High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

that is good to know. :sunglasses:

I’m curious - seriously - about this. Night Elves need the Moonwell, Nightborne needed the Nightwell, Blood Elves needed the Sunwell until it was trashed and turned to mana tapping critters, Felblood turned to sucking power from demons.

Every single elven race requires a Font of Powerℱ or something to drain of that required power to survive. Except High Elves? Are you suggesting just being in the presence of arcane artifacts was enough to stave off that need?

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yep. passive absorption. this was the reason i was given for belf green eyes. they had fel crystals in silvermoon that radiated the power and they absorbed it passively. so naturally, its an ability elves have to absorb magical crystal power, passively. they dont have to tap. tap was something illidan taught them for those moments when they didnt have crystals


But that fel absorption effect was due to proximity to the crystals they used to keep the place together. Is there lore somewhere that simply being near it removed the need for mana tapping? In which case why were they mana tapping? I see you saying Illidan taught them that so they could have road snacks
but isn’t it easier to stuff a crystal in your belt pouch and never worry about it again?

Can you point to lore that says the fel crystals supplied their needs?

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Let’s all just pretend those fel crystals in Silvermoon aren’t there!

It’s like the mindcontrolling brainwasher in the auction area that’s suppressing any dissent is trying to do so in the real world too!

Cover your eyes, plug your ears, and hum. Nothing to see here! Nothing at all!

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they’d have to carry the crystals onto the battle field if its proximity. so it must be they had to tap when out and about tilll the sunwell was restored

I’ve always interpreted magical addiction to be a physiological need more akin to sunlight, than to food; but, AFAIK, this actually is headcanon. :man_shrugging:

Also, pretty sure this has something to do with the magic being condensed into a lifeform – meaning not floating around in an ambient form, but who knows.


Again, can you please toss some lore my way which supports that?

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Let’s all pretend I didn’t ask a question and instead declared fel crystals don’t exist. Don’t put words in my mouth.


Which would line up with artifacts being used similarly, no? :slight_smile:

you just said it yourself. the fel crystals in silvermoon were proximity. the sunwell was still borked. illidan taught them mana tap for just such moments. you have a belf?

I suppose. It’s likely an issue of Blizzard’s early RTS and Vanilla/TBC-era narrative not seeming to have any forward thought put into it – which has created a mess, that hasn’t ever been fully cleaned up. :man_shrugging:

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No, I didn’t say that in the context you seem to be implying I did. Those crystals were employed - afaik - to keep the city intact. I haven’t read or seen anywhere that they were brought in and installed for the purpose of sating their need for an energy source. One more time, please, link me some lore.

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I dont think he is saying this literally (but this is a very common tactic I’ve seen you do, or antis jumping the page and sounding dumb). But, CDev 3 gives you a bit more insight:

“The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.”

I do believe some of the anti field goes a bit far, but Blizz has clearly said all that matters is proximity to usage. MEANING, you could be a blood elf with green eyes yet never have consumed fel. This has been the case for most races and creatures on Azeroth with fel magic.

I mean, they could also just been green mana crystals now since
that was a thing said and implemented by blood elves in BFA.

But we will never see any update to that until Silvermoon gets pulled out from Outland hell.


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Isnt this one of the reasons Varessa lived in Dalaran? She was able to stave off this need via Rhonin. Probably most of the Elves in Dalaran are also like this. Them living in location with such a strong presence of magic helped them. Almost as if Dalaran is their Font of Power. I cant do the tm im on my phone lol


May I say that I applaud your most excellent use of understatement as a literary device? :slight_smile:

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It is described as being a physiological need similar to food and breathing, though one does need sunlight or they eventually go insane.

But that is the thing, if just being around condensed objects was enough, then why would there ever have been a need to mana tap?


one is passive
the other is aggressive. mana tap is aggressive.
the high elves preferred passive. they didnt like mana tap.
the blood elves preferred whatever was suitable for the moment. if mana tap, then mana tap. if passive, then passive.

well how else are they gonna get their mana addiction resolved, if they arent mana tapping in the city and the sunwell is borked?

Let me give you a hand with that :slight_smile:

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