High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I miss my favorite orc already :cry:.

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So Alamara it seems your a expert of Void Elf Class Titles.

Can you give the title names of the Magister, Sorceress, ranger, and Priests? I know Ghostblade is Rogues and Rift Wardens are Warlocks.

Warriors are “I signed up for classes super late so the only elective I could get into was void 101”.

That would be nice, but Nathanos has some of the best plot armor money can buy.

Consider that Tyrande, as Night Warrior, obliterated everything she even looked at on the way to the confrontation on the beach. Consider that Malfurion, one of the most powerful mortals on Azeroth - powerful enough to go toe to toe with Azshara - is beside her.

That fight on the beach should have gone something like:

Tyrande - I’ve got this, my love.

Mal - But I want to help

Tyrande - I said I’ve got this

Mal - But…

Tyrande - Fine then, go rip the wings off of one of the Valkyries while I flash-fry Nathanos and the other one.

Fight starts, Tyrande attacks, her fight’s over and there are two dead bodies. Malfurion’s fight takes a few seconds longer. They win, the end.

Instead Nathanos - and those Valkyries - get +10 Plot Armor of Near Invincibility from the writers and the whole fight only costs them one Valkyrie. It was ridiculous when you consider the lore-founded power of Malfurion all by itself - and when you add Tyrande as Night Warrior (literally wielding the Wrath of God) to the mix it was one of the most poorly thought out confrontations I’ve seen in the game.


When the Sunwell was gone they always wanted more that’s the entire point, even the High elves who collected the vessels wanted more, that sentence is saying that the objects they were siphoning were not enough to sate their withdrawals, and the nature of their addiction meant they needed another source to draw from like the Sunwell, not cyncizing siphoning in itself. He even said that the intention of the artifacts, creatures and environments were meant to sate their cravings not to make them “more” powerful. You literally picked the word out of context and wove it around saying “boo” with little regard for the quote it belonged to, that’s also likely why you were hesitant to cite it in the first place.

Of course there’s parallels but you’re trying to connect dots that simply do not go together. You can find countless parallels in WoW to the real world, but that doesn’t mean it was the game’s intention, or purpose. That’s just your interpretation. Heck the phrase “tapping” into magic is one of the most commonly used phrases in Fantasy.

Again, it doesn’t matter how they were getting the energy, they were sating their cravings for magic with artifacts, which is a trait of Blood Elves who’ve accepted that their “addiction” is part of who they are, while modern High elves actively fight that addiction, and even do their best to keep it hidden from others. The fact that the Allerian High elves have also accepted their addiction and their need for magic for strength is a direct parallel between them and the Blood Elves.

It’s pretty crazy that you can draw the most wild connections but refuse to see one so clear and obvious.

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In Telogrus they are called:

  • Warrior: Veiled Riftblade (Mission table troops and Riftblade Kelain seem to confirm this title)
  • Hunter: Umbral Ranger (But Hunters are also called Void Trackers and Void Rangers in other instances)
  • Warlock: Riftwarden (But this may be a function in Telogrus rather than a class title).
  • Rogue: Ghostblade (None in Telogrus, but many wandering in Stormwind. “Void Assassin” is used in the War Campaign)
  • Mage: Locus Researchers (But this may be a function in Telogrus rather than a class title. Called “Void Mages” in other instances).
  • Priest: Unknown, but called “Void Speakers” in the War Campaign.
  • Monk: Unknown. There’s not a single ren’dorei monk NPC.

Other titles include “Void Shaper”, “Duskrunner”, “Shadeweaver”, but we don’t know if they are linked to any classes.


I think the Void Shaper is Priest and Shadeweaver is the monk. That’s what I can only think of so far.

Shadeweaver is used by Shadeweaver Zara, which seems to be a warlock/priest hybrid rather than a monk.

The problem with these titles is that most void elves using them are mages, warlocks and/or priests using void magic in ways that are not linked to any class. That’s the problem with introducing a race with a theme that is not fit directly to any existing class.

That’s enough for me. It’s funny how I’m constantly linking and quoting official sources, which are then handwaved and denied by you, while you have nothing to prove your point.


  • Encyclopedia says high elves didn’t feed from alterative magic sources.
  • Encyclopedia also says magical artifacts help ameliorate their condition.
  • Only blood elves learned mana tap to siphon power directly. That led them into worsening the addiction.

Deny them all you want, they are still facts.


Your “official” sources never seem to say what you’re suggesting they say is the problem. I don’t make comments and then claim I have proof by providing a link to a paragraph that proved nothing of the sort. I can provide vague links too, but I’m not going to twist it’s meaning and then pretend it backs me up.

  • Using magical vessels to sate your addiction is indeed “feeding” from alternative magic source. Even if you were to use the “patch” as an analogy, you’re still “feeding” your body nicotine.
  • The Encyclopedia also said High elves do not accept their “addiction” like Blood Elves and actively fight it by meditating.
  • No, all Elves suffer from addiction. The Blood Elves simply accepted this fact and searched for magical replacement, which artifacts, and creatures were not enough.

Keep pretending your headcanons are facts, because the only person you’re going to convince with them is yourself.


there is no mention of them not possessing the knowledge of ‘mana tap’ or if ‘meditation’ was enough. only a few alleged individuals are said to have been able to go cold turkey(prob a reference to the lodge elves)

This is not to say, however, that withdrawal from magic would leave the high elves unharmed. On the contrary, permanent mental or physical damage is possible.

still not sure why you always bring this up when the whole thing was resolved years ago

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Which is funny because these very elves who meditated were also seduced by a mysterious powerful artifact that left them wretched despite never siphoning magic a day in their lives.

But wait, I thought it was siphoning that led to this addictive behavior? How could elves who’ve only ever meditated been so easily seduced? Probably because the whole point is that their “addiction” is natural condition all Thalassian elves experience. Siphoning was only even brought up because it’s a convenient distinction between the two groups of elves to exaggerate on.

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They were all addicted and suffering withdrawl for the most part, but siphoning mana was making them want more of it, to the point of excess.

The artifact that turned the Quel’lithien elves was corrupted which is how it got them.

Pretty basic stuff.


Siphoning only gave them a means, that “addiction” is always there, siphoning did not make it worse. But clearly “siphoning” is not the only means according to the fate of the Quel’lithien elves.

It was not corrupted, they simply absorbed too much magic from it, which is the only way a Thalassian elf becomes wretched. Despite their meditation they were still seduced by its power, and that craving led to them to becoming wretched. Even the wiki made a note about it.

  • The lodge’s fate is ironic, as the elves who dwelled there were the most fierce opponents of mana draining and abstained from it entirely–they ended up becoming wretched, which only occurs after draining far too much arcane magic.

All Thalassian elves suffer from Addiction.

Pretty basic indeed.

YOUR interpretation is not canon.

It’s pretty clear that by the encyclopedia meant directly siphoning mana, rather than just using the presence of magic to calm the effects.

Stickers are meant to help fight addiction by progressively reducing your exposure to the addictive substance. That’s not “feeding” your addiction.

Here’s where you trick lies: I’m talking about feeding the addiction, not the substance.

Nicotine patches are meant to reduce your craving so you can take progressively less nicotine until you cope with its absence. It’s to fight the addiction.

Cigarettes are taken for the rush of pleasure they provide, but the sensation is increasingly reduced, forcing you to take more and more. Thus, you feed the addiction because it grows intronger.

Mana Tap is cigarettes.
Being in the presence of magic is stickers.

And magic artifacts helped them cope, making the effort easier.

It’s obvious all elves are addicted, I never said anything otherwise. What I said is that only blood elves would use mana tap, high elves didn’t. Blood elves chose to feed the addiction, while the high elves fought to suppress it.


I’m all for High Elves on the Alliance. If you notice it is mostly Horde primarily Blood Elf players who oppose High Elves on the Alliance. They are afraid of the Alliance getting a popular Elf race and denting the Horde population.


A crucial difference between high elves and blood elves is that no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources (now that the Sunwell is useless). Even today, though, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

this is up to interpretation. ‘draining that magic from alternative sources’ could simply imply draining from living creatures/beings. it still doesnt say they do not have the knowledge to ‘mana tap’ as you claim or that they tried to suppress it

no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic

draining that magic

draining that magic

draining that magic

Draining is not the same thing as passively absorbing. Draining pretty much means an active forceful act.

  1. cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier.

  2. deprive of strength or vitality.

High elves didn’t DRAIN magic. High elves did feed on magic, thought, by more passive means.


And yet your interpretation is canon? Are you not reading the nonsense that you’re posting before you actually hit Reply?

The encyclopedia clearly said that High elves do not accept their addictions by feeding on magic, that they fight it through mental acuity and meditation. Stop saying its “pretty clear” when you’re speaking solely from your own perspective.

And yet the Quel’lithien elves quite literally overdosed on magic with an artifact with absolutely no way of knowing how to siphon magic. Clearly simply residing near vessels that radiate magic can have the exact same effect as those who siphon.

And here’s where your analogy fails, “patches” are specifically designed, these vessels were being used to sate their addictions, not wean themselves off of it. If that were their intention they, like many other High elves, would have simply cut themselves off from it entirely. But, like Blood Elves the Allerian High elves have accepted that addiction is part of their nature, and embrace forms of magic that alleviate the side-effects.

No, becuase BOTH forms are being used to alleviate magic withdrawal. It is entirely your assumption that the Allerian High elves are using the vessels as a “patch” to wean themselves off magic; can you honestly not see how presumptious that theory is? With absolutely zero evidence to back it up?

I’m mind-boggled that you can’t see the contradiction here. High elves don’t accept the idea that they NEED magic, so using magic to alleviate something they don’t accept to be true makes absolutely zero sense.

Using magical artifacts is feeding your addiction, your idea that they were using it to wean themselves off and not to just stave off withdrawals is your interpretation, so please stop trying to force feed it to others.

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finish the sentence

no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources

draining that magic from alternative sources

from alternative sources

alternative sources

it doesnt say they didnt sate their withdrawal. it doesnt say they never learned to mana tap. it says they never drained magic from alternative sources. alternative sources like a living creature or being