High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

So we have established that you only support things you care about and really don’t care to know or understand the positions of other members of the same community, choosing to simply refer to a whole bunch as liars because you can’t put the effort to understand their motivation.

Quite an “I got mine” attitude.


But what are they adding that isn’t cosmetic? Since you want more than cosmetic differences.

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Hate to break it to you, but youre roleplaying. You chose to play a Blood Elf Paladin. You chose that race and that role. You might not go around talking as if you are your character but you are playing a role.



Yeah. Adventurers.

A few High Elves with wanderlust going out and doing whatever they want isn’t the same as battalions of Elves thrown against battlements. I can’t believe you thought this was some kind of logical inconsistency.

I mean, I’ve been observing your logic. You’ll be convinced by anything that keeps them from being playable because that’s what you want. Which, is why I’m going to stop debating with you. You’re not even proposing novel arguments. Just really poor arguments that have been done before. I hope you have a good day.

They definitely aren’t. Might want to get your login screen checked.


whoa there’s some hardcore trolling going on rn. :expressionless:

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So If I want playable High Elves I’m not a gamer?

You literally had Valkyr in there. Beefier Beefier humans.

You just don’t want High Elves. Which is fine. I don’t want any of the races you listed. Blizzards catering to groups of individuals here, not single people.


if you want to project,ok. But i don’t see a benefit to all of us with HE’s. It won’t add diversity. It wont make the world feel like MORE of a fantasy world.

I like that there are RP servers where you guys can go get your groove on in a way that doesn’t impact the game. There should be that. But your RP fantasies shouldn’t take priority over game design. How hard is this to understand?

All of you consistently just speak to your enjoyment. There is zero talk of how it makes the game better for all. Look in a mirror on the selfish entitlement.

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people pretty much don’t flag in this thread so it won’t get closed. i imagine a lot of people would like to flag some of the stuff you’ve said though. dear lord.


People who want to play High Elves would be able to play High Elves.

Kind of like… how literally any other Allied Race works.

Haha. Selfish entitlement?

You’re like, “I personally don’t see any benefit to High Elves so I don’t think they should be playable for anyone.”


ok replace valkyr with furbolgs and refute my point. I agree another human model would likely be pointless as we can see only 1.2% of the population lpay fat humans for some obviously not cosmetic reason.

Do mag’har orcs not add diversity?

All players would be able to roll a high elf.

I’ve never made a tauren, guess we shouldn’t have them as a playable race because the ability for other players to create them doesn’t benefit me.


I feel like the people who want High Elves don’t actually like or appreciate the Alliance. They just don’t like the Horde, and therefor don’t pick Blood Elves.

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Beefier Pandaren?

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I mean… maybe they just like High Elves. They’ve been around since Vanilla wow and been part of the Alliance the whole time.

You know. With their hive mind, since they’re all apparently the same and want them for the same reasons.


No they don’t. terrible execution of AR’s. Lightborne dranei and highmountain tauren were a waste as well. Simple cosmetic changes have proven to not be popular. So thank you for agreeing with my point.

[citation needed]

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Sadly. I think they’re the single greatest mistake that Blizzard has ever made.

now you’re trying too hard.

Looks at Zandalari Trolls


You literally just responded to me about how changing names is an indiction of changing race and then listed a bunch of allied races with different names. “Clearly” is not the word I would use as it seems like you’re trying to make a stawman.

But all that point did was further my argument that these “allied” races chose to side with the faction the other members of their race (With different names) reside on. Showing us that a change of name doesn’t change their loyalty to their actual race. Even many of the High elves that didn’t change their name and remained loyal to the Alliance left to rejoin the Blood Elves when the Alliance did nothing to save Quel’thalas from Arthas, and even more defected when they saw how the Blood Elves were being treated by Garithos. Name changes do not change your race in any capacity.

You mean the Nightborne that tried to actively join the Night elves but were rejected by Tyrande? Even during the nightborne recruitment quest thalyssra says that they naturally wanted to join the Night elves because of their shared heritage, and Tyrande says “we’ll see” but then completely ignores them after the vents of Suramar. And this is after ten thousand years apart.

The Void elves were quite literally outcast from Quel’thalas, and shunned from society due to their dangerous studies in a force they deemed dangerous to the Sunwell. The high elves have been embraced with open arms and allowed to reside in Quel’danis, and take part in their culture once more. Very different examples.

To say they’re the same race is a gross misconception. Ten thousand years of evolution has completely changed them, as said in the opening intro for the Kal’dorei. Their models have been changed, their skin colors have been changed, and their very culture has been changed. High elves and Blood Elves share the same culture and past, and barely any time has passed since their splintering.

But keep trying to compare a race seperated by literally thousands of years of evolution.