High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

so no leylines involved in moonwells?

Nope. They just, throw water in there, get blessings and BAM!

Not a link but ok.

So why can’t you also assume that perhaps they don’t need it, and that requiring the “excess to survive” is a choice on their part because of their addiction?

Nightborne’s entire arc revolved around “curing” their addiction to the Nightwell with the help of the Arcan’dor, it’s obviously possible to cure addiction to magic excess, as they broke free of their addiction to the Nightwell, and now live just fine without a source of infinite power.

Basically this.

It’s a Night Elf thing. Each strain of elves appear to resemble some aspect of their “source”.

You know I kinda have to admit the past discussion about mana tapping and the semantics of draining have been way too much for me. Ooof the minutia honey.

For me the issue was that Blood Elves were okay with “a by all means necessary” approach as a cultural norm, while High Elves were “ethically sourcing” their mana.

It’s an ideological issue at the end of the day.


Also, Blizzard’s writers really never thought it through that much.

Probably because the lore says so. You’re attempting to apply real life logic to a story. It does not work.

The entire storyline of the nightborne revolves around their absolutely need for the power of the nightwell. What turns a nightborne wretched is different from what turns a blood elf wretched.
Nightborne wretched are a LACK of mana which eventually results in their death.
Blood elf wretched are the over indulgence of mana to the point they warp and transform.

The arcandor completely removed their need for the nightwell, which is why they live without it now. If they did not have the arcandor fruit, then when the nightwell was allowed to die then their entire people would have died too. So no, it wasn’t comparable to real life.

Well, let us be real. If 90% of humanity just got popped and you were in a do or die situation, the all means necessary approach becomes more and more appealing.
The high elves had the benefit of being in a safe place at the time. They had Dalaran and Stormwind or were in isolated areas. The blood elves were not. They had to fight or die.

Well, yeah, that’s the whole point. This is not about a value judgement, just pointing out their different context, which is why I like each group for their choices.

There are many anti blood elf people in here but I’m not one of them, I just think BE and HE are different enough to allow for a very different experience, which I’d like to play.

I love my belves, but they simply don’t fulfill the HE fantasy, and the opposite is also true (


I feel unrepresented :slightly_frowning_face:

Zen, strength of spirit and meditation could be good ways to deal with the whispers.


velf monks unite. :grin:


True, but I think it was intentional on Blizzard’s part, sort of how they changed night elves from the standard wood elf thing.
I honestly think it was messed up of themt o leave high elves around, because it just plays people.

That’s exactly the issue they are trying to cover up by diminishing the high elf efforts or trying to make them not different from the actions blood elves took.

For some reason, the antis con’t take the two elf groups are just different paths that sprung out of the same tragedy. It’s like they feel threatened by the existance of what they perceived as “higher moral” elves, so they need to talk down the other path.

But this has never been about the “better” elf. It’s just about seeing different stories within the setting. Blood elves already had their “redemption”, so what’s the issue? Let us explore the other path now!


That is your own narrative you’re going by again. No one has diminished them, but the fact of the matter is high elves dont have a separate path.
They literally stayed at home, tapped artifacts to get by, helped their immediate friends while the rest of their people tried to survive after tragedy.

Then, when the blood elves joined the HOrde because the alliance couldn’t or refused to help, they distrusted the blood elves and proceeded to purge them from Dalaran.
You are seeing the other path, and besides, gameplay still comes before high elves.
High elves won’t happen because blood elves exist, and you just got void elves to enjoy on the alliance.

Even if we assumed they’d eventually be playable, it won’t be anytime soon, and its been 12 years.

only 3 high elves care enough to even explore the other path. the SC you claim is aligned with the alliance seems content to just chill in dalaran while the alliance is in an all hands on deck faction war

Love it when they claim to know what Blizzard’s thinking.

It’s also only been 1 and a half years and 1 expansion since the Allied Race system was added, and all the Oopsies that came with it, that so, adamantly give the High Elves the space and chance they’ve never had before.


Man its almost like Blizzard didnt use every entity they have for BfA. I guess the Alliance is stuck with the amount of people they have in the faction war and cant receive reinforcements.


You just received void elves, why would blizzard immediately release another thalassian elf instead of spacing things out for the biggest bang for their buck.
Furthermore, yes, my specialty is in business thanks for knowing.

Not really, void elves pretty much shut the idea down.

What void elves?


100% agree: If the High Elves had just been a remnant of a remnant and fade out through the expansions, that would have been it.

But just last expansion the Silver Covenant was parading in front of Surmar while playable races were on the bleachers, and it’s like completely inconsistente.

If they didn’t want to focus on High Elves, they should have never made the Silver Covenant a faction. They have been a constant presence since 2008, and that really weakens the notion High Elves are a dying or disappearing people.


even before bfa went live i was arguing the sc wouldnt make an appearance in BFA unless an existential threat to azeroth appears and dalaran gets involved. guess who was proved right

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