High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Does this look private to you?

Demonstrably untue, Alf. :wink:


Wasnt Stormwind sort of a lost cause after the Orcs came through? It was deep in the Orc Horde lands. Lordaeron harbored the Human refugees from all over and was sort of the last bastion and the reason the Alliance was with them. Eventually the Alliance of Lordaeron fought through the Orcs and secured the areas of Stormwind. Thats about all I recall. But you’re right. Theres still a lot of history around that time period that hasnt been explored. Maybe in the future. Itll probably be a book though.

Pffffffft you’re practically on our side Murgy. :wink:


As someone who has personally tinkered with High Elf skin files in the past, I assure you this takes no more than 30-60 minutes. The vast majority of pre-Legion High Elf NPC’s are linked to 4-5 generic High Elf skins, and starting from Legion, most High Elf NPC’s are using the Blood Elf model with High Elf face files (which is why now many High Elves have the fel eye glow, even though they’re not supposed to).

So no, don’t try to make it sound like a herculean task because it isn’t.


You’re wearing red! Definitely, definitely a Horde! :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizz, just do this ALREADY! You know how many of your customers want to play High elves on Alliance side. I am one of those. The High Elves are my all time favorite race. Do you know how much money you could make in race transfers alone? I would probably do at least 3 BY MYSELF.

This could also help with the huge population problem with horde vs. Alliance in many areas of this game. I think a third, or more, of horde are playing blood elves. Perhaps some of those will transfer over to Alliance to play high elves instead and give Alliance a healthier progression/pvp population- especially if the high elf racials were good.

Just do this! It makes perfect business sense. Not doing it at this point is just plain stupid.


Lol I have three in mind for race change myself. I dont think many people would transfer from the horde and the population wont change all that much. People already have friends and guilds on the Horde side. You might get some people who change but not a lot. You’ll probably see a lot more alts than anything.

As much as I want to know the details
 not enthusiastic about this team telling the story about the past
 it would be full of retcons and contrived reasons to match the current story
 not the bridge between wc3 and wow.

Murg is just the most objective, still think he’s not a fan of them happening, but at least considers all arguements for and against. :slight_smile:

to get a good pop boost would need to make them playable from level 1 with no rep grind requirement, and have it happen while classic was attracting alot of new players. do the same with ogres.

alot of classic fans wanted ogres on horde and high elves on alliance, for years. would get more cross over that way too.

Theres a description at the character creation screen. Oh and

If by ‘acting on his own’ you mean he was, essentially, Lordaeron’s leader and didn’t answer to anyone, had support from the dwarves and Kirin Tor and the majority of Lordaeron’s surviving troops.

It’d be like saying night elves shouldn’t hold a grudge against the Horde over the tree because Sylvanas was the leader in charge at the time.


yes i know. hehe

he treated the dwarves bad too.

He didn’t actively try to kill them.

Yeah that would do it, but I doubt Blizz will do a core race for a while. It would be cool if they did a weird WC2 scenario where they introduce High Elves and Ogres. Sort of like using the history in place to introduce them.

He didnt blame the Dwarves for his dead family either.

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No, and you know I’m not, but what I am is willing to work at seeing the issue from both sides and acknowledging that some of these discussions are purely “If that were to ever happen, what would you think about this?” in nature. :wink:

I know I know. Just having some fun banter after so much crazy debate.

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There is absolutely no argument against High Elves that holds up.

  1. If you don’t want one, don’t play one. Let the many, many people that do play what they want. It has no effect on you at all.

  2. There is no lore/game reason to disallow High elves that would not be the same for Void elves or Mag’har orcs- which are both in the game.


This physically hurts me every time I read it.

This is what horde toons tell Alliance every time they complain about warmode or wpvp.

“If you don’t want to pvp turn off warmode.” How is this any different?