High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

but, you can make your elf look how you wish. tall , short, fat, thin, any hair color, skin color, eye color, tons of hair styles, myraid faces, tats, lip size, eyebrow size, ear size, and so on. if there was an elf race on the other faction, they’d just have different options but those options wouldn’t preclude them from making an elf that looks similar but not identical to the elf on the other faction.

for example, a night elf could have any skin tone, any hair color, any eye glow color, be tall or short or inbetween, more muscular, less muscular, manymany hair styles and so on. they could approximate a high elf in a general sense, even though they are a night elf, without actually looking exactly like a blood elf and still looking like a night elf. as it stands, theres only one race capable of approximating a high elf of any kind, and they are on only one faction. that is very unbalanced.

contrary to popular belief, i do not look like a high elf.

There appears to be a one high elf thread policy. The community gets pretty irritated whenever the container breaks.

No it’s not.

yes it is. there’s two factions. both with elves. one faction is only allowed to make dark elf look-a-likes. and the options for how they look are extremely limited on top of that. whereas the other faction has both high elf and dark elf look-a-likes.

this is why we were given ARs. they cant do sliders with their engine. they have limited bone animation slots. so we customize by getting ARs of existing races or in rare cases, whole new models of existing races (kul’tirans) i’m an AR customization of a blood elf/high elf. preset and stuck in a narrow appearance range of a dark elf.

people play both factions. so naturally, the people who like high elves on horde are gonna like high elves on alliance, because they like high elves. the high elves dont have to be identical. they just have to be high elves.

to clarify, a high elf is an elf with human skin tone options. it has elf ears. its slender and graceful. it’s magical. in wow, the skin tones can range from fair to dark. and the hair colors, also from fair to dark. eye color is nearly irrelevant

i have no idea why anyone would be surprised that the same people who like elves on the horde, would also like them on alliance. it’s seriously a no-brainer.


does anyone besides me find it a bit frustrating that they dont understand why having more options is a good thing? horde can have dark elves (nightborne) or high elves (blood elves). the alliance can have dark elves (night elves) or dark elves (void elves). yes night elves are dark elves. and void elves are even darker dark elves.


Yeah mate, clearly a fifth vaguely human shaped race with caucasian skin tones would have given a much wider degree of variety.

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what part of human skin tones are you missing? are you saying the only skin tone of humans is caucasian?

case in point, wrathion’s new half elf model. that is a human skin color. its not blue, purple, green or grey.


No, but the only skin tones of blood elves and high elves are caucasian skin tones.

well that was one thing helfers believe would differentiate alliance helfs - we’d have skin shades up to wrathion dark. notice talendrion’s models in the op. the darkest shade can be wrathion dark. i mean he looks fantastic. give him slightly more obvious elf ears and he’d be a great elf.

also wrathion’s curlier hair. curly hair like that has, before now, been hard to depict in 3d but wow’s 3d artists have pulled it off with wrathion. and it would be beautiful if even longer and offered in various human colors. mmos have been missing out on curly hair models.


There are Dark Skinned High Elves.


And Dark Skin is one of the most requested customization options for them so quit trying to push some made up agenda.


I don’t see a picture, even as such is the case, why would a blood elf not be able to get a tan?
You’re looking for ways to differentiate them, but then it becomes a matter of “okay so why arent blood elves having this option of high elves do?”.

diluted bloodlines of alliance high elves

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It hasn’t been long enough, Vareesa’s kids aren’t even teens.

Not saying it isn’t possible, but then they wouldn’t be high elves, they would be half elves if their blood is diluted.

right but since that isnt defined, its just sorta out there, its got some wiggle room. theoretically, since elisande wasnt specific, and since we know all three windrunner sisters were involved with human mates, it’s not a stretch to imagine its prevalent amongst alliance high elves. human cultural influence could provide different fashions and hairstyles (would require giving humans a similarly curly hairstyle and wrathion dark skin tone)

this is hyperspace. skywalker here is the darkest shade of skin for humans :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ah yes, an alternate universe background character from a book that came out 8 years ago with a trait never seen before or since. That’s clearly a rock solid confirmed fact.

What possible agenda could I be trying to push?

I feel like you’re the one trying to push an agenda by putting words in my mouth.

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insinuating that we just want elves because they’re caucasian. so insinuating we’re racists

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Please show me where I did that and not where I simply described their skin colour.

a fifth vaguely human shaped race with caucasian skin tones

when i said, why are you assuming human skin tones are only caucasian (cause i described them to you as human skin tones, not elf skin tones specifically - so not blue or purple or grey or belf or the current helf, but human skin tones. this would differentiate them from current elves)

i outlined that wrathion’s model was an example of a human skin tone we could incorporate and hes using a belf model. looks good doesnt it? then got on skywalker so you could see an example of a darker human skin tone that already exists in game.

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I’ll take that apology now.