High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Most of their kin. All of their people are on the Alliance.


I am very confused with this post.

Why would they? Their “people” are aligned with people who’ve attacked them.


Hasn’t everyone attacked everyone by now?

Not a big deal, just write some new Lore. The new Lore can be made up and not have any actual connection to the current Lore

Or do we suddenly care about that now?

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Have at it. I don’t have a problem with horde getting humans.


Lol right? Whats the population of the planet anymore. The last 30 ish years on the planet has dwindled the over all pop of Azeroth.

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Maybe the new edgy Night Elves will attack Silvermoon and threaten the Sunwell. Faced with the possible destruction of their ‘kin’ they could come home. Besides they don’t have to do so militarily, and I assume most of them are civilians anyway.

Right!? How is everyone not dead?

How are mulocs not extinct by now?

The “do the right thing” and “I look after my people’s survival” have always been a central contrast of the Blood Elves. I like that.

But as such, it can be viewed differently from an in universe perspective, specially for the Modern High Elves who feel they chose their morals above anything else (Self righteousness a very alliance-complying attribute)

The thing is that stopped to be a purely ideological approach when it had consequences and had made them twice war crime accomplices, and indirectly responsable of the death of the husband of the Windrunner ideologically across.

It all adds up.

MoP was such a good expansion.


I know actual numbers in game isnt true lore since the game cant sustain it, so it makes me think the actual numbers are in the millions of the biggest races and hundreds of thousands for the lesser.

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My feeling would be that the Alliance is the only side with any races in the millions (plural). That being Humans and Dwarves. I would have included Night Elves
I dont really know how many were estimated to have survived the Bonfire.

Orcs would be the only Horde race that would touch millions, but I’d think after things like MoP they are more in the 1-2m range.

Darkspear, Forsaken, Tauren, Goblins, all sub 1 million. While there are plentiful number of trolls, tauren, and goblins worldwide, only looking at the Horde ones.

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Yeah Im thinking Humans are in the 2-4million range and Dwarves are about 1.5-2.

Night Elves probably still has a large pop since it feels like their people spend lots of time off Teldrassil, specially since joining the Alliance. It feels like all Elves have a tough time reproducing on the scale of Humans and Dwarves so I feel their pops are lower to start. Im guessing Night Elves had 1.5-2 mil and lost maybe 300-500k. so 1.2 - 1.7 to 1-1.5 remaining.

Think even 300k to 500k might be a lot considering most probably lived in Darnassus.

They were all mostly civilians though so still, not cool Sylvanas.

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Theres a lot of Night Elves spread around both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. It seems like they have more people scattered around the globe than anyone else. Maybe Dwarves and Trolls have them topped if you counted all subraces.

Does the original thread still exist?

Half of my read posts came from the last megathread and they were deleted I guess? I’m kind of annoyed I’ve been set back from having trust level 3 because of that. :frowning:

I still see the last pro megathread in my activity. Now if you read Lydon’s why high elves don’t work thread, that did get 404’d

instead they give you this huge customization template that allows you to make your character how you wish, and there may be some that look similar because some hairstyles, body types, etc are more popular than others. but the game doesnt come screeching to a halt if two people make characters that look like each other. wows problem is you dont enough customization, as a result, the ability to make your elf look the way you want is nearly non existent if its on the other faction.


And the fact that such games which offer such customization such as TERA, allow it.
On the other hand, if you look at a game such as some korean game I cannot remember, those customizations have a limit so that you stay on the same race you chose.

WoW does not have nearly the same customization options, and so, that is part of another reason you won’t get high elves.

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Happy Evening everyone. Here is another support for High Elves in the Alliance! The fight will never cease till we get what we want!