High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Like the way that the Jaina explained how Theramore was no big deal and it was stupid to be upset about it because as a giant fort on the borders of Horde Territory that was actively in use in the invasion of those territories it was a valid military target?

you wont even need that excuse. (if alamara is right)

Alamara being right would require Blizz to reverse course on a long held tradition.

Uh, what? I didn’t say THAT!

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i dont see how it would be a reverse since according to you, thats what happened in legion. dumb alliance guys didnt figure out legion dude till he had lured both sides into a trap, that ended up with sylvannas being elected warchief, varian and voljin dying. arent we blue boys smart? we’re so cool. we got it going on.

huh? okay repeat what you said then!

Would it be an imposition to ask you to stop putting words in my mouth?

You did it before when I was talking about why throwing in elves that aren’t grounded in the warcraft story but instead are just there to fill in a check box for types of elf wouldn’t be good for the story and you decided that I was just calling high elves boring. Now this.

You touched on one of my not too rare forum pet peeves, this idea where when looking at it from outside of the story that the Horde betrayed the Alliance on the Broken shore. I’ve pointed out how that’s not accurate. And some editorializing on how Blizzard has a history of mucking with the story to prevent the Alliance from ever being the aggressor. (Look at any peace treaty introduced in a between two expansions novel ever)

I said I think void elves (not all of them, but most) are being set up to betray the Alliance and make things harder when the Alliance and Horde unite efforts to stop Sylvanas and/or N’Zoth.

A wrathgate-like event is coming.

That does not change the meaning of any of Sylvanas’ past actions.

oh i dont mean to say sylvannas’ act is any different than guldan’s. rather that the engine that drives it to crisis point is how stupid the alliance has to be. if our guys didnt fall for the dreadlord, according to tarrok, broken isles would’ve been different. we, that is to say, the alliance, retroactively caused the death of varian and voljin, and the election of sylvannas. had she not been warchief, the tree would not be burned down (theoretically).

and to add fuel to the fire, we’re about ready to make sylvannas look like a victim.

sorry. but fact of the matter is, they escaped in air ships while our troops were still fighting on the ground. the archers in the back row, essentially, fled the battle.

The only airship left was the one the Alliance left on. The Horde had to slog back to boats.

oh i didnt know that! i boosted past broken isles on my highest level character. wow how did they manage to make it to ships if they were over run by legion? kinda like, why did anduin bring troops without gas masks to a gas fight

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Well if the point from the Legion was to destabilize the truce between the factions so they’d fight each other instead of the Legion, what good would it do to kill off one side before they get a chance to weaken the other.

oh boy. well i apologize in advance for the newest dumb things the alliance does, including doing the same thing sylvannas did at the battle for undercity when she blighted alliance and her own troops, but with void or something. just remember, we’re only this dumb because they write us as this dumb. at least sylvannas had a reason (more troops). our void elves going n’zoth and attacking everybody would be for no other reason than to kill people.

everybody knows sylvannas has a reason for what she’s doing that likely doesnt include being evil for evil’s sake, but if alamara is right, some alliance void elves, are gonna be evil for evil’s sake. isn’t that dumb? that’s dumb

Have you met the Riftrunners?

in the telogus rift?

Island Expeditions, as Horde.

no i havent done most of bfa. i did enough quests to get to the first couple quest hubs in the first zone.

Well, they are crazy. And evil. Feed-souls-to-the-Void evil.

yikes. :eyes: