High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Matters a lot if you’re the horde trying to down that ship.

Numbers in WoW are an abstraction. In the Death Knight starting zone your like… twelve dudes represent 10,000 troops.

Pointless to try and minimize their involvement in this way.


Blood Elves ARE High elves. They actually better represent the High elves we’ve been observing since 1998 than the High elves we currently see on the Alliance today. The Blood Elves are the ones that continue to practice and perpetuate High elven traditions, maintain their culture, they wear High elven themed clothes, build high elven themed structures and speak High elven to the players. Please don’t use that as an argument when the High elves we see on the alliance today are a new culture of High elves that have shed their connections to the thalassian race.

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Blood Elves are Blood Elves.

Going by this logic Nightborne are Night Elves.

Races represent different factions in WoW.


But you never board that ship.

Not in this case where they are the only representation of any High elves in the entire expansion. Even when NPCs are used to represent a higher demographic, their presence is typically scattered throughout the content, not isolated to two single npcs that can only be found in an instance. That’s a huge stretch.

While it does not give us the exact High Elves that have been asked for since the Vanilla WoW Beta I think the discovery of Wrathion’s discussed in this video may well be how Void Elves get the High Elf look (that is to say if they actually implement such customization) https://youtu.be/zHqZCRyeY54

rolls eyes

Those mages aren’t going to drop the shield if the enemy decides to be hostile to the ship.

You know the level of representation that would make High Elves on the Alliance not matter?

But there are more than 0.

Try to diminish it all you want. It won’t matter.


A different name doesn’t change your race, especially when you still uphold all your traditions, cultures, and themes. And doubly so when that rename was only meant to honor the High elves that fought and died to protect your land. Even in the character selection screen it refers to Blood Elves as the remant High elves we saw in 1998, you know the ones you so desperately want portrayed in the game?

Nightborne neither look like Night elves, nor are they supported as the same race in lore? They’ve been changed by ten thousand years of exposure to a nightwell that has completely changed them. Contrived comparison is horrifically contrived.

The point is the Horde never encounters them in combat, so they play no role in the actual war effort.

You can’t see the absurdity of taking the presence of 2 high elves in the entire expansion as proof of playable high elves? If it was Blizzards intention to have them playing a role in the war effort why haven’t they been included in any content besides that war ship? Why aren’t the Allerian High elves fighting besides Alleria? I don’t need to try to diminish anything when your only example is two individual high elves with no names that play zero part in the story or content.

A different name does change your race.

Lightforged Draenei


Kul’tiran Human



Mag’har Orc.


Unless we’re being obtuse about the way WoW works.

Yeah they do. They look exactly like Night Elves.

They just have a minorly different model. Even exist within the same shade range. They just have magic tattoos. Which doesn’t make them not the same race.

Blood Elves have green eyes. High Elves don’t. Magical change. No abritrary number. But that doesn’t matter.


Lol were crying now are we? I didnt know making a request, something Blizzard specifically asked players to do for ARs, was the same as crying. I also havent seen anyone in here throwing temper tantrums except you wildly trying to insult players for asking for content. You make some of the more extreme Anti’s seem passive.

Actually I want Blood Elves to have blue eyes too. Theyd glow which is different from the normal eye that High Elves have, but they should get blue. A dev way back when even said eventually Blood Elves will regain their old eye color but it will take a long time.

Youre really trying to get people riled up. Obvious troll is obvious. We will continue to make our request regardless of your childish behavior. I hope you have a good day! Good Trolling! :smiley:


Is Vereesa gathering the remaining High Elves under one banner a “lore perversion”?

Who makes the call between “lore progression” and “retcon and lore perversion”?

Which ideas are the ones you consider “lore perversions”? Are they ideas that are commonplace, or merely outliers?

And as I pointed out, some on the alliance also just want to be pretty elves regardless of the lore.




I don’t need to argue from this point for anybody to realize what a hail mary you’re trying to make there.

Done talking about that with you.

Things in WoW are an abstraction.

I’ve literally murdered more Blood Elves than Blood Elves exist while playing WoW.

So they’re all dead then?


None of these examples are of different races though? Simply different groups living in different areas. And guess what? They’re all on the same faction as their counterparts.

No they don’t, they have a different model, are far bigger, different skin tones, different faces, different animations and a far different culture than Night elves. Talk about trying to diminish something for the sake of your agenda in the conversation.

So with that argument are golden eyed blood elves now a new separate race from green eyed blood elves? Of course not because their eye color changes depending on which magic they’re being exposed to, this does not suggest they’ve changed races. But nice try.

cosmetics are not content. Probably the fundamental issue disconnect you HE advocates fail to understand.

The AR ship has sailed. We’ve got undead, gnomes, worgen, goblin and maybe panda AR’s to solve. I’m sure there’s some silly retcon you folks can come up with how the HE’s saved the worgen or something.

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A group’s lack of participation in the plot is a pretty flimsy excuse for not making them playable when spending a trillion billion years under a bubble was one of the defining characteristics of one of the first allied races, if I’m being honest.


That’s what I was telling you.

Doesn’t matter. A “Race” in WoW is just a “Faction” of people.

The Developers literally say this when they’re talking about why Kul’Tirans don’t have playable Paladins even though there are Kul’Tiran Paladins.

They’re just not part of the faction of Kul’tirans you play.



There is no reason to continue debating with you.

You think that creating a massive shield around a Warship performing combat operations has nothing to do with combat.

You also think Night Elves and Nightborne look anything other than minutely different.

So I hope you have a good day, but it’s also obviously pointless to debate you. Take care of yourself.


Theres more to the idea of High Elves than cosmetics. Which is content. Anything in game is content. Theres a megathread for cosmetic additions, this isnt it.

The AR ship hasnt sailed. Blizz said its an awesome tool for the future. ARs will still come through.


“I don’t believe you so you must be lying” Now there’s one of the most bad faith arguments ever.

It’s really saddening that you are unable to actually understand what we have been saying for so long; have you even tried to listen? Or you just made your mind long ago and aren’t even trying to?

You don’t understand why we want High Elves because you simply don’t want to, you call us liars when we give our motivations, you are utterly disrespectful.

Because you don’t understand some people enjoy the lore, flawed as it is, of this game.


The irony in the fact that you’re trying to “hail mary” two single High elves as evidence for playable high elves taking part in the war effort makes this truly humorous. Especially when you have literally zero argument on why they have been entirely absent in BFA, you know, an expansion centering heavily on the war effort.

Yes but population numbers are not depicted by singular instances of NPCs, especially when its literally a single example. You’re acting like Arathi had High elf units being sent out, and that they’ve played some huge part in the Arathi warfront when literally all they did was sit on the warship.

I’d like to see that quote but then…you’ve won? stop whining? I’m sure your cosmetic change will come