High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Im just responding to your words

I don’t get it. They are literally High Elves. You’re playing one RN.

Quel’thalas is currently inhabited by the Blood Elves formally known as Princ-- i mean High Elves. Same dudes.

Void Elves friend. a Squad.

And the trolling. Alright guys. Have a good day.

We’re back to, “Blood Elves are High Elves.”


They are, all in but name. It’s not trolling.

Look at the context then.

I just don’t view having high elves as being something that will break down the faction. Barrier. I want that faction barrier sky high. High elves add a unique twist to the current war based along racial lines, that’s my opinion.

Yes, this is known. I recommend reading the words located on your screen within the application known as “World of Warcraft” to perhaps find out why your confusion just makes you look like a low-bait troll.

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They call themselves blood elves due to the smacking that Arthas gave them. They’re still High Elves by birth.

It’s trolling.

So now we’ve got to be forced to be particular and say, “Alliance High Elves” so people know what we’re talking about even though “High Elves” are labeled" High Elves" and Blood Elves are labeled Blood Elves so everybody already knew the difference?

It’s so stupid.

Your confusion over the relevance of this information can be solved by spending more time within the computer program “World of Warcraft” a long-running subscription-based MMO, from developer Activision Blizzard.

You might want to give it a look.

Or look up gamepedia for wow. It has all the info there.

That’s not true actually.

Racially they’re dark trolls.

The Dark Trolls became Kaldorei.

The Kaldorei Highborne who were exiled went to Lordaeron.

Those Elves didn’t have the protection of the tree of life which was blessed by a dragon, so they became shorter and paler. During their lifespan.

So the Kaldorei became the “High Elves” because of magic withdrawal basically.

They’re also just named High Elves.

So when they perform a performative act and say, “We’re not longer High Elves, We’re Blood Elves”

Then they became Blood Elves. Because that’s just what the race calls itself.

Quel’dorei are a group of people. Not a race.

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There’s this blue-eyed blood elf who keeps saying that the Sin’dorei are Quel’dorei?

Well if you read a bit she/he was asking rhygax if he was confused who was living there. So i double checked with wowpedia and pulled a paraphrase from there. During the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas, the high elves were nearly scoured from Azeroth: the king perished before Arthas’s dark powers, the Sunwell was destroyed, and the bulk of their people were slaughtered. In the wake of this devastation, the king’s son Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaimed the surviving high elves reborn from the ashes of their shattered kingdom and people, as the blood elves.[6] this can’t be any clearer.

Links dont work cus i cant post em

Yeah. The withered Kal’dorei in Quel’thalas renamed themselves from High Elves to Blood Elves.

Which makes them Blood Elves.

However, there were High Elves living in other parts of the world who refused to absorb mana and who didn’t change their name
 and so they keep being High Elves.

The Blood Elves aren’t High Elves anymore because they changed their name
 and it was just a name anyways.

The High Elves are still High Elves because they’re still a group that calls themselves High Elves.

A Blood Elf is a Blood Elf and a High Elf is a High Elf.

Much like a Darkspear Troll isn’t a Zandalari troll.

If you want to be real specific.

The correct nomenclature, is most likely, “Elf.” for the race.


Why say withered? That would then apply to those other elves that refused or were in absence of the well since its destruction.

I agree Blood Elves are just a name. They are still High Elves. Theyve been referred to as High Elves for their entire existence since their divergence from the Highbourne.

A High Elf is a High Elf But a Blood Elf is also a High Elf, since ofc, its just a name.

Zandalari have about ten-thousand years of being seperated, and the Loa’s blessing. Which shows in their more reptilian aspects and nobler appearance.

The High Elves and “Blood Elves” only have had around 15 years to be seperated. Their only difference being is that the “High Elves” were somehow immune to being severed from the Sunwell. Because a Blizzard dev really liked their pretty elves on the Alliance.

They weren’t immune, an entire lodge of them withered if i remember. Ah yes Quel lithien lodge. Became wretched in cata

Again you’re trying to ignore the established lore of the Nightborne where it very specifically mentions how over time the Nightwell changed them. Thalryssa says “We turned to the Nightwell, and slowly
 it changed us.” which is essentially telling us that over those ten thousand years of exposure to the nightwell, it changed them into a different race. Different color eyes over a few years does not change their race, otherwise golden eyed blood elves are now also a different race.

Nightborne have had their entire bodies changed,their skin color changed and relationship to magic completely altered from Night elves. High elves and Blood elves remain completely the same, even Ros’eleth a high elf npc refers to blood elves as Quel’dorei which tells us not even the High elves themselves see the Blood elves as a separate race.

Stop trying to pretend that you’re lecturing me when really all you’re trying to do is substitute established lore with your fanfiction and headcanon.

Both cases of Allied races being rejected from the faction they originally wished to join. Unlike High elves that are openly welcomed by Blood elves.

But I am reciting lore? It’s you that keeps ignoring it in favor of your theories and headcanon. Cringe indeed.

The only official exiles of Quel’thalas were the Quel’lithien elves, hence why we have many High elves residing at the Sunwell among the Blood Elves. My goodness you really do have very little knowledge of lore.

Metzen went over this in an interview that many of the High elves that remained loyal to the Alliance left after hearing of Quel’thlas was sacked by Arthas while the alliance sat idly by, and that even more departed after witnessing Garithos’ treatment of the blood elves. As I said the only remaining Alliance aligned high elf members are of the ones that remained after the splintering.

Dalaran High elves are neutral.

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