High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Fel exposure for Blood Elves appears to be reversibile does it not? The recent eye change proves that.


Yeah. It’s also a different bit of cosmology. The Nightborne Wither because they’re removed from the well of eternity.

High Elves are addicted to arcane magic because of the well of eternity and their old and children died, but for whatever reason it doesn’t wither them. Or at least, it doesn’t wither them fast enough. Could be that it was just a short period of time. That bits not written about. But also, I don’t know if it was fully fleshed out until later anyways.

Then there’s the wretched which is the opposite thing where they absorb too much magic and go nuts and physically change.

So… at the end of the day… Elves are magically reactive.

Once again nice try.

Nah. Please see High elves and silver covenant. Or go back and read through some posts in the past if you are new here.

I will agree they are magically reactive.

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Yeah. You presented numerical evidence, without presenting all of it, to try and prove your point. Which was false.

People like allied races. Also, they’re literally rep locked and still make up equivalent percentages of the population.

Gnomes are just the smallest elf :thinking:

Yes. But other than players, the people whose eyes have turned gold have been using the Sunwells powers a lot. Like Lady Liadrin.

The Green eyes thing will wear off eventually but it can take a really long time, since they were surrounded from and draining fel crystals when they were withdrawing.

Though, obviously, you can see what happens when you don’t turn off the fel tap if you observe demon hunters or Fel Blood Elves. Because, you know, like we’ve been saying, Elves are magically reactive. They’ll change forms based on the magic they soak up.

But, at the end of the day they’re all still Dark Trolls.

You seem to misunderstand what numbers actually represent and where they come from.

Gnomes are an abomination and therefore must be destroyed. There gnot a Gnoblin, Gnot a Gnelf either. Their a Gnome! And you’ve just been… GNOMED!

DH, Fel Blood , and Belf Warlocks should all keep the green eyes. Anyone else should be transferring to gold and blue as the well is both. The Light is stronger but anyone whos passed gradeschool science class can tell you recessive traits still sprout. Which leads us the blue eyes for blood elves cause and another mess entirely.

No they don’t you sweet summer child:

|Blood Elf|19.3%|16%|
Night Elf|12.8%|12%|
Pandaren (Alliance)|1.5%|2.3%|
Pandaren (Horde)|1.7%|2.2%|
Void Elf|3.4%|2%|
Zandalari Troll|2.5%|1.1%|
Mag’har orc|1.6%|0.9%|
Dark Iron Dwarf|1.5%|0.9%|
Lightforged Draenei|1.2%|0.9%|
High Mountain Tauren|1%|0.8%|
Kul Tiran|0.7%|0.5%|

first number is us second is global. those are 120’s.

You’re just wrong.

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Kind of goes both ways. The Blood Elf race page on the wow website said that the Naaru turned the Sunwell into a font of both Holy and Arcane power… and technically the Sunwell’s built on some arcane leylines.

But… In the cataclysm intro with Blood Elves, which is expansions after Burning Crusade, Lor’themar is still struggling with Blood Elves that are suffering from arcane addiction…

So. You know, if there is arcane in that well, it’s still not giving the Blood Elves their fix.

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Oh. You had a second column. Yeah. Considering they’re rep gated, the AR’s are doing really well.

Are you saying residents of Quel’thalas that aren’t warlocks are indulging in fel objects to sate their addiction? Or these that deal with the addiction just making the best of it?

lmao what overall point are you even trying to prove anymore, it’s like your initial point got blown out as being obviously wrong so you’re spinning through the air searching desparately for a leg to stand on


Just doesn’t want to lose the argument.

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You clearly don’t, since you’re ignoring what is actually being said in game and lore in favor of what you “think” which is headcanon. And you expect us to take your word over the game, which is even more laughable than your original theory.

You keep saying “That doesn’t matter” whenever it doesn’t suit your stance in this conversation, when it really does matter. The fact that the only example that transcends the allied race pattern was a race-trade off following the same justification for why they ended up on the other faction is testament to this. If it didn’t matter they wouldn’t have even bothered explaining why they chose that faction to begin with.

You’ve sat here and contradicted not only the lore in game, but the information given by the devs themselves that I’ve linked you. You’ve done nothing but sit here and give me your opinion and headcanon while telling me every source of evidence in game that proves you wrong “doesn’t matter”

High elves joining the Alliance doesn’t mean they left because of mana draining, or being exiled. That would require a citation on your part.

His words which can be found on the Wowpedia going over his interview with the internet gaming world magazine.

The high elves officially withdrew from the Alliance after the Second War under the belief that not enough troops were sent to protect Quel’Thalas, and thus led to a needlessly engorged amount of slaughter and destruction. A few high elves remained under their own volition to continue serving the Alliance, but the loyalty of even these voluntary troops waned after the second sacking of Quel’Thalas by Arthas — who had recently destroyed his own kingdom — to which the remnants of the Alliance of Lordaeron took no steps in intervening. Finally, with Lord Garithos’s dismissive treatment of blood elven troops and attempt to execute many blood elves for accepting boats from naga, even more fell under the sway of Kael’thas’ new vision for his people.

It just takes fel a long time to wear off, see green orcs. Which was part of an old developer Q&A.

I’m just saying that if the Sunwell has arcane energy in it instead of just holy, then Blood Elves shouldn’t be having issues with their arcane addiction.

But they haven’t talked about it for years.

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A slow drip over ten thousand years that has changed their bodies, their minds, and their relationship with magic in contrast to the High and Blood elves who merely have different color eyes which we’ve seen can be changed due to whichever magic they’re exposed to. Golden eyed blood elves are not a different race from green eyed blood elves, just as blue eyed blood elves are not a different race from green eyed blood elves either.

And in every other example of an elf race changing due to magic has been through some powerful magical ritual or artifact that changed them completely, both body and mind. High elves and Blood elves though, are still identical in everything but eye color. And even then we see Blood elves with blue eyes in-game.

Nice deflect, but it sounds like you’re simply trying to overexaggerate the fel exposure. Blizzard never said it made Blood elves a different race, for the same reason golden eyes didn’t make them a different race. That’s just YOUR headcanon.

Exactly! Even the official World of Warcraft website says Blood Elves are High Elves. Void Elves are Blood Elven outcasts, which essentially makes them High Elves as well, just a different flavor.

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