High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The answers to all your questions can be found within the online entertainment product World Of Warcraft, first released for Personal Computer systems on november 23, 2004 currently featuring a score of 93 on the popular review-aggregation website Metacritic.

That should have been all.

Ok. Still doesn’t narrow it down? I mean, you’re a DH so I expect little in the form of courtesy.

They aren’t High Elves because they changed their name and “High” was always a name.

They’re withered because the Kaldorei Highborne who were exiled became smaller and pink because they weren’t near the well of eternity. Then they made the Sunwell, which kept them in their current, pink, shorter form.

Blood Elves "Were’ High Elves but they aren’t High Elves because High Elves was just a name.

They’re “Dorei” or, “The People.”

Dath’remar, the leader of the Highborne, definitely turns into a High Elf in his lifespan. But he was a Kaldorei.

It’s just a name change.

As such. Blood Elves, being a name change, means they’re no longer High Elves. They also don’t like being called High Elves. Because they’re Blood Elves. Which was a movement. The people who were into the High Elf stuff got exiled to Quel’lithian Lodge.

And, once again… because it’s names of groups and not actual groups, a performative action, like saying, “I’m a Blood Elf” makes you a Blood Elf. They’re not High Elves anymore.

If they said, “I’m a High Elf” that’d make them part of a different group and they’d likely be considered traitors.

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Uh no, elves get smaller the more magic they use.

The time bit is meaningless. All wow evolution is based on magical changes and this can happen quickly, Ren’dorei, Fal’dorei.

Arbitrary year counts don’t matter… and once again, if they did matter, that’s not enough time. Sure, insects can evolve rapidly, but most creatures do not.

That was due to a magical artifact actually.

So, the absence of magic causes them to radically evolve by staying completely the same? Instead of becoming ghouls?

Did you forget the VE’s are a crack squad of scholars?

High Elves have 3 distinct groups (Dalarani, Allerian and Highvale) plus all the scattered ones.

And you are telling me VE’s are more. Sure Jan.

The Silver Covenant has appeared since 2008 (Wotlk, Cata, MoP, Legion)

Name one Horde non playable faction with the same distinction.

Dalaran and Highvale have their won distinct HE communities. One that has merged with humans, other that has kept to seclusion. The Allerian are hardened soldiers living 20 years with the alliance in another world. Another community on their own.

Really, if you find High Elves “quite boring” it has been made clear it’s a you problem, And again, you inability to comprehend something’s appeal is not our fault.

"the remnants of a people (that now is part of the enemy faction) assimilated into another culture yet trying to hold to a unique identity" is quite interesting to some of us; It’s really not my fault if you can’t see that.


You appear to be correct.

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Insert pic of Robert Downey Jr. rolling his eyes here.

Not asking for “racial” changes to make them not high elves.

Just would like to see a stance/idle change, tattoos and some different hair styles. A difference in culture as well through heritage armor.

If thats true then we should be seeing dwarf sized alliance High Elves. Sure would make them distinguishable.

In those examples of “instant” transformation it was always in response to some powerful ritual or powerful magical event that changed them. And in addition to these examples these “variations” of elf all have drastically different visual features that place them apart from their original counterparts.

You’re trying to compare these examples with Blood Elves who were simply exposed to small amounts of radiation from Fel crystals in their city which just sounds absurd.

I love that numerous people can be telling you the exact same thing and you still refuse to see it from any other perspective than your own. And with such a flimsy argument to boot.

So you want Blood Elves. But you don’t want to play Horde?


No but nice try.

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Nope. I’m not ignoring anything. I just know how wow evolution and cosmology works.

That doesn’t matter. Also, it’s always pointless to argue from a limited set of information anyways. The way Allied Races have been implemented in the past, doesn’t mean its the way they’ll be implemented in the future.

So you’re reaching and you’re reaching when it doesn’t matter.

My “theories” and “Headcanon” are the lore. Sorry. Read some novels. Get World of Warcraft chronicles.

The old WoW encyclopedia talks about High Elves joining the alliance. Where do you think they came from? Quel’lithian Lodge is certainly one of those locations.

Well. That contradicts WoW chronicles, the encyclopedia, the novels, etc and I’d like to see your citation.

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You just want Blood Elves, but with tats and a changed idle animation. How droll, blood elves should get those details.

“The time bit is meaningless”

Yet one of the largest narrative points of the Nightborne was that they were slowly changed by a Nightwell over ten thousand years.

Nightborne change because of the power of the NIghtwell. Just happens to be a slow drip.

The only things that change naturally are void creatures.

Every other race in WoW that has ever had any changes is because of magic. Whether it be the curse of the flesh, or blessings of loa or cenarius.

And, like every other anti, you’re trying to downplay fel exposure. Sorry. Same stuff. Still wow cosmology.

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No, a bunch of Elves that were called High Elves and now are called Blood Elves live there.

How do you not get that the name “High Elf” is as self denominational as “Blood Elf”?

Racially they are Elves.


ok man.
1: I said customization has been a failure
2: one of you RPers asked for a citation
3: i presented facts specific to AR’s

Sorry you’re wrong but you’re wrong. AR’s did not drive subs. AR’s are not popular. You might like them. But numbers are numbers. I wish we could see the breakdown of gender on races because I’m sure the pretty factor would be even more stronger biased towards women. Even looking at those numbers in a silo…pretty>>>>>>fat humans.

I really hope you figure out a way to play world of paper dolls in a way that satisfies your…um…proclivities and good luck with your campaign of tears. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that they move towards a rich fantasy world built around diversity. Not beauty pageants .