High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

You know, there are some antis that are just stuck in the “There are no playable High Elves ergo there has to be a valid and logical reason for such” and keep trying to make fit every argument to that mindset.

And no matter how many “Arguments why HE’s can be an allied race” you present, all of them simply don’t align with that primer: You can’t make an argument to what they consider an immutable fact.

You can’t argue “How and Why” HE’s could be playable with people that have no intention whatsoever of changing their primer of “High Elves are not playable”


Theres been tons of suggestions and ideas on here to make High Elves different aesthetically. If we can think of things, so can Blizz. As for as thematically, High Elves have already been living with other races so their theme isnt the same as the Blood Elves.

This is why I try to stop replying to these people. I guess I just have an itch to argue =\


Hey, I loved Bro’s ideas for high elf joke emotes!

I am a funny guy. People don’t like me though.

I hear it’s the deep voice. It scares the children.

I know you never specifically haven’t used “backstabbing” but alienating.

If they create the Undead night elves for horde, there isn’t a thing blizz is going to care about from the NE crowd.


You’re confusing me with Broflake, though I wouldn’t disagree with that.

People who are fans of Blood Elves might feel 'alienated in much the same way fans of Night Elves would feel in that instance. I also imagine there would be a variety of other reactions to it also…

Cause of the mass flagging by the zerg of antis from when the mega-threads were locked. Why else? Your groups been caught multiple times trying to silence the discussion.

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Yeah… You could say that lol

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I mean…besides you and several others saying “Flagged for trolling” repeatedly, and getting your own thread locked?
Good joke though.


Regardless of who likes you or not, suggestions on the models and story would be far better to discuss than going in circles on other stuff.


ill go first. what do you think of the high elf people being reunited then? of lorthemar and vereesa making peace with each other

When? Do enlighten us.


I actually want this to happen, but the only way is if the faction walls come down. Lore has High Elves separated from their Blood Elf kin until this happens.


Hmm, the blood elves might be welcome to rejoin the alliance.

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Not like i was banned for long, was easier to keep up the discussion from the one i posted on the most, but if you wanna go there, why are all the antis set to private on their profiles?

Not jumping toons to boost your cause are we?

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The three or four making peace with the blood elves? Why would lor’Themar waste his time? :thinking::upside_down_face:

In all seriousness though, it would be very contrived, I do not think Vareesa is going to forgive the horde and by extension BEs for Rhonin at theramore.

I don’t like it, it’s s race already divided and having all of these united fronts all the time isn’t a good story. The division should be explored even further.


Some members of the playable Alliance high elf community were following us into other threads… trying to bait or harass us there.

We had a discussion about it. Why were you trying to look at our profiles?

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why do they have to rejoin the alliance? they would still be your elves lorewise

lorthemar could apologize to get the dialogue going. and allow half children in quel’thalas(no humans tho). and even offer her a spot on his little council with hal and rom. it would be amazing to see these guys together cracking skulls chicklis style(his character from the shield)