High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

“we refuse to suck magic from living things” ?

No, it hasn’t. You can’t even get a real confirmation.

“I have not needed… help… to cope.” Priestess Aurora.

Where’s the confirmation there? You are reading into the text while immediately discarding the most obvious explanations (help from magic objects or meditation) to jump into conclusions that are not supported anywhere.

There are cases of cursed items transforming elves without mana tapping.

The legend of the Crystal of Zin-Malor reached Silvermoon, and I led a group of the finest warriors and scholars available to this land. We brought ample mana crystals, so none of us would be tempted to taste the crystal itself.

The crystal did not need our hunger to ruin us. Once in our possession, it warped all but me into wretched beasts.

Guess what the Quel’lithien elves found? A cursed item. It may even have been the Crystal, since it was related to Quel’lithien in Vanilla questing (go play Classic and see for yourself).

Your theory is so absurd that you forgot to compute into it that the Sunwell was already restored and they had no need to drain any items, even if they had done so before.

So far, we got from antis:

  • Silver Covenant is not part of the Alliance
  • High elves mana tapped
  • Blue eyes are returning to the blood elves
  • Blood elves call themselves high elves
  • Blood elves never consumed fel, their eyes were retconned
  • Draining is not draining. The dictionary and the TBC cinematic are wrong

Give us a break. What’s the next ridiculous claim that you will pull out?

Let me say the obvious: high elves and blood elves are different things because they made different choices. High elves still exist. These attempts to disqualify real lore with baseless speculation are pathetic.


I know how this sounds but “Yes it has.”.
You’re literally ignoring what is written to preserve some theory that isn’t supported.

Which is why they needed an additional artifact(cursed one) which they immediately began mana tapping because of their addiction?
What about in Northrend, where it was stated high elves were mana tapping magical artifacts? This believe that they weren’t mana tapping is a poor one.

Different items do different things. You’re trying to equate two different situations into the same things while ignoring the fact that the situation was different between them.

Hell, you pick up a cursed item in Nazjatar and get different debuffs depending on what you obtained. You can’t just say “wellt hat cursed object did the same thing!”, when you have no statement of it.

The Quel’lithian high elves knew how to mana tap since they learnned it from Rommath. Otherwise, why would they be exiled for not wanting to mana tap living creatures?

Let alone the quotation you mentioned also points out something.

Which implies that the mana crystals eventually run out because they had to bring an ample number of them. Again, if being surrounded by magical artifacts were enough, why were the blood elves still suffering the effects of withdrawal until they learned mana tapping?
The effects of which are indicated as being physically and magically weakened to the point where they could suffer harm?

Yet…for some reason…even though just being around objects is enough, it still wasn’t enough? Your theory doesn’t hold up when the lore indicates otherwise.
Your theory doesn’t work when everything in lore says it doesn’t work.
Why else were they desperate to have the sunwell restored if having magical object was enough?
What about the fact that Lor’themar was giving Liadrin crystals which would eventually run out and she would need more?

False, it was indicated in the story that despite the sunwell being restored there were some reluctant to give up the habit. So yes, I did factor it but you didn’t consider the entirety of the lore. You only look at one spot, cherry pick and say “I am right!”.

Cool we’re doing this then? cracks knuckles lets see how many you made up.

Part of Dalaran correct, which is why there are no SC elves in BFA.

Correct, as indicated by lore that some high elves used magical crystals and artifacts (quel’lithien, Dalaran), some abstained (Quel’Danil).

Several sunreavers have blue eyes instead of green. You can locate them in Isle of Thunder.

No claim of this was made. Blood elves called themselves high elves. Past tense.

False, it was stated only SOME consumed fel, but most didn’t per lore.

not sure what this ridiculous statement is coming from, but I can only imagine you argued with Fyre, got into an argument, then you both strawmanned each other into areas of a discussion that make no sense whatsoever.

Per lore they are the same bio race, their name is political only. They are not different.

They never went away, they either changed their names (blood elves), or they didn’t (high elves).

I think its rather peculiar you’re refusing to acknowledge lore that has existed since TBC.
Which is par for the course with you, and those who tap like on your posts because they like high elves too and agree with anyone who likes high elves.

I imagine if I said something that was nonsense and said “this justifies high elves”,. you’d probably like it as well.


i liked her post because it made more sense than yours. as you know i don’t even really like elves.


Well I’m tried. Been trying to manage a Discord Server without losing people and of course having your friends blocking you ether by accident or much to like the mods from the Main High Elf Discord Blocking you without having a second thought or message. Also try of asking for other Mods to be noticed in the ARC Discord as well. I’m just done with the Support altogether. Its just all I want is to talk to groups of people within the WoW Community that I can atleast chat with not just on here but also Discord as well.

But due to my past actions from 2 years and of course this year its becoming much harder for me to even talk with folks now in days. I’m just done. High Elf Allied Race Support, Forums, Drama, Causing Problems, and issues, just everything. Like I said again. I’m sorry folks for being a jerkwad for the past 2 years and up to this year as well. I just wish things weren’t the way they are.

Again High Elf Folks and Mods. I have nothing against you when I made the lodge. I only made it for people I want to talk and chat with and atleast try to grow bit of a community of my own with people I used to talk and enjoy with. Lodge is still around just wish I had more folks to talk to. That’s all…

Anyways. You guys take care and yes sorry if I keep doing this over and over again. But for real I’m just going to do something else besides High Elves, Wildhammer Dwarves, and Warcraft in General. Once Again sorry for my Past Behaviors of damaging the rift between blizzard and the High Elf Community. I just miss talking with a group of folks that I know. That’s all. Good bye.

=p Hush you or I am not running you through mythics anymore

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okay i’ll like some of your posts too. <3

The damage has been done, I divorce you.

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here take another like. :wink:

It’s pretty amusing how often her argument changes, even when she’s contradicting things she’s ALREADY said. But instead of actually acknowledging these hypocrisies she glazes over them by either flat out ignoring them or switching to another topic.


i haven’t noticed her contradicting herself but i will admit to scrolling past 400 posts or so if i haven’t posted in a while and just reading new posts.


She spent a good while comparing the High elves using the vessels to sate their addiction with people using nicotine patches to an absurd degree until it hurt her argument, and then she refused to acknowledge it again afterwards. Literally glazing over it to pick a different fight over a side point that was made. Because they’re only so alike until it begins to hurt her argument, then its no longer relevant.

Or the fact that she suggested that siphoning was the reason elves fall to their addiction while all high elves are only trying to wean themselves off of it entirely while ignoring the Quel’lithien elves who never tapped magic from anything and still succumbed to their addiction for magic and became wretched after being seduced by a magical artifact.

She also has a terrible tendency to interpret vague quotes to suit her agenda, and then refer to them as the most “obvious” conclusions despite the fact that people have disagreed. It’s one thing to say “I think it meant” or to acknowledge that you’re speaking from a personal perspective, and another thing entirely to preach your opinion like it’s some sort of universal fact.


ah okay. i haven’t seen that myself, but i understand that that would frustrate you if she’s been doing that.


I like how before that the argument was they where already part of the Alliance so we can’t “recruit” them.

That they won’t be added simply because they say so seems to be becoming a thing.


Oh the irony Drede.

I was just skimming old threads about the possibility of blood elves getting golden eyes and who did I see littering the threads calling these theories “headcanon” and dismissing every single argument and piece of evidence to support it?


It’s clear that all the evidence in the world could prove you wrong and you’d still refuse to acknowledge it for no other reason then you not liking it. All the things you were saying to me, you quite literally said to them, and now here you are trying to take the high ground. How laughable.


all i have to say on this particular topic is, if the high elves at quel’lithien learned mana tap from rommath and it even says they did, thats only evidence that the high elves at quel’lithien did. for the rest of them to use mana tap, they would have to also be taught and if that evidence doesnt exist, that likely means they absorbed it passively like belves did in silvermoon

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That makes no sense.

More along the lines their race is already playable, and the alliance have a variant already.


I feel like people misusing the term “headcanon” is an enormous issue – on both sides of this particular discussion.

Which is to say, I agree with you, people who theorized back then that BE’s might acquire golden, Light-infused eyes weren’t indulging any “headcanon”.


and here i thought headcannon was the gaming equivalent of theory. haha.

It’s fine to refer to headcanon as theory, for the most part, but definitionally something can only be considered a headcanon if it involves a personal interpretation of historical (i.e. lore) events – if someone is theorizing or speculating about things that might happen in the future, without changing anything that is already established from the past, it isn’t headcanon.