High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

yes they should, as any elf that visits the sunwell benefits.

if blood elves are blood elves the devs and lore wouldnt have to tell you blood elves are high elves and already playable and giving that exact race to the alliance would destroy the faction wall. any race could be playable on any faction the only narrative required would be a different political opinion

the story makes it quite obvious that blood elves are the future of the race, there isnt a choice being made, the choice was already made. the overwhelming majority of the people, its culture, its homeland, that is all tied up with the blood elves now. there arent new recruits running off to join the alliance, the ones that did chugged the void juice by accident, and were already exiled

the few high elves still alive were already exiled or simply stayed away. and they stayed away in places like dalaran and lodges just south of quel’thalas. not in stormwind with the alliance

no, the idea is ridiculous, because it tries to not only take an exclusive race from the horde, it tries to say that high elves pull as much weight/influence on the story as the blood elves, that they have an equal number of representation. simply put, thats not true at all, and its a deliberate attempt to cut down a horde race simply to build it up on the alliance side as if its something owed

when you think about it, its not a good idea at all, unless you dont actually care about a race and story, and just want it on your preferred faction :thinking:

10 whats.
Where did you get this idea?
They are the same race, they are equally affected by the sunwell. I am not sure where you got the idea they’ve been affected for a lesser period of time but you are incorrect. high elves are just as affected by the sunwell as blood elves.
The only difference between the two is name only, trying to suggest they are affected differently is false.


You seem to be ignorant in who the High Elves are.

Blizzard wrote that Blood Elves dont consider themselves as High Elves in remembrance of their fallen peoples.

Yes. Blood Elves are the future of the Blood Elf race. Blood Elves culture is basically one that is an altered High Elf one, again, to remember their fallen. High Elves have been living among other races so long they dont seem to share the cultures of Blood Elves. They specially dont mana tap living things which is a cultural change.

You really love that number three when it comes to High Elves. You somehow got your mind convinced there is only a handful left when you can see many in game, which by the way is not actual representation of any peoples according to lore. Stop trying to play the population game. Its been debunked. Void Elves dont have a future unless people risk the transformation so their numbers wont be increasing on a large scale. There are more High Elves than Void Elves.

An exclusive race? What are Void Elves? Oh right, theyre Blood Elves. Silly me. I thought they were murlocs. High Elves dont have any weight or influence in the Blood Elf story. They only have weight in the High Elf story. You really need to see the two as separate groups of people.

Its not a good idea if youre ignorant of the lore of High Elves. They have a lot to offer for a story for Thalassians outside of Blood Elves. I do care about Blood Elves. I care about all Thalassians. You dont seem to care that there are many Elves that arent part of the Horde.


There are no High Elves running around with green or golden eyes. Yes both feel the power of the Sunwell. If High Elves dont share the same change in characteristics the Blood Elves do, then there is an obvious difference in localization to the Sunwell. Living near it isnt the same as taking pilgrimages. If it was the same, then all Elves would have golden eyes at this point.


Well let’s see, who have they listened to?

Horde wants maghar. Horde gets AU Maghar allowing them to have all of the different clans aesthetics.

Horde wants Zandalari, horde gets zandlari.

Both horde and alliance want Nightborne, horde gets them.

Alliance wants high elves, alliance gets blood elves with tentacles that no one has ever heard of until their release. In contrast to Suramar, they have their intro quest and they show up sometimes to make portals and animate dino bones. They live on a rock.

Alliance wants broken draenei, they get shinier draenei with very few class options.

The only thing alliance asked for in regards to kul’tirans was access to the skinny humans as well as the larger ones, didn’t get that though. Kul’tirans themselves weren’t asked for though and were announced with the expac already designed with a model they’ve never had previously.

Dark Iron were asked for, but so were Wildhammer, no word on them.

So if they are listening to anyone it doesn’t seem to be the alliance playerbase at all.


You imply you people represent the entire Alliance? Bold Move. I’m alliance and don’t share your views.


isnt it kind of neat tho? that the AR no one asked for is the most popular by a mile

no one wants wildhammer. they are identical to bronzebeard dwarves. if you want to waste an AR slot for that have at it

Its popular because Alliance was finally given a Thalassian model. If it was Void Humans it wouldnt be the same.

LOLOLOLOLOL you really are misinformed arent you? Wildhammer is up there on requested ARs for Alliance.


Yep; the very same.

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since the race is simply ‘dwarf’ you can RP your dwarf is a bronzebeard or wildhammer

Dark Iron dwarves are simply dwarves. I guess we should have just RP a dwarf to be them too eh? I guess mag’har orcs are just regular orcs. Guess we should just RP an orc to be a mag’har eh? Youre missing the point of what ARs are.


Don’t forget they carved a horde symbol on the side of Kalimdor out of Aszhara.


no you are. those examples are variants of a core race on the same faction

for a thalassian elf model to cross the faction boundary it had to leave behind the themes and aesthetics of a high/blood elf

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you’re doing it again.


Ive said it before. Many people in this thread have made suggestions for a change in aesthetics for High Elves. If they can, so can Blizzard. And for the theme, High Elves dont share it with Blood Elves anymore as they dont live among them. They live with humans, dwarves, gnomes, draenei, etc. Their theme is that of where they are currently living.


for an ‘Alliance’ you have a very pronounced set of horns.
And hooves.
And you aint no Draenei.

She thinks skin color qualifies as a theme.


Gameplay=/= accurate.
Furthermore there are plenty of blood elves who have blue eyes.

Except for the fact that the lore is quite clear on the matter. They are both affected ewqually by the sunwell as stated in every literature. This includes shadows of the sun and bloood of the highborne.

Blood of the highborne along the developers stated flat out the sunwell permeates time and space. So no, distance has nothing to do with it. You are incorrect in your assumptions as they are not supported by lore

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Oh right, and here people think we just want the same skin colored elves the Horde has.