High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

it’s lore. but it’s lore in the same way gnomes almost have a capital city… almost. vs dwarves who have a glorious capital city (one of the best in the game. not the best though. the best is suramar. holey rusted metal batman . suramar was freakin brilliant)

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Omg, can this stupid thread just die already. Blizzard aren’t going to make high elves a playable race. Get over it, and move on. Seriously.

you are a big troll mon! hehe
see what i did there? :sunglasses:

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Lol This threads been around longer than your presence in the forums.

Mute it like an adult and move on.


There is a mute option for threads you don’t want to see.


Oh great, i didn’t know that. I’ll be sure to use it on this garbage thread then. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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And Drede tells me not to use “casual”. :man_shrugging:


nice try. /waves
see what i did there? :sunglasses:

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by the way, would you please write a description for nightborne lore as an AR? i’ll wait.

weeks and several volumes later


yeah, void elves have lore. but its sorta lore. like lore that hopes it’ll one day grow up to be actual lore. we shall see!

my starter area is cool looking. some rocks floating in space. starry vistas. some tents, a few scattered npcs.

my nightborne’s starting area is amazing. its a chunk of suramar. very cool.


I like this thread. It is mostly very positive. I am mostly here to socialize and see the nice fan art posted. I don’t get why people feel the need to come in here and start spouting insults.


we are kindred spirits, gnomest. we’re members of the almost but not quite club. you almost have a capital city. i almost have any kind of city hehe other members include goblins and worgen.

they should do it proper for gnomes and give them a griffon master too. void elves should have one of those pink bio domes from netherstorm on their floating rocks. goblins need a city like gadgetzan. worgen need their city back.

and we gotta regrow teldrassil, too.

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“Alleria wanted to bring Silvermoon back to Stormwind, but doesn’t know the treachery, neglect, and abuse the Alliance dealt to Silvermoon after the second war” lolled


The people that come in here to make insults is a very rare occurrence. It seems majority of unique visitors come in to say they support High Elves and never post again.


Careful with those ultimatums , Pepsi…


I think blizz forgets that Garithos was essentially acting on his own… He was the highest ranking officer from the Lordaeron military at the time. He was rude, had a chip on his shoulder and incompetent… HE received no orders from SW/wow alliance.

SW should have been sending emissaries to Silvermoon to keep the peace and see what they can do to help. But they allowed the hatred of one man ruin what little friendship they had with Silvermoon.


Perfect portrait to have hanging at the lair of an evil scourge lord. Only thing though. That cat should be either a ghost or skeletal cat.

Could they even spare that though? The Humans lost their strongest, biggest city. If I were in that situation, I’d totally understand why the Humans didn’t spare any troops.

At this point I feel like High Elves are like Chekhov’s Gun, but Blizzard are afraid to use it.


Little off the subject here but, I started leveling a NIghtborne alt recently to go for the Heritage set and …I’m amazed at how easily one can level quickly through dungeons and questing out in the world. Sure, the exp gains are different below 110 but …wow! So fast. Though, there seems to be a bracket or two where it really doesn’t feel so great; enemies suddenly doing a lot more damage than a few levels earlier and all. Already at level 50 and I’ve only had the character for a whole day now at most…

Got to say I much prefer just boosting the odd alt to level them from 110 to max. >_> I’d probably do the same for High Elves too, unless Blizz goes back and improves leveling to fix the brackets that seem to go …weirdly unfriendly towards low level alt leveling.

True, and we really have no idea what SW was up to at the time? My guess is that they were rebuilding the kingdom, with the group that was to be the Defias… I really would be interested to see them create a story between the events of the frozen throne and wow. To see why the night elves even reached out to the kingdom of SW? Maybe the connection was Jaina in Theramore? And why they kind of forsaken their former allies in Quel’thalas? If SW even had that connection with them?