High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Why would they go after Dalaran as a prime target? They are neutral, it’d make no sense to waken a sleeping beast. Yeah death to the living but preferably lets not start war on multiple fronts.

what are you talking about? i am leveling a female gnome monk right now. i didnt see a single high elf until i got to dalaran. the majority of the races i ‘worked alongside’ were almost all humans, followed by a fair representation of night elves and dwarves, then some draenei and worgen, with some gnome on the side. about to finish mop, where its almost all pandas or humans so far. but then im not planning to go to isle of thunder where the sunreavers and jainas kirin tor are slugging it out. maybe when i get to wod ill see these elusive almost mythic high elves that the alliance has been working alongside all this time

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They attacked Kul Tiras on the off-chance it’d go Alliance, so… Yeah. Besides, there’s a little more logic in going after Dalaran. It already went from Neutral to Alliance once before, and not only that, but a Son of Lothar leads it now, and the other four Sons of Lothar are engaged in the faction war as well.

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If you’re referring to Dadgar, he was replaced as leader of the Sons by Trollbane. Further, he declared his own - and therefore the Council’s and Dalaran’s - neutrality unambiguously at the end of Legion. Remember; the part where he says he will not raise his hand against either side?

Sylvie may be totally off her meds, but sneak-attacking - or attacking at all - and guaranteeing the survivors, including Dad, go actively gunning for the Horde? That crazy even she’s not. Kul Tiras was a walk in the park compared to what attacking Dalaran would entail.

That’s assuming there would be survivors. She put Teldrassil to the torch easily enough.

Yes, she put a city full of civilians to the torch. If you think Dalaran is as soft a target you haven’t been paying attention. It flat doesn’t make sense, Huxlley. Certainly they can write it, they can write anything.

A far more palatable (especially for High Elf fans) scenario would be the Silver Covenant defying that order of neutrality and leaving Dalaran to go actively fight against the Horde and in so doing become the linchpin to a broader High Elf reunification.

The power that would need to be brought to bear to topple the Kirin Tor, reinforced by the Silver Covenant unless you’re going to posit that they stand back and watch the fireworks, would leave Dalaran nothing more than a smoking rock floating in the sky.

I don’t know. She thought burning teldrassil would break the spirits of the night elves when all it did was stir the hornets nest and put a bigger target on her.

She also thought sacrificing soldiers to a dude who could raise the dead was good strategy.

She was one shot by a level 20 dungeon boss because she assumes that no one will resent for for raising them from the dead to be her personal pawns like she hated Arthas.

She’s not the brightest.


Depends, I think. There are Horde in Dalaran again. It wouldn’t be hard to plot some kind of coup. I can imagine that some Sunreavers would be VERY eager for that, if recent content is anything to go by.

high elf in the mage tower in stormwind. high elves in allerian stronghold in terrokar forest. high elves in the hinterlands. high elf in farstrider lodge in loch modan. i’m sure i’m missing a few. wait, since they changed the mage tower portals, that high elf may not be there. will check.


Agreed, and she’s power-drunk and none too stable right now. However; a) her hold on the Horde is weakening and she might not be able to command the Blood Elves to attack a city that has been home to many of them for thousands of years, b) I don’t think it’s a fight she could win even if they did, and c:

I don’t think the Horde attacking Dalaran is ever going to happen. The writers are sometimes as nuts as they are writing Sylvanas to be right now…but I don’t think they’re that nuts. :wink:

we already know about the portal keepers in SW, and allerian hold, and the lodge elves so i didnt mention them. avarie claims the alliance works alongside them yet this hasnt been the case. because i didnt go to hinterlands the first time i saw them was dalaran. i dont think ill see them again until legion dalaran

well we do quests for the ones in terrokar. going to sw now. will report

It seems like the least likely thing in the world to me. Having them attack Dalaran without provocation would make no sense. Besides which we JUST had a reconciliation story with Dalaran, if we attacked them they’d need to change the zone music to Katy Perry’s Hot N Cold.

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2 at the portal into dalaran from stormwind. male and female silver covenant.

im aware of the 2 on loan from dalaran

Only reason Sylvanas would have to attack dalaran is if she felt they were going behind her back. If she did then she would have a few very powerful mages in her control if she killed and Rez’s the council.

in the alliance mage tower. in stormwind. hehe

Better be careful. The person you’re talking to is going to fall back on the idea that they only saw “three elves” in bfa. I guarantee it.


3 who put on a 7th legion uniform to join the alliance war effort. portal keepers arent putting their lives on the line and they are no more a part of the alliance then the ethereals next to them

You are in denial.