High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Exactly this lol. I bet 99% of that will be like, “hey cool a new race to try out. Thanks Blizzard for giving us content!”


As long as High elves are an Alliance Allied race they will more than likely be locked behind a reputation grind. So it will only be accessible to those willing to work down that grind on an alliance alt.

To that extent what percent of the 40% are going to move just for RP and who will stay for their guilds, and pvp?


when the high elves left the alliance as a people only a few individuals remained. the problem is there is no lore to cite that the 10% of the remaining population after arthas allied themselves with the alliance. just that they rejected the rebranding. and as we saw in WotLK most of them chose to live out their exile in dalaran, and the SC wouldnt even exist if the horde never came to dalaran and formed a relationship with the sunreavers. so when the pro side claim the high elves are a core part of the alliance identity and have been serving us the entire time, beyond a few individuals its fancitions

For this game? No, but I do know for a fact that when you introduce the exact same thing, but just put it on a different side, the return you get for such an investment is significantly lower.
This is why in every single game that exists and is successful, there is a significant difference no matter how much people complain.
Changing the color of an enemy, things along that nature, prevent your target audience from being bored, and your game from being stale.
The request for high elves is a request for something which goes against making a good return on your investment.

Furthermore, if a significant portion of your playerbase has already made said race, they’re not going to have a positive reaction to watching the thing they “made” be put on the other side. There is either a neutral reaction of “Kay.” or “dude why did I get stuck on the Horde for 12 years if they were just going to put it on the alliance.”.

People are very easily predicted when given the according environment.

You’re right, they don’t have a blue background/
Didn’t you admit you were in it for the aesthetics anyway?

You have a number to back it up?
Lor’themar was in absolute fear of his people being annihilated when Sylvanas forced him to send some to Northrend.

Sighing won’t help you.

besides lots and lots of data demonstrating what occurs when you introduce the same thing just with a different name?
The fact that no game developer EVER, releases the same race twice? Just saying.

Which is why they still haven’t done it after 12 years. You ever think your theory just isn’t supported?

They offer something different from standard gnomes. High elves dont.

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High elves are even more different from standard gnomes. :stuck_out_tongue:


Now that is unfounded dude. You’re making a prediction in a vaccum, it seldom works.


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For them to think even half of a half of all Blood Elves players will exodus to the Alliance for High Elves en mass is laughable.

Giving up their friends, guilds, and storylines. If it was true it would speak a lot to their “faction pride” and “faction identity”.

Lok’tar O’gar indeed.


Where was this claimed?

You’re trying hard to be provocative, but all you’re doing is coming off as rude and insulting. It doesn’t really strengthen your argument or attempt to draw people to support you.

According to you guys, it’s a super popular idea - so if that’s true than a lot of them.

If it’s not true, then it’s not worth doing in the first place.

Holy cow. We agree on something. Correct. High Elves left the Alliance around the end of WC2. How ever, there were indeed Elves in the Alliance. These Elves were told to come home by their king and didnt. To say they havent had any presence in the Alliance is ridiculous. A lot of the Elves on Dalaran have a military focus. Dalaran did indeed have a military force as it was once a kingdom of the Alliance of Lordaeron.

I still say however you are missing the point of how ARs are written into being.

Lightforged Draenei - Helped by Alliance and Horde to fight on Argus.
Dark Iron - No Alliance presence except for the girl.
Kil’tirans - Alliance have to help them for them to join the new Alliance.
Void Elves - From left field. Both factions can get Argussian reach rep.

Mag’har Orcs - Neutral to both Alliance and Horde
Highmountain Tauren - Had no affiliation to Horde or Alliance
Nightborne - Enemy to both Horde and Alliance
Zandalari - Im guessing its the same as Kul’tirans. I dont have a horde toon this high.

The point is ARs dont have a presence in their factions before their implementation. Why do the High Elves have to be different?


*In your opinion.

As this “point” was the biggest fear back when the High Elf craze really started, and it’s logically unfounded.

And you believing we need the argument strengthened or that we’re trying to “draw” people to our cause is another opinion, people join in of their own accord because they have read the thread and agree with the points, we’re not “recruiting”, they come to us if they feel the same way, this is how a fan base works.

This is why there’s been 3 mega-threads for this 1 topic.


It would be popular… but mostly with alliance.

As for reasons stated above, why would a committed horde player leave its guilds and pvp for alliance?

Well we’ve suggested changes to the model, but the anti side shoots those down. Apparently void elves, who don’t have the aspects we want from high elves should be close enough to high elves for us because they have the model, but high elves, actual high elves that have what we want lorewise are no longer high elves because of a different model.


Guilds or friends. Im sure a lot of people might try a High Elf but they wont be their mains.


I don’t agree with that, but hopefully we’ll never know.

That’s an unnecessary qualifier. Most players aren’t competitive or even attached to their guilds.

No, its a fact. Science says so.

I haven’t seen anyone make such a claim, is this something you fabricated? Furthermore, i like how you dropped the magical addiction argument,s o I’ll assume you admitted I was correct by not saying anything.

Yeah, because that is how you get people to support you and further your cause. The devs don’t like an echo chamber, and high elves have been so controversial it is part of why they won’t do it. So if you want something, maybe start by being nice and not insulting, belittling, or passively aggressively being rude.

Just a thought, you’re welcome not to listen to it, but why else would you have leapt to this level 10 NE character?

I know, and trust me, it isn’t like the notion you have is a bad one in theory, but I simply do not believe it is well supported in practice.

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Just in the new forums.


So then if they are just casual players how is it “back stabbing” the blood elves? If they switch then they must not be all that tied to the horde blood elves?

We’ve also given them feed back, which was ignored. So they couldn’t have been that serious about it.

Did I say “back stabbing”, why do you say “back stabbing”? Is this intended to be some sort of trap? You’re unnecessarily complicating things.

you know anyone can click the expand arrow to see what i really wrote right

and of all the ARs so far, only 2 arent variants on the same faction

and the 2 that arent are completely different aesthetically and thematically from a core race and were able to cross the faction boundaries