High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Ok. I told myself not to reply to an obvious troll, but I cant help myself sometimes.

What does the SC not being used currently have to do with the play-ability of High Elves on the Alliance?


because only a few individuals are actually aligned with the alliance

That is what annoys me about the issue. They keep using them as a foil for stories at various points, when other races should suffice. It really kills the remnant notion


Head cannon

They have been listed before! Next!


What that
isn’t headcanon though

Only a “few” is head cannon, it’s literally an organization.

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No one said immediately, and they obviously have other Allied Races panned out till the end of BFA and probably the middle of the next expansion.

So you know something as talked about and controversial as High Elves would rake in Bank, for Blizzard from everything to subs all the way down to micro-transcations, because at the end of the day, it’s content and even more controversial, it’s requested content, GASP.

You’d be right, if Void Elves we’rent a colossal disappointment in almost every category except aesthetics. They’re popular for their model, that’s about it.

No, please continue doing so, cautiously, every once in awhile to keep your sanity. It’s tremendous for the general onlooker to see those points fleshed out, instead of passed off as cannon by a troll.


You keep on with this. Even if what you say is true, which I remember tons of people linking how many actually align to the Alliance and its a lot more than your estimated three, None of the ARs were aligned with either faction until it was written for them to be. The same can be applied to High Elves. Stop trying to argue that High Elves cant be a playable AR “because only a few individuals are actually aligned with the alliance” when none of the current ARs were that way to start.

How do you think future ARs will be added? They have to be part of the Horde or Alliance already to be added? No. They will be added through lore.


If Blizz had followed through with showcasing them as such, we would be well on the set up for IDK, half elves at this point.

But no, we still have high elves showing up. I was of the mind of “either do something with them or get rid of them” but it has been over a decade and like any way of “getting rid of them” by now would be too little to late.

Maybe turn them into VE’s or something, but it’s just a glaring hanging plot thread, is just too much spotlight for a group that isn’t playable (The SC’s whole existence is being an Alliance NPC counterpart to a Playable Horde race)


the problem is blood elves make up well over 90% of the high elf people and are aligned with the horde. the rest are tied up with dalaran or living in a hut in the hinterlands

They’re still few in number relatively to blood elves.

Probably not ever if you want me to be brutally honest. HIgh elves give nothing blood elves don’t already provide.

You keep bringing this up as if it is a good argument, but if it was, it would have been done by now.
I know for a fact that bringing in anything as controversial as high elves would be more harmful than beneficial, and would not be worth the effort placed into it as much as effort could be placed into another race.
Hence, why void elves were made, because the high elf theme is taken by blood elves, and repeating it for the opposite faction would have caused issues.
The only thing that can bring down WoW, is itself, so why aim for a controversial matter which may alienate a significant portion of the playerbase? Furthermore, again, not worth the time and effort to develop a clone of what exists already. It is a waste of time, and would not be as great a return as something new like ogres or vulpera.

Which is all that matters at the end of the day. The theme comes before the lore and storyline. They’re a mere skin, and they’re a re-skin at that, which is worth more penny by penny than a copy paste.

I could not have said it better myself. Warcraft is full of interesting unique peoples, I’d rather see they get the attention. There has always been a lot of competition for story space, and with the addition of allied races my concern grows.

i dont really blame blizzard for using the SC as a story tool because they think they have a cool story to tell, that being the divide of the high elf people. its not their fault a small group of people want to put more into that

Do you have stats to back up your claims that it would alienate a significant portion of the playerbase?


If Blood Elves provided everything people wouldn’t be asking for something else

I wanted to keep ignoring the trolls but this is pure gold.


Dude or dudette, I hear ya. Sometimes its just draining to deal with it. I really want to talk about cool things that can be added for High Elves but I guess Im meant to just argue. :man_shrugging:

Blood Elves make up 100% of the Blood Elf people. The High Elves that we want playable, as stated by Blizzard in previous games, have been living among the Alliance or in their own lodges before the fall of Que’thalas.

Say the actual lore population of Elves pre-Arthas was 1,000,000. Kill 90% of them and you’re left with 100,000. Take 90% of that and throw them to Outlands leaving 10,000 Elves either living with the Alliance or away from Quel’thalas.

10,000 is a lot more than some ARs. Never use population when discussing lore.



You don’t know for a fact, because it hasn’t happened yet. And it would most certainly be worth the effort, Blizzard is all about easy money nowadays, and that’s what this would be, on top of mountains of goodwill and lore expansion.

They think amputee Gnomes are worth the effort despite everyone but Gnome players saying otherwise. An Allied Race for the most underplayed race in the Game is worth the “effort”. Okay, sure.


Nearly 40 percent of the Horde plays Blood Elves.

But probably only a few of them are exaggerated and dramatic naysayers that constantly post in the forums against something that wouldn’t affect them.


So? Is there proof that that 40% is opposed to high elves?