High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Nah. It’s just really easy for anything you said other than Jinyu to be proven to be the same as what we’ve already got.

We don’t have weird fish people.

But Furbolgs are bear people. We’ve got bear people.

You just don’t have a firm footing in your argument because it is very self-centered.

So it’s not going to go anywhere. Too easy to counter.


world of wargraphs distribution of 120’s

|Void Elf |3.4%
|Nightborne |2% |
|Zandalari Troll |2.5% |
|Mag’har orc |1.6%
|Dark Iron Dwarf |1.5%
|Lightforged Draenei |1.2%
|High Mountain Tauren |1%
|Kul Tiran Kul Tiran |0.7%

done. I win.


So adding a group that has been part of the alliance for the whole of WoW won’t help with the immersion? How and Why?

How you don’t get that maybe having a race with such diametrical ideologies that they exist on different factions could lend itself to some compelling plots is beyond me at this point. Do you really think that politics add nothing to the game?

You also don’t understand the difference between RP and Lore. I don’t RP, many here don’t. People, even you, choose their character’s for their background and story (or did you just choose your elf because she was pretty?) We’d like to choose a HE lore for our characters. It’s simple.

If we are going that route, there’s zero talk of how to make the game better for all in anything you have said, except that you are helbent in denying a section of the playerbase what they want.

I support more AR becase I want to see more people getting to play what they want, I want to see more expanded systems of customization.


You didn’t list the % of other races. Which are often very similar to those numbers. Void Elves in particular are quite numerous and almost outnumber some races that have been around since launch.

The only Races that aren’t at those numbers are Humans, Night Elves and Blood elves. xD

You definitely didn’t win.


It won’t help with the immersion. The Alliance needs unique, cool and promising new races to join.

Politics adds nothing to the game when it boils down to. “I think mana-vampirism is yucky. Now im gonna run and do some ‘meditation’.”

“Adventurers” are just another way of pointing out “players” controlling the members of these races. Which is why Ion specifically points out that from a lore perspective it would make no sense, and even confirms that there would be no hub with a substantial amount of High elves to validate them somehow sending out adventers into the world.

The irony in the fact that you acknowledge one of the reasons why High elves aren’t present in any capacity while then contradicting yourself by suggesting they send High elves into combat.

This just sounds like a lazy and disingenuous way to avoid having to actually provide any reasonable argument. Attack the person’s incentive and somehow you no longer have to provide a valid or reasonable argument?

You have no foot to stand on, your entire argument hinders on the presence of two nameless npcs that play zero part in the war effort, while I’ve pointed out their entire absence in the whole Bfa expansion centered around the war conflict between the Alliance and Horde. Even in instances where they could have easily been justified to play a role they were deliberately left out. Where is Alleria’s High elves? Why were the void elves more willing to take part in the war than members of her own army? Why is her Auric Sunchaser, the commander she left in charge of them residing permanently at the Sunwell with blood elves.

On my login screen I see it referring to the blood elves as the remnant high elves you mentioned from 1998, ya know, the ones you wanted so desperately to be represented in the game. I see the orginal announcement for the Blood elves that literally opens up by calling them the high elves. And I see Ion quite literally saying “Blood Elves are High evles” but yes, let’s ignore all that because they changed their name.

you want me to point out that the pretty races make up the vast majority of the playerbase and then argue that we need another pretty race to drive diversity?

and the question was specifically about AR’s

I take disingenuous misrepresentations of data for 1000 Alex!

Cuz, you are not taking into account race longevity, you know.

Also you are now literally arguing against adding more customization, so much for wanting to make the game better for all.

“No I don’t like this so it sucks”


What are we going to get? Fish people? Furbolgs?

Nah iam not buying it. The game is already losing its soul to this constant rule of cool…

Broken are fine, as vrykul or something is too.

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How is the Alliance getting Fish-people losing it’s soul? Compared to what, stupid Draenei, Tall Humans?

You people will lead to the creative death of the Alliance, perhaps you wonder why everyone is slowly switching over to the Horde.

It’s not good customization. It takes away from the identity of another faction, and it was settled back in TBC.

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Well now that’s just a very shallow read my dude :confused: I thought it was sarcasm at first.

“The Alliance needs unique, cool and promising new races to join.” That’s the kind of exec mentality that gave us Poochie


Void Elves. Transformed in an afternoon.

Also WoW only has magical evolution. So the 10,000 years bit doesn’t matter. Also… most species don’t evolve dramatically in 10,000 years in the first place. That’s nothing as far as real world evolution goes, which doesn’t matter because of fantasy.

We’re talking about Allied Races. Where the races are separate factions and not separate races. So everything you said was pointless and had nothing to do with the topic.

To your second point where you’re trying to deflect or explain away Nightborne or Void Elves, that’s cute.

Just a final correction, The Blood Elves kicked out people who refused to drain magic. So it’s likely the Blood Elves added more High Elves to the High Elf population than the High Elves defected back to the Blood Elves, based on the Paragons novellas.


Worgen > Dumb elf recolor.

The second highest population allied race is a 100% cosmetic difference :smirk:

This likely has way more to do with when they were released and what’s required to release them.

you’re attributing widespread player motivation across millions of people to percents that are 1% apart and you somehow consider this definitive lmao I just can’t even

where did you learn to do so many backflips in a row teach me sensei

I mean I disagree; I believe that faction identity goes beyond superficial similarities and that we can still exclusivity with some specific customization options.

I meant the literal Poochie, Worgen are fine, but we can’t call werewolves unique and promising either.


Why do you think “Adventurers” are large numbers of people?

There are more player Blood Elves than there are total Blood Elves.

WoW is an abstraction. There aren’t actually that many adventurers.

Your second point: You really want those two npc’s to not matter. Since they do there is no real reason to respond to your motivated reasoning. Sorry.

Your Third point: Blood Elves aren’t High Elves. No matter how much you want them to be.

Different faction of Elves. Also I’m done talking to you about it. We don’t need another 10,000 posts trying to explain to someone who genuinely doesn’t want to understand how performatives work on groups of people.


Maybe you want to play a fish guy… but iam not going to.

Is that what we need is to follow rule of cool?

If you dispise alliance races so much maybe you can play Horde? The horde is a bit more mailable and easier to diversify. The Alliance isn’t so much, and just throwing weird things in the mix for the sake of weird just doesn’t work.

Yeah. The idea that faction identity is based on a model (disabused by Void Elves and Nightborne) and a color palette (disabused by Nightborne as well) is silly. Just an Ion gaffe.


Nah. You tried to avoid the fact that AR’s, which are minor customizations to a race, are as numerous as existing races by not providing the data of existing races. Which you couldn’t do because it would contradict your point.

Also male humans aren’t pretty. they’re the missing link. If only they’d let us look like Anduinn, Arthas or Varian. But that’s neither here nor there.

God male humans are gross. Especially with the goldilocks haircut.