High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Especially now that it would be an allied race. I agree as a core race it wouldn’t jive as well.

They should have used alleria’s return to the game as a scenario to bring in high elves as playable. She and her sister could have been the unifying factor to centralize even more so than the SC ever could. Maybe new name for the group, like the windrunner coalition, or something. Dalaran/kirintor could have been the exalted rep needed to unlock… but it’s too late for that now lol

Alleria could have been the only instance of a “Void” Elf… or just left it out entirely.


I agree with you 100%. When I saw the void elf announcement I facepalmed. There was no previous lore to support it and it basically just spit in the face of what people have been asking for.

In reality Void Elves are an affliction, not a race. I’ve never really like the idea of using afflictions as races in this game, but to each their own. Undead, Void Elves, Worgen, Lightforged. They are all symptoms of something that in most cases is undesirable. The fact of the matter is the ink is dry, so the decision can’t be undone.

I do wonder if the reason High Elves haven’t been put in is more so that Blizzard is planning to do away with factions anyway. It seems to be being hinted at. If that is the case the distinction between blood elves and high elves are moot. Maybe just simply call them Elves, add a few customization options so the player’s appearance shows whether they are a blood elf, high elf, etc.


I don’t see them completely removing the faction barrier, because they probably make loads off the alliance exodus of guilds and players moving to horde.

But they definitely could reduce the barriers to allow LFD and LFR to be mixed of both factions.

Either way I think it would be a unique story to build on by allowing playable alliance high elves… would push it beyond the race war.

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I agree. If the writing could be taken all the way back to wow classic, High Elves should’ve just been put on the Alliance. Night Elves should’ve gone to Horde. Undead should’ve been non-playable, or a third faction since any race could be made undead and playable. If Night Elves lore-wise wouldn’t have worked so well for the horde, they could’ve done Ogres from the start. Blood Elves could’ve more easily been the “evil” outcasts during TBC and wouldn’t have needed any kind of redemption story.

Regardless High Elf lore has been developed since the inception of this game with players interacting with them regularly and definitely should be continued to be developed.


Ogres, mok Nathal or forest/dark trolls would have worked too.


hell goblins could’ve back then too instead of waiting until cata for them.


True, idk why they waited so long either.

I can see why they waited for the Blood elves though, needed some time to lick their wounds.

Speak for yourself.

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Why would night elves ever want to be on the same faction as orcs? They were busy deforesting ashenvale even before classic. Makes no sense.

And I realize this is a thread full of high elf fanboys but I don’t think it makes sense for high elves to be a playable race when they are near extinct and most of their remaining members are dalaran affiliated.


The Night Elves of old? They would have joined with neither and unless threatened would have kept to themselves I think. But writers are writers and the plot must go on…so here we are.


For most of us who want high elves, void elves definitely felt like them spitting in our faces.


Why would a group of Blood Elves join the alliance? They can make a reason.

Agreed! :fist:

Like a group of blood elf exiles that had blue paint slapped on them and grew some tentacles?

Funny how that was fine but giving us a race we’ve worked alongside for ages somehow isn’t.

And the numbers of some of the ARs are low enough to render the population argument pointless.


He is speaking for himself. And for many of us as a matter of fact.

Agreed! :fist:t3:


Dude, a group of blood elves just joined the Alliance…


It’d be a matter of simply doing things sooner that Blizzard did anyways.

As an example, Cenarius going, “Oh, yeah, no, the Horde is cool. Sure, they killed me, but it’s whatever. They saved Hyjal in the Third War.”

After that you’d simply have to look at it from the perspective of Malfurion deciding to be the wise mentor and wanting to help the Orcs on their path to Redemption. Tyrande might not be entirely sold on the idea, but one vision from Elune and she’d grudgingly go with it.

The ones that show their revenue higher than expected, and WoW subs up?

Let’s be honest, Dalaran shouldn’t have left the Alliance to begin with. Helves should be the playable race that uses Dalaran as their home.

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I mean. I don’t see how that matters.

Lots of things in WoW “should” have happened. But we deal with what actually happened, and what the Lore actually is. Doesn’t matter what we want to retcon in our mind.

True. So, let’s just have Dalaran go Alliance again and bring in the helves as the Allied Race for it. I’ve read the suggestions a few times. Have the Forsaken set off some blight bombs they left behind, kill off most of the Council of Six, bring in a fresh one with a helf as the head of it, and this time expand the council’s racial composition.

Archmage Mordent Evenshade
Archmage Millhouse Manastorm
Archmage Dorfus Alphamage
Archmage Y’mera

Are there any Worgen mages or note? Anyways, you get the idea.

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