High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Animations are tied to the model loaded in WoW…

It’s why I can eat a fish and be a pirate with full human animations on characters that aren’t human.

For all your insults you sure don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m talking about how models work in WoW that singular programed models.

look at these word gymnastics. the race is high elf, and they are the exact same people divided by a political ideology. things peaked with theramore, the purge, and all out sunreavers/blood elves vs SC/kirin tor on isle of thunder. but atm they are not fighting each other at all. there are a few individuals fighting for the alliance in the faction war while the rest of their people are tied to dalaran or a hut in the hinterlands

The Wow encyclopedia put out by Blizz, and WC3, have stated that Blood Elves dont consider themselves High Elves. Although, the High Elves you seem to neglect still call themselves High Elves. Once again, it just seems like youre ignorant in High Elf lore. Or you choose not to understand it for sake of argument.


lets pretend blood elves are blood elves like you say. ignore the lore, and pretend with the metaphorical rebranding they became a new species. the game director telling you last year blood elves are high elves and high elves are playable trumps the dated WoW encyclopedia as its more current

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Devs have been corrected in lore before. Stop falling back on this. They have changed their mind on things in the past. Stop referencing devs. They can change it so Blood Elves come to Alliance and you wouldnt be able to say anything about it.

Big claim to say Im ignoring lore when the only lore you seem to know is what one dev said.

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When was the last time Blizzard said anything about Alliance High Elves? Kind of curious if they’ve said anything recently.

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Blizzard has seem to gone dark since earlier this year. Maybe prepping for content patches and Blizzcon.

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The last thing I heard was them saying, “Don’t lose hope.” to someone asking about High Elf customization for Velves in an interview. Was kind of hoping for more recent news.

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The Devs literally said Blood Elves and Void Elves are different flavors of High Elves.

Yes Blood Elves are technically High Elves but so are Void Elves and they are not the same flavor as the ones we are asking for.


actually they say ‘blood elves are high elves and giving that race to the alliance would blur the faction identities, that they like the factions to be distinct’

‘that void elves are another flavor of high elves’

‘if you want to be a light skinned and majestic elf, that IS a blood elf’

‘that there is no clear example of who or what high elves are’

‘they arent really out there in the same way, theres a couple, allerias back’

‘there are no more alliance high elf hubs where they could come from’

what can we take away from this? a faction representing well over 90% of high elves is already playable. a high elf variant is also playable. the SC and the hut elves arent actually aligned with the alliance just like i always say. that only a few individuals are actually alliance high elves

Same here. They’re already pushing it for me, with the apparent announcement that Sylvanas will seemingly get no punishment whatsoever, for Teldrassil.


That’s a sore spot for me as well.

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did jaina get punished for the purge?

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No, they aren’t, the game is scripted to say

“If X=humanModel=01new” then “load animation set 02”.
The model is nothing but a shell, the scripts are what then tell the game what animations are to be used with the model.
This is why whenever you simply perform a model swap

You get nonense like this here which stretches out the shape and model. If the script does not call for the correct model, then the animations will cause the model to shift and warp.

That is because the fish triggers a script that then calls the model, and then the script says because it is this model, to load this animation. All of it needs to be programmed accordingly, it isn’t just copy and pasting.

I didn’t insult you, I am stating you are ignorant, which means you do not know much on the subject you claim to understand. You too a course in intro to programming and now you believe it is simple renaming when this is not the case.

model swapping also mandates ensuring the animations are meant for that model, because even though it may look the same to you, that does not mean it is the same.

As someone who does and has experience creating models, it is not nearly as simple as you are trying to make it sound. Even when I use the same animation set, the same skeleton, things break where a bending of the arm causes the entire model to stretch out.

No, it isn’t so simple even in cases where all you’re trying to do is place a new model on top of an existing skeleton which is SUPPOSED to work, but doesn’t.

Lmao. Those things aren’t even close to comparing.


What we can take away from what you say is you have no desire to talk about playable High Elves. You choose to not look at actual information we have presented to you regarding how ARs are playable and how Blizzard uses lore.


its not my fault you dont have development and lore to cite and the anti position shouldnt have to refrain from using these sources because the pro arguments arent strong

Actually, we have. We have shown this to you. This is why I tried to stop replying to you the first time. You reject everything we present you instantly just to try and crush peoples request for content they would like to see in game. Whats something you want to see in game? I can create fallacies to crush your request too.


I will say it again since you misunderstood.

Animations are tied to the MODEL in WoW.

When you load a model it has the animations tied to it.

When a different model is loaded it has all the animations and voices tied to it because it draws that info from a database.

If they replaced the model files of High Elves with new models they would all load as the new files.

They don’t have to manually change every NPC and it’s animations and voices.


i want a female vulpera monk

i want to her to look exactly like meerah and have a llama mount. actually i want a cart pulled by 2 llamas for my mount