High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Personally, given the race involved here and it’s population figures on the Horde - I think the only comparable counterpart would be unadulterated Humans. There’s certainly Alterac lore which would support it.

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That is how opinions work, though I don’t believe I used that phrasing, nor did you offer a coherent response. Otherwise, glasshouses?

So, do you just come here to stir the pot?

Yup, Blood Elves are THE main Horde player race. The equivalent would be humans with updated customization options and different eye colors.


Hey, it can be done. Im sure most of us pro-High Elf folks will support this idea as well.

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Oh, I’m sure you’d support anything that got you playable Alliance high elves. You’re an extremely focused bunch.


You could say that. At the end of the day we just want content. Sure, in here were requesting a particular source of content, but we all just want to see new things in game.

Don’t you think you are requesting this race at the expense of others? Giving more High Elves to the Alliance after the addition of the Void Elves only serves to chip away at a foundational uniqueness of World of Warcraft:MMORPG


Perhaps if the Developers hadn’t continually used helves with each successive expansion, this might be a valid point. However, considering they’ve gotten more consistent screentime than some of the Alliance’s actually playable core races, that’s not really the case.


It’s still valid. I mean Developers in an effort to save time, money and for the sake of continuity will use old things over and over sometimes reskinning them. Here its a continuity issue and having them suddenly drop off the face of the earth would make less sense. They dont need too… yet. There is not enough of an issue for them to do it one way or the other. Were in a pocketsized dimension here so to speak. You guys are making mountains of an anthill. When looking outside the box we find ourselves in its a tiny tiny “problem” for you and others.

I said this in another thread and i was gonna reference it but i guess it no longer exists.

Warcraft the MMO was in a unique situation when it came out. Do we push the tired old narrative thats been going on in literature, games,media and history for centuries? Or do we re-invent the wheel?

Now you look at most fairy tales or stories and creatures like Goblins, Minotaurs, trolls… these are all Evil creatures. Dont do this or that or the troll will get you.

So Warcraft decide in its MMO that good and evil is not so easy. You have the Minotaur (tauren), the troll, and the goblins. You have undead and you have Orcs. The Horde is not evil. It’s written with all these races in mind to be ambiguous. Yeah the Horde has had its fair share of leaders but the Horde along with Help from the ALliance has defeated these evil people that would rise up.

Now in the beginning you had the trope of Humans Dwarves and Elves. WoW broke that barrier by giving the Elves everyone expects to be aligned with Humans to the “savage” Nation. In an attempt to further break the idea of this is a fight between Good Alliance and Evil Horde. WoW gave the stereotypical good guy elf to the Horde so they weren’t like every other tired DnD game in grandmas basement or Tolkien-esque book in existence.

We kinda have a topsy turvy world in WOW. Giving the Alliance this stereoptypical elf brings us right back to those tired old roots.

And deep down a lot it not most people wanna fight for good and ofc some who are happy to play the bad guy. But the way these races are written allows more people who would typically choose a human paladin to see that tauren and go hmm. I could get behind playing this beast, they seem noble. You keep adding beasts and typically evil creatures from the past and you are gonna get a stale bland creation. Yeah the Belves are pretty, they provide a stark contrast in the Horde.

Let me ask you this. The night elves of old, had they not had any bad run ins with Horde races would these savage and terrifying warriors fit more Horde or Alliance? The NE we have now are just glorified garden attendants.

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I’d even say they’ve gotten more consistent screentime than Blood Elves themselves.


Thank you!
…with their own style culture and distinctive looks and start zone.


world of elfcraft. more stupid elves.

The Windrunners aside, they typically only get screen time when Blood Elves get screen time.

Otherwise they take up most of the Forsaken’s screen time too. Yet another reason to want to see less of them.

I believe they said no to more start zones or core races. So its unlikely.

Unlikely? True.
The past has shown that blizzard has been steadfast and rock-solid on a great many issues…until it costs them money.
And with the recent quarterly reports out, believe me, those issues may soon come to the fore.

yea but you are using that as a catch all. That could literally apply to anything and everything. Hope is hope but being realistic is important too. New start zones for any race old or new would require an expansion with a focus on old world revamps.

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…which ids why, in my previous rants, I gave some examples.
Especially of certain Old world areas, like that blank map space on Northwest coast of Eastern continent, just south of Ghostlands.
As its not anything in the current game, not even a flyover, nothing would really be upset or taken away, IF that area was ‘reworked’.
that’s jus t one example, the one that came immrediately to mind.

so will you all just STOP acting like we want to steal it all from you or something?
We’re not even asking for new race! We just want the old one, from WC2!

On this point, you’re wrong.

It wasn’t to break the stereotype, it was because of an Asian poll.
The Horde didn’t get a good-guy elf, they got Fel-Addicts who tortured a noble entity of the Light to have their bastard version of Paladins.

In every way, when the Horde first got belves, they were an evil race. They didn’t break molds at all. The only thing they accomplished was to water down the identity of the factions. It was about as damaging to immersion as adding trolls to the Alliance would’ve been.

That’s your opinion. I disagree, since the Alliance never lost the helves to begin with. If the belves were supposed to symbolize a hard break from the past, the helves never would have been used to the extent they have been in Alliance content.

Probably the Horde to be honest. They hated magic, and the Horde’s redemption story would’ve played well with the ancient, wise, and savage nelves. They would’ve helped a lot more than the belves did, in establishing an identity for the Horde.


They did get the stereotypical looking good guy elves. The elve were misled by kaelthas and i wanna say illidan? into using Fel and then most never even touched the fel, they were infused with all the bullfish installed around Silvermoon.

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Lol I can’t imagine if the night elves would have been on the Horde.

I think it’s more or less the Horde was the bigger enemy than the alliance, because the alliance was more or less contained to the EK and it was more of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” approach.

On a side note, the Night elves were created in WC3 and iam not sure if the reason that they were made was to create the typical wood elf and remove that aesthetic from the high elves… I don’t see the issue of having both with their flavor of “wood” elf… as long as they are not keebler… :cookie:


I don’t see that it does. Personally I don’t know if I would play a high elf, but there is certainly more of a foundation for High Elves than there ever was for Void Elves. If blizzard had just given the alliance High Elves over Void Elves in the first place it could’ve alleviated some of the “not more elves” complaints. Blizzard just kind of pulled Void Elves out of their rear for the sake of giving Alleria some kind of similar race to correspond with.

The reasoning originally is that there just wasn’t enough of them left to justify them as playable. However Void Elves are fewer in number than High Elves as they are a very small portion of the remaining Blood Elves which were already few in number.