High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

yeah but they add to the body count of sc in bfa

are all shattered sun blood elf only?

I’m aware that you could write a reason why Sylvanas and Sylvanas alone might want to attack Dalaran, but it would still make no sense, especially when the story is very obviously moving away from Sylvanas and her reign of terror.

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I keep asking why High Elves have to currently be on the Alliance for them to be an AR. I havent seen any rebuttal to it.


theres a kirin tor blood elf mage in org portal room with hair color not avaiable to player blood elves. i dont count them as part of the horde and its obvious why they are there

True enough. I wonder how they are going to thight rope this issue moving forward… sylvie is painted as the baddie atm, but it’s going to be switch and bait and she will be the unsung hero.

We still have yet to see the windrunner sisters meeting up again though. That would provide the most evidence of what’s going on with the High elves.

What I expect tho if they plan on morphing the rest of the High elves in to velfs… for them to parade them in front of the alliance … causing the forums to blow up when they just become velfs.

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Not since that comic Blizz did. I feel like at some point either by the end of this xpac or the next we will see the three sisters reunite once again. It might not last forever though, just long enough for them to be family once again.

heres a guy in lower city shattrath named barthamus. could be my screen, but he’s green to me and appears to have blue eyes. it doesnt list him as blood elf. is he high elf? he’s where the netherdrakes are.

here’s a high elf refugee sleeping on the ground and another just standing here

He’s probably a Netherwing Drake then.

Yeah, tbh I think the whole thing is stupid. They never should have done this storyline. The whole point of the Horde is a collective decision to say ‘not again’ as far as being evil.

Having us go off the rails the first time out of desperation made sense, the second time it seems more like someone at Blizzard had literally never read any Horde lore and went ‘well orcs are evil in dnd, they’re evil here too right?’



zephyr high elf female in lower city bar, chugging a beer.

That one is a Bronze Dragon.

i cant tell his eye color for sure either but hes green to me as well

hehe whats harris pilton? shes wearing sunglasses

Pretty sure she’s a belf.

I always liked the orcs in wc3 and up to wrath… then they made a non fel orc ruin everything. Garrosh was okay at first, but made monstrably bad…

As far as I’m aware the only fel orcs on the Horde are the guys outside the dark portal.

Well Alleria and Sylv saw each other at the battle for lordaeron and Alleria says she should have killed her the last time they met. They met up before sylv torched Teldrassil and I am not sure a happy family reunion is possible after that.


I meant one who wasn’t ever influenced by fel/demon corruption. He turned out to be the most power hungry of them all.

Green skin orcs I understand are not fel orcs.

sylvanas was also planning to kill and turn both her sisters in the comic. dark rangers were just waiting for the signal

I know that, but I don’t think Vereesa and Alleria realized it.

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