High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

As if 90% of people actually post with their mains. Are you trying to tell me that dinky 88 NE is your main and not an alt?

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For starters the High elves do not carry the Phoenix aesthetic. Blizzard has shown that they are more than capable of showing differences in a race after made playable.

Kultirans shown in game were more like theramore/Stormwind units.

Zandalar trolls were nowhere near what they are in game today.

High elves can be given a unique twist without sacrificing their identity either.



and Dark Iron Dwarves are just

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We would see all Thalassians with golden eyes then. I have a Blood Elf toon with green eyes and they havent changed to golden since the Sunwell was restored with the Light. I already said Thalassians are all affected by the Sunwell. Gameplay has to have some consistency with lore. The two cant be dissociated.

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They haven’t changed too much compared to their MoP counterparts.

Except for the fact it does given they are meant to look the same as blood elves, given they are the same people?
What do you do then if high elves were made playable? Change every single NPC?

You do with blood elves since they are thalassians. Furthermore, NPC’s don’t use the same faces as PC models do. Thisis why blood elves have blue eyes and green eyes, but don’t have golden ones. It requires creating a new face, which they aren’t going to do for pre-existing NPC’s. You’re trying to argue the game not showing something means it changes lore. It doesn’t.

If you go to the barbershop you can change it so they are different. Do you know how ludicrous it sounds for you to say “well my blood elves eyes are stil green so clearly the lore is wrong!”. Blizzard isn’t going to change your characters appearance for you. That invites problems.

It does have some.

The gameplay does have SOME consistency with the lore, but it won’t be entirely consistent because there are limitations. Can you imagine the amount of time and programming it would take to go back and change every single high elf NPC’s face? Without it breaking the NPC’s in the process? Your expectations are not reasonable within the scope of game design. Why do you think Silvermoon is still stuck in TBC?


fascinating, you actually think youre owed something, and you think that youre the victim here

the official stance of blizzard so far has validated my point of view

even in vanilla blizzard stated that the high elves were too few and fragmented to be unified, and that the blood elves would not fight alongside the alliance anytime soon

Date: 29 September 2005 WoW Forums Post by Caydiem

There are still some High Elves in the land, but the majority of those once known as the Quel'dorei no longer fit the bill of "High Elf". 
Your comparison with Gnomeregan is a logical conclusion to draw, but incorrect. The Gnomes managed to evacuate a good percentage of their people from their home as it was corrupted from within. Ironforge was close by; they were able to save a good number of their people. Naturally they were indebted to the Dwarves and, by extension, the Alliance, so they fight for their cause. 
The High Elves had less of a chance to flee, as they were surrounded by the vast bulk of the Scourge army as they pressed in and destroyed the Sunwell. Still, some survived, certainly enough to show a presence, right? 
And so they did after the destruction of Quel'Thalas, fighting for the Alliance, but with the destruction of the Sunwell they found an ever-increasing need, an addiction, for magical power. The remaining Elves were placed under the command of a man named Garithos, who was grossly intolerant of other races and drove the Elves into near-suicidal situations in the hopes they would no longer be his problem. 
These remnants of the High Elves -- named Blood Elves in remembrance of their people -- were not stupid, and the commands from their "Alliance" became more and more ludicrous. It was only through the help of the Naga that they were able to survive these grim tasks; time and again, they appeared to aid Prince Kael'thas and his men. The Blood Elves came to realize they could no longer trust in the Alliance. When the offer was extended to join the Naga in service of Illidan Stormrage -- and perhaps find a cure to their addiction to magic -- Kael took it, leaving the Alliance behind. 
In short, High Elves are not playable because there are very few true "High Elves" left -- far less so than Gnomes. While there are Blood Elves in much larger supply, they are busy with other pursuits alongside Illidan. You'd certainly not see them fighting side by side with the Alliance anytime soon, not after such betrayal.

no, unlike you I actually pay attention to lore, rather than making a flimsy copy that I can edit because I never got over blood elves joining the Horde


Give them a unique armor kit, hairstyles, so on and so forth so that they maintain their own identity as high elves.

Different from the Blood Elves and the Phoenix/ red/ arcano mage mantra.


POPULATION DOES NOT MATTER! Mag’har orcs came from the AU. Void Elves are a crack squad, maybe a hundred max.

How do you get this from a sarcastic comment?

You mean a post since before WotLK when High Elves were given a larger group? The lore has changed since 2005. Good necro on a very dated post though. GJ.


So Blizzard needs to go back, change every single high elf NPC across TBC and up, just to match the playable variations to justify playable high elves?
Again, high elf identification is the same as blood elves because they are the same race.

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the lore reason is not enough

the gameplay reason is a faction of high elves who represent well over 90% of the population are already playable. and my point was we can go back 14 years of being told no. void elves were the compromise. blizzard likely came up with them knowing the hardcore wouldnt accept them, and they were willing to accept that

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post the change from that then? can you link a source?

Have they done that with all the other races?
 so what’s your point?


Cant please everyone but you can certainly hit the majority with a broad brush, thus making it the most popular allied race, void elves. win win but its always gonna be a loss for someone.buttercup

Cough void elves cough. I love how you are clinging to a statement from 2005 despite the fact that bliz has retconned so much. The simple fact is that Blizzard will likely be looking to capitalize on the returning players to Classic, many of whom wanted high elves and were very put out by the whole Horde move and blizzards snarky responses since. If Bliz thinks that adding them as an allied race will get some returning players to give retail a shot then you can expect them with the next expac. I am sorry that you will feel less special, but its ok, life is full of little disappointments and I am sure you will get over it.


Before WotLK High Elves didnt have a large group. 2005 was before the SC was implemented. It doesnt require a source to see things have changed.

Lore isnt enough to add things to the game? Crazy belief.

Blood Elves arent High Elves anymore by Blizzard definition. Blood Elves represent 100% of Blood Elves. Im done saying this. High Elves are not playable.

We were told back then they wouldnt be playable yes. But since 2005 lore has changed. Void Elves were no compromise. They were added to aid Alleria’s story. They decided to not write them as Blood Elves so they can show the contrasting power of Light and Void with the Sunwell.


Just like you arent getting over being told no for 14 years?

it does require a source. you dont get to claim someones wrong claiming that there is a factual evidence then NOT post that and expect to be taken seriously.

What do you mean by once new models are made they just load that way?

I cant post links yet but go look up the Silver Covenant. This shows the change in numbers of High Elves since the post in 2005. Or you know
look in game? The original stance was no because the population was low. This was changed via the Silver Covenant. Also there are more High Elves than Void Elves.