High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I mean…I dont want to do a lot of things in game, so I dont do those things. It doesnt bother me that other people enjoy doing those things.

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If my neighbour enjoys listening to loud music late at night, am I not entitled to say I’m not a fan because they’re not preventing me from playing my own loud music at night?


Not really because Sylvanas actively had a hand in the situation during the war of thorns.

Garithos was on his own being the Highest ranking officer in the region. SW had no hand in the matter that we know of, wouldn’t surprise me if they retconned it that way… but from what we know he was rogue.

yeah it just says silvermoon and ironforge both sent him troops, ignorant of his vendetta against the blood elves. he blamed them for the death of his family. apparently they lived in home on the border of quel’thalas, and the elves recalled their forces from the area (likely to protect some other spot. it was during the second war, when orcs came thru the portal, hyped up on green demon juice. humans had sent troops to protect silvermoon and lordaeron, so they were still friends at that point).

Sure blast that music. If one person is passionate about something you can be about something as well!

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They were never friends. Humans wanted something in return for helping the elves. The second time they teamed up they had to be compelled by an ancient blood oath to even send a token force. It was always an alliance of convenience, there was no special bond. The only place that happened was dalaran

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I 100% agree with this point. A lot of people want High Elves though, so it’s kind of valid. Junker Gnomes or some other random thing aren’t even close to being requested as much as High Elves are. I don’t actually think any other race is.

This is a false equivalency and you know it. Blasting music at night has a direct detrimental effect on you. Me playing a High Elf has no effect on you other than seeing someone in game who looks slightly different. It does not increase your discomfort in any way unless you are a (edited for content- use your imagination).


Thats a good point. Its almost like youre at a music festival and everyone is having a good time and theres a sourpuss telling them they cant perform there.

Invalid example. Listening to loud music at night prevents you from sleeping, thus having a direct negative impact on your health.

Playable Alliance High Elves does not have a negative impact on your health.

A more suitable example would have been: “I don’t like seeing women showing their breasts when breastfeeding.” It’s personal taste, but you can’t force people not to do something that does not impact you in any negative way other than feeling offended or sad.

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It could take away from a Different Allied Race. I just don’t think it really works with something as requested as High Elves though. Think about Junker Gnomes. Junker Gnomes aren’t as requested, and I’d be super disappointed if they’re released as an AR before Helves are.

I would say not even that. There could be at least a reasonable argument, if not a persuasive argument, against public breast feeding. What he is saying is he should be free to not see a specific race in that merely seeing them offends him.

We got rid of that mind set a long time ago along with segregation.

There are two ARs that im hoping dont become a thing but probably will. But im not about to go down there and yell at people supporting them. Ill just turn my other cheek and move on with life.

kinda makes sense, since people are rather tribal, the writers would indicate that in a game about war. it also says the high elves of silvermoon were xenophobic and isolationist. and so were the night elves. elves just wanna be left to traipse thru their forests merrily. /queue fairy music

Them never being friends is totally untrue… why else would a group have remained with their allies over the orders of their “king”

It is true that the alliance between high elves wasn’t always the best relationship… but it’s kind of the normal theme that Elves tend to have a bit of a superiority complex. Anasterian May never have been fond of humans and the alliance but group of high elves have proven to show deep friendships… hence why high elves were willing to help teach the arcane to humans.


High elves make me unhappy, unhappiness is known to be unhealthy.


I can’t imagine any. But that’s another story.

Not sure he is saying that, but it does come across like that when he says “it hurts him” when he’s told not to play one if he doesn’t like it. I’m having a hard time understanding how someone can feel comfortable telling people what they can or cannot play based on the way they personally feel about it.

You sure you wanna go down that road? Cause many of the forum users make me unhappy and I don’t think it’s fair to ban them for that.

what two? whatwhat. is curious.

Concerning yourself with what others desire is also unhealthy, Picking and choosing battles.

I personally have no love for mech gnomes… but I have strayed away from going out there and arguing against them because others want them is unfruitful for me.

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