High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Actually you can get a quote. It was in one of the Q&As with Ion. Cant remember which one but he said it. Like at the 10ish min mark. I also cant post links. Ill look for which video.

Once again, its not about cosmetic changes.

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They are a group on the alliance with a reocurring capacity and a long history, with larger or at least on par numbers with other AR.

They could be playable lorewise. With no hyperbolic destruction of any race’s lore.


I’ve listened. I’ve read. I’ve not been convinced. I’m saddened that we have such a loud piece of the playerbase who can’t enjoy the game because graphics. If this much energy were spent making the game better from a mechanical perspective you’d have my support.

:woman_shrugging: if the graphics aren’t important to you why not just stare at a wall and do math? Don’t have to pay a sub for that.

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Your ignorance is showing when you make these type of statements.


once again, it is. If tomorrow rolled around and HE’s were playable what would you do? reroll? race change? then what? Maybe do the heritage quest line ? ok then what? Off to goldshire?

Why on Azeroth would they send out entire “Units” of High Elves into Arathi’s Meat Grinder?

There aren’t that many High Elves. It makes a lot more sense to have them performing specialist roles, especially since so many of them are battle mages. Things like shielding Battle Ships and doing support portals, like Yvera Dawnwing does in Boralus.

Besides, even if they did have units running around Arathi you’d just move the goal posts even further.

At the end of the day you just don’t want them to be playable and are willing to come with farfetched, contradictory reasons why they shouldn’t be.


Ignorance and arrogance. We should just stop replying to this troll. Maybe theyll go away?


Girl, you are trying to argue with someone who doesn’t believe the description of the Silver Covenant itself.

A militant core of high elves that rejects the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor. They’ve united under the banner of Vereesa Windrunner and joined the Alliance forces in Northrend.

They are literally the Alliance alligned population of Dalaran, the one that didn’t want neutrality.

Seriously, you should go argue a Flat Earther and have a fairer chance.


No you were trying to make a point that their “names” somehow suggest they’re a different race, when all that suggests is that they simply adopted a different name. Blood Elves are no less High elves simply because they adopted a name to honor the high elves that died protecting their city. They are the only group that still practice and maintain the traditions and customs you claimed to be so important that they should be added to the game. Funny how that argument has seemed to fly out the window though.

It does matter, hence why in ALL those instances those “allied” races chose to side with the faction that the other members of their race belong to. Their different names aren’t that important in light of the fact that they share their heritage and many family members across each group.

High elves also have loved ones, and family among the blood elves according to some quests. According to Ros’eleth an Allerian High elf still considers the Blood Elves as High elves as she actively refers to them as Quel’dorei, and wishes to reuinte the groups and restore their glory as

I think that it shows that their involvement in the “War” effort is very minimal, and plays a very small role in the faction conflict. Which is why there is literally zero presence of any High elves taking part in any assault or any aggressive war effort against the Horde. You can choose to ignore this fact and cling to the two high elves in the warship, but that doesn’t make it any less ridiculous.

Look at them in the character creation screen, besides being “larger” elves their themes, and appearances look drastically different. Blizzard wasn’t so very careful to separate them in terms of lore by giving them ten thousand years of physical and magical evolution under the Nightwell. You’re trying to handwave deliberate narratives with trivial details which just makes your argument hard to take serious in any capacity.

I don’t think that someone who resorts to these nasty insults has any room to talk about subjects like what is childish, or has any say in who should be given permanent timeouts, but that’s just my opinion.


Play the game as the race they want to play as?

Also I like this idea that Alliance players are just gonna take them to Goldshire
 Silvermoon doesn’t have a sterling reputation.

But if that’s what they want to do with them, who cares? Is that what the counter argument is about? Do you argue against Vulpera? They look some tiny furries to me. Isn’t that a far greater debaucherous threat?


Hey Im a flat earther! Just kidding, but yeah I hear ya. I really think I need to force myself to stop replying to these ridiculous posts.


No. Vulpera would be additive. Jinyu would be additive. Vykrul would be additive. hell quilboar would be additive.

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No. I was literally pointing out that Races in WoW are separate factions.

And that the same race can be multiple “Races.”

I explained it pretty clearly too.

You seem to be forgetting about Nightborne. Or even Void Elves who are literally Blood Elves.

No seriously. Nightborne are just Night Elves.

I’ve got Nightborne. I’ve got Night Elves. I adventured in Suramar.

They’re the same race.

and that’s the simple version. I won’t get into WoW cosmology and how they’re all the same race anyways. Dark Trolls.


So it’s gotta be a different kink?

But we’ve got Worgen and Pandaren though.

Same kink.

Think you need to stop the Vulpera from happening.

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And that’s the lore-breaking point; HE’s aren’t playable because they are a small subset of the larger faction, they are non-playable because a gameplay choice that doesn’t allow for too much similarity cross-faction (even if it’s inconsistent on said metric)

“High elves violate the faction line” Is a gameplay/design choice that is divorced from the lore.

Because there is no universe reason why a “race” has to be locked to a faction when faction alignment is political.


This is more of a failure of wow to be an actual RPG and technically an argument against ever having more than 1 race at all.

Why don’t we just make all characters human?

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And yet you think its justified to have playable High elf adventurers go out into that Arathi meat grinder? Wat.

Yes there aren’t that many High elves taking part in the actual war effort in the Alliance, hence why they aren’t playable. Hence why they’re positioned as portal keepers, or shielders holders on ships and not active adventures streaming from some hub. The rest of the high elves are completely neutral and are either friendly with the Blood elves and work together with them, wish to reunify, or reside with them at the Sunwell.

No I wouldn’t because it would be visual depiction that they are actively taking part and sending troops into the War effort. Which is not represented anywhere in the game besides this one instance. They are not present in assaults, they are not present in any war effort or any form of content besides this one instance. And that’s simply not enough to convince me or really anyone.

At the end of the day I already see them as playable, as the Blood elves were added to the game to fulfill the High elf fantasy in WoW. Ion expresses this during the Q&A where he literally tells the players “If you want to play a fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf the horde is waiting for you” which is essentially saying if you want to play the High elf fantasy, play a blood elf.

No. For us gamers they add to WORLD of warcraft. I get those aren’t cool for RP/transmog collectors