High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

will go look
oh wait. do i have to be a pally? i dont have a pally in that level range.

no hes just standing in front of a portal

wheres entrance for horde paladin class hall?

That’s literally how WoW has been since BC. If you see one guild saying “looking for more goblins” it ain’t a pve guild.

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its in windrunner sanctuary. the buildings on the left, northern most room

post the screen caps with your lvl 3 powers

They look green to me.

i took SSs for comparison they look identical

hahaha. well i dont think wow is actually like that. ill explain as soon as i go look at fyre’s pally

I couldn’t care less about high elves but I’m sad blizz decided to give you a half baked high elf instead of what you really wanted.

Is there any particular reason blizzard couldn’t just make a quest to purify the void/fel taint and restore the velfs to helfs?

Seems like an easy fix that would make the community happy.


I am for the most part happy being a void elf. I understand what Blizzard went for creating a different colour scheme to blood elf. I’m not as dead set on getting high elves but I do think we have something to work with:

  • There is a faction leader, Vereesa.
  • There is a mentality difference. There are dissenters in Quelthelas who wish to reunite with Stormwind. Yet they are ‘brainwashed’ back. Who’s to say some don’t escape and eventually regain thier high elven ways.
    *There is a connection people have had to this race separate to how we see the blood elves ever since WC2. It doesn’t make sense how the one betrayal by Garithos would cause everyone to look towards another side. There would definitely be members who still have very strong memories of the second war.
    *There are plenty of horde counterpart races to come should blizzard choose to implement them: fel Tauren, cult of the damned humans, dark ranger or sanguine elves.

This is definitely out there but they could even skip a lot of the bs of plot development if they just segway helves into velves ‘Vereesa had her people embrace the power of the void after consulting with her sister Aleria’ and then velves get pale skin tone/hair customisation options with a caveat of that random void transformation.


The thing is people do like Void Elves. I like them too. Sure they have no lore but they have a potential. I like the Void and eldritch things so theyre up my alley. Blizzard cant get rid of Void Elves or cure the corruption. The only way Blizzard could make Void Elves become High Elves is via a paid race change when High Elves are added.


Stopped reading, right there.
Also on that date

  1. No belfs.
  2. Game still had more bugs than a Louisiana swamp.
  3. wow was the only game in town, of its kind.
  4. I was almost smexy.

Having had enough fun with all this, I am off to take up NIXXIOM’S Barbarian challenge. gonna see what I can do with it.

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dunno why imgur stretches on this forum

Or telling Arthas about the key to the magic gate. Or destroying the bridge before he could get on it, instead of waiting until he started to cross it.

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The arcano dudes eyes have blue overlaying the green, no glow effect, the other dude in the blacksmith place has glowing green eyes, the blood knight has green eyes with no blue overlay and no glow.


looks like a pupiled eye colored green.

yea i can kind of see it now. i agree. it was bugging me

one of the amazing and equally terrible things about classic is the unique stuff each class brings to the table. tanks couldnt heal themselves outside of first aid. healers couldnt tank. warlock was only way to get summoned. mage was only way to get portal. shammy was only bard like class. paladin was only buff machine. etc.

the downside of that is you are more reliant on each other. the upside is, people were always glad to see you. haha


A bit of an oddity. It looks like the guy high elves had blue slapped over the green on the belf model, but the female high elves seem to have custom eyes.


They don’t glow blue though, except for this guys which appear to be blue and glowing.


No lore? You didn’t play the questline to unlock them did you? Alleria takes you with her to find some exiles who delved into the void. This is after Alleria went to see the sunwell for the Horde’s Nightborne questline.

The lore of the void elves starts with Alleria learning the powers in Legion from Locus walker. She was put at odds with Xe’ra, the prime of all Naaru because the void is opposite of the Light. Turalyon is a lightforged paladin, a champion of the light.

Alleria wanted to bring Silvermoon back to Stormwind, but doesn’t know the treachery, neglect, and abuse the Alliance dealt to Silvermoon after the second war, and since she missed the third war entirely, she’s oblivious to the plight of her homeland. She remains ignorant to the suffering brought on by Arthas whom was still politically and legally a member of the Alliance during the third war as far as Silvermoon was concerned. she didn’t see the attempt at snuffing out the Silvermoon survivors that the blood elves had to survive. She remained completely out of the loop, and suffers from ignorance as she’s trying to heal a corpse that has already bled out.


Alleria and the player go to the Ghostlands, where she’s hit with the shock and horror of what happened by Arthas’ hands. She takes you with her to find the exiles who delved into void magic, and after finding clues, you help find them. They’re on a world on the brink of going full void. She convinces these exiles to join her and the void begins to corrupt them. The void is fought back by Alleria and yourself, and the elves who were attacked for conversion are changed. Alleria seeks to guide them to become stronger, and to make them silence the whispers.

Void Elves joined the Alliance because they know that they violated the laws of Silvermoon by delving DEEP into the void, and would be executed for treason. All because Alleria led the void straight to the sunwell, which now infuses the Blood Elves with the light, and grants blood elves their golden eyes. The sunwell’s power is basically the power of a dying naaru sacrificing itself.

Void Elves have simple lore, not exactly deep and complex as the blood elves, but they do have lore.

ALSO, if you go peeking around the mage district in Stormwind, you’ll notice High Elves discussing with Void Elves, and despite a lack of dialogue, the implications are that the void elves are recruiting high elves to also become void elves to bolster their numbers and help the Alliance.

As it is, High Elves aligned with the Alliance are willingly allowing their race to be snuffed out as they convert to the void. To become void elves, that is their endgame. The only way we’ll see high elves from here on out after BfA are those who have not yet become void elves(whos numbers decline rapidly by the day), and those who are in old content that has not yet been updated like old Northrend content.

Vareesa is still too young by elf standards to make her own decisions. She still seeks guidance from others, and she’s effectively a teen mom by elf standards. She’d either stay as she is, or go full void like her big sister.