High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Gasp! We aren’t allowed to point at the silhouettes of nightborne and Velves as faction breaking…

I mean its kinda confusing seeing the NB in pvp because they have the exact same way they wear armor and combat effects as night elves.

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I demand bishounen humans. Fix them.

Any male human that isn’t using the vegeta hair has made a costly mistake.

“High Elves” are a horde race.

Throwing in races like the Ankoan, or Sethrak that fit the Alliance’s theme through and through isn’t taking away from them. You’re just a milquetoast Nelf player that doesn’t want ‘ugly’ races on her faction.

So wait you think its confusing to see nightborne yet at the same time dismiss our concerns about High Elves similarities? How does this work out? Considering that Nightborne supposedly were given the same level of customization you’d accept for a High Elf.

Bold to have an opinion that flies directly in the face of the words on your screen inside the world of warcraft

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No need to be insulting.

Yes, Void elves transformed through a princes void ritual that was literally intended to completely change them from the inside to the outside. Their minds literally riddled with the whispers of the void.

It literally says in the Kal’dorei intro that they were changed by the Nightwell in those ten thousand years. The Night elves were changed into high elves in a shorter duration than that when they crossed the sea and they’re considered a completely different race than Night elves. The nightborne simply changed in a different way because unlike the Highborne being cut off from magic, they were infused constantly by it over all those years.

I mean you’re literally trying to argue established lore, which makes very little sense.

Yes and in ever instance of an allied race they naturally wanted to join the faction the other members of their race belonged to, funny how you keep ignoring that detail. The only examples are two races which were rejected by their former kin due to relation conflicts, something not even relevant to High and Blood elves. Which shows us that their name change is not important to them as their loyalty to the other members of their race.

I’m not deflecting anything, I’m quite literally reciting the lore to you. But if you want ignore that have fun I suppose?

The only High elves that were exiled for not draining magic were the Quel’lithien elves, and guess what? They remained neutral and then became wretched; but even then the remaining High elves that escaped still remained neutral.

The alliance high elves we see today are simply the remaining High elves that did not defect after the third war upon witnessing the treatment of the Blood elves.

The female NIghtborne are exactly the same. They just have a difference stance and some tattoos. They do share a skin tone. They have darker skin tones overall. But other than the darkest skintones they have an issue in so far as that Night Elves have those skin tones.

And so that’s when it goes over to male Nightborne, who have less muscle. But having less muscle doesn’t make you a different race. Just makes you a different person. But also, despite have one or two darker skin shades, for the most part they possess the same skinshades as Night Elves in the first place.

and besides that, they’re the same race. Often they’re the exact same people, since their leaders are ten thousand years old.

It’s funny because in Thalryssa’s intro cinematic, you can observe how she changes from one NIght Elf, into a different looking Night Elf. But like… In the realm of Night Elf possibilities. Like, white hair and that tone of skin are things Night Elves have. haha.

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It really isn’t confusing… but you can see the Gaffe that it is when horde make this claim…

I mean look at Velves…

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So if it isn’t confusing why make nightborne a talking point. If they aren’t confusing then that means blizzard has successfuly altered the NB enough that they are considered another race.

Quel’thalas elves are on the Horde. High Elves are a Horde Race.

No. NOT on par with numbers of other AR’s. No other AR has it’s numbers clearly defined as High Elves do. And we go in the population circle again.

The only “recurring capacity” is that High Elven NPC’s occasionally pop up in Alliance zones. You have TWO name worthy ones, neither of whom are even involved in the story. Hell their “racial leader” is hanging out at the Sunwell right now isn’t he?

There are tons of other races that pop up in this fashion for both factions.

There is only a High Elf story in the game right now as it pertains to Blood Elves. The High Elf story is the Blood Elf story. The remnants of High Elves don’t have any constructive part in anything in the game except for a couple of background shield generators and a portal keeper. They have no culture, no home, no sense of community … it HAS to be about the models because really there’s not enough of a story or enough notable ones to even make them interesting. As a people they’re quite boring.

If you all of a sudden find a hidden pocket of numerous High Elves, it begs the question of where the hell were they when their people were being decimated? They’d be the douchebaggiest race in the game if that happened.

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The number of players does not suggest the population number of that race, but that race has to have a reasonable amount of members before it can be justified as a playable race. This was one of the answers given by Ion during a Q&A stream when he was asked about playable high elves. That there was no hub, or any rational to justify them going out into the world in the form of playable adventurers.

I don’t have to “really” want anything because their presence doesn’t really suggest anything. They’re about as important as the portal keepers we see in Stormwind as they take absolutely no action in anything besides that instance. It’s you that’s trying to exaggerate their presence as some sort of proof that they’re some fighting force in the alliance despite not being present in ANY other capacity in an expansion literally focusing on the war conflict.

It’s not me saying it, it’s the devs.


if you want to play a fair-skinned, blond haired, blue eyed elf, that is a blood elf. If you got a problem with that, take it up with them.

You’re the only one sitting here arguing lore with two nameless npcs that were likely added for flavor as your only argument of their presence in Bfa. But keep portending that it’s me that doesn’t understand.

Stop. Please stop.

Also, I don’t want to explain WoW cosmology to you. You’re not going to understand and it’s annoying and really upsets the other anti’s. Not trying to bother with that right now.

cringes I’ll try… Real fast: Magic changes elves. Time periods don’t matter. They’re magically reactive. If you believe that Nightborne are different than NIght Elves though, you also have to accept Blood Elves and High Elves are different races because of fel magic turning Blood Elf eyes green. You’re not going to accept that though and it’s going to make the forum annoying, so lets forget we talked about it and accept WoW cosmology is beyond you. Lets move on.

Void Elves. Nightborne.

Thanks for using the word naturally instead of literally.

You’re not reciting the lore. cringes

Not all exiles stayed at the Quel’lithien lodge. Also the writers specifically don’t talk specific numbers so people can’t make annoying lore posts about it. There is no way for you to speak definitively on this matter. lets drop it.

Nah. Some of them were in Outland. Some of them left because they didn’t want to drain magic. Some of them always lived in Dalaran. Some of them live in a lodge that trades with dwarves. Etc. Also, they made the wow pen and paper defunct, but it used to be canon, and so in that, some of them just migrated anyways. There was an elven population in all major population centers.


Are you perhaps confused about who lives in Quel’thalas?

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So your first point was to try and say it’s ridiculous to say Night borne could possibly be confusing…

And then say that since I don’t find them confusing then blizz did a good job…

I mean it’s easy to see them as night elves in full gear if there was no label highlighting them red and putting “nightborne” on the tag. Same with void elves.

So same rule here applies. High elves would be shown as red or orange for horde players… with them labeled as high elves. Then you go about your day from there on.

No. A bunch of High Elves called Sin’dorei live there.

So when you say no you mean yes.

I get it.

2 Battle Mages = 0 High Elves.

1 High Elf adventurer = Billions of High Elves lost to the furnaces of war.