crystals but you consider nightborn the same to Night elves despite spending ten thousand years near a well they openly stated changed them. If this doesn’t showcase just how contrived your argument is I don’t know what will.

Way to contradict yourself lol

The WotLK game box tells me I will be doing mounted combat on my flying mounts.

Going out into the world. So one last statement:

I’ve got a nuanced view of how race in WoW works based on magic.

So you’re incorrect. I don’t view Blood Elves and High Elves as different races.

all the Elves are Dark Trolls on a different sliding scale of magic.

Outside of the lore, the idea that Night Elves and Nightborne are different “Races” is absurd. The two models look like separate people, not separate races. They actually use the Nightborne child model for a Kaldorei child in Nazjatar.

Your confusion may come from the misnomer that is race in WoW. A race is just a separate faction of people. Mag’har orcs and orcs are not separate races. Neither are Lightforged Draenei and regular Draenei… and like I said, Blue statements on why Kul’tirans don’t have paladins state that you’re just playing a group within a group. The Kul’tirans you play are not the Kul’tiran people but just a subset of them basically.

So I haven’t contradicted anything. You simply don’t understand my viewpoint. Have a nice day! Going to the gym myself.

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Do you remember the classic World of Warcraft website that had a list of features that would be coming in the future like siege engines and mounted combat? xD


WoW has literal creationism.

They have glowing green eyes. They didn’t before.

Like I said. have a great day. As much as I like seeing you do mental gymnastics I’m gonna go lift some stuff.


Both considered dranei

That is still human

Still just orcs

Its just you doing that Callistus.
The only allied races not representing factions are those of the nightborne and void elves who have been changed such that those individuals are a new race.

They aren’t, and the game was very clear about this matter. I know you’re going to bring up the Kaldorei kid, but that is gameplay and limitations. Using game design in a case where it clashes with lore is just reaching.

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No you have a “theory” of how Wow works based on magic, despite how much might contradict you.

The fact that you just said all elves are Dark trolls just makes it exceedingly difficult to take anything you say seriously at this point.

Using the same child model sounds more like reusing assets, and by the way “Nightborne” are the Kaldorei.

It is not absurd, it is the very foundation that identifies a Thalassian Elf from Night elves. You seem to ignore all the circumstances, and context surrounding elves that have undergone transformations rapidly, or simply flat out ignore them. Blood Elves eyes simply turning green is not an example of rapid evolution, but rather a reflection of a nearby magic source that occurs with any elf.

Which is why these instances are called “Allied” races that are classified differently from standard races, typically because they are an offshoot of an already existing race. But it’s also why these races always choose to side with the faction their base race belongs to, because simply changing their name does not change anything. It does not change the fact that some have lived together for hundreds of years, that they share the same culture, heritage, and traditions. It’s the reason WHY they’re always added to the same faction.

You: We want representation of the High evles we played in 1998!
Me: The Blood elves are the remnants of the High elves you played 1998
You: Ignores completely.

You: The Blood Elves aren’t High elves
Devs: The Blood elves are High elves

You: The Kaldorei are the same as Night elves!
Thalryssa: “After ten thousands years, the Night well changed us…”
I adventured in Suramar.
They’re the same race.

Me: no they’re not
You: Well I never said they were a different race.
me: …

No one can understand your viewpoint because it’s clearly contrived and changing whenever something doesn’t suit it

Not an argument? These examples are Blizzard making clearing distinctions between an Elf corrupted by Fel to the point of evolution and those simply near a fel magic source. This is shown again with the Sunwell restored and blood elves now having gold eyes. They’re not a new race every time their eyes change color as much as you’re desperately trying to suggest.

Alleria has glowing eyes, is she not a high elf either?

There’s a difference between being exposed to magic, and being transformed by it. It sounds like you’re simply trying to exaggerate an eye color change over the course of a few years with the Nightborne having their bodies, skin color and biology changed by a nightwell over ten thousand years. Yet You’re suggesting that I’m doing mental gymnastics? Oh the irony is real.

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About the races: Thanks for agreeing with me.

They’re the same race. WoW’s race page says they’re a different race. But all know WoW uses race as a misnomer anyways.

Nah. Not a theory.

Sorry for your loss.

Take that hard stand against the lore though.

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You can’t disagree with something the game states plainly. They are a different race, and the fact you’re trying to go “well its a misnomer!”, is a weak argument at best given that the race term is used with consistency outside of ALLIED races which is considered a different term from simply races.

It is though, as you can provide no citation or source to back up anything you say. Despite numerous examples that I’ve provided that suggest otherwise.

Your argument is really a semantics stance on the different uses of the word “race” used by blizzard, and it’s honesty pretty lazy. They’ve used the word “race” to describe different groups, and to define races biologically but that doesn’t mean they’re referring to the same thing.

When you said you wanted to play the High elves from 1998, you failed you to realize that those High elves are in fact Blood Elves, or at least the closest you’re going to ever get to those high elves. As the Blood Elves closest resemble the high elves from WC as they are the only ones that still practice, and uphold High elven traditions and cultures.

The remaining High Elves are High elves in nothing but name, and are in fact identified by their shedding of Thalassian culture in favor of the Alliance society. So when someone corrects you and says “The Blood elves ARE the high elves” they’re not saying the Blood elves identify as High elves, they’re saying they represent the themes, cultures and views of the High elves we saw in WC. Even the login screen for Blood Elves refers to them as the High elf remnants of that very civilization.

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More like it’s just a convenient argument because of the WoW race page.

Basically just a lucky writing break so people can pretend like magic made Shal’dorei a different race and then try to discount other magical changes in elves.

claim it as a trump card all you want, it won’t wash away all the other established lore that it’s not in line with.

I feel like your side of the argument has two main loopholes they get to argue with:

  1. Ion’s gaffe that lets people be obtuse about High Elves and Blood Elves.
  2. A single sentence in the Nightborne race page that lets you try and ignore the rest of wow chronicles.

Which is fine. Disingenuously argue until you’re blue in the face. No skin off my back.