High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The draenei spearheaded the Argus invasion and are kinda broke now.

oh so we gonna be the bad guys this time?

nuh uh. my light forged draenei says different. :sunglasses:

Yeah, it’s what I’m expecting.

Your character can be active. The draenei army, thought, is pretty much spent at this point. They endured a lot in Legion.

Varian Wrynn would have killed the Horde on the spot but seeing as how He made peace with the Horde after Mop. It didn’t happen. That pretty much bite him after when he saw that Sylvanas and rest of horde abandon them on the broken isles. Yes the Horde had to leave due to getting beat down by the legion but from Alliance’s point of view. It just sparked a another war waiting to happen.

That’s what Genn did during Stormhelm. Chased after Sylvanas and ruined her plans of being immortal as well as having more Val’kyr.

i dunno, i can port from the ship and its got a full contingent capable of piloting it. its not like those ships require the same number of troops as ground forces. and we have more and more light forged draenei too. no excuses for the writers. only takes 15 or so draenei to run the vindicaar. lol

i realize this. voljin basically told her to evacuate. nice. she used the alliance as her shield while she escaped with the horde, and then varian had to sacrifice himself to save the rest of the alliance. voljin essentially killed varian.

Becareful. I know few folks who are fans of Vol’jin.

its kind of ironic.

I’m surprised He isn’t even on here. Skoll.

Blaming it on Vol’jin is quite the stretch.

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well had the horde not evacuated, varian or even sylvannas might’ve come to the same conclusion and signaled for everyones retreat, and their chances would’ve been better as a team, since they would’ve had horde and alliance battleships in the air as well.

but as it stood, they left without warning, took off in their airships, using alliance ground troops as their cover and left them to die. voljin knew this was a bad situation. so varian had to sacrifice himself. voljin’s decision caused the chain reaction that lead to varian’s death. though guldan did the deed. we expect guldan to be bad. we expect the banshee to not be a banshee and that’s dumb. lol baaad writing.

Vol’jin was fatally wounded and moments later appointed Sylvanas as warchief due to outside influence that he thought were the loa.

He clearly was not thinking on his own. Sylvanas easily could have had him evacuated with the others severely wounded while she worked out a way to tell the alliance to retreat as well, but instead she just leaves.

That’s not on Vol’jin.

Did we play the same scenario?

The Alliance got the message that a retreat was being called at the same time as the Horde.

The Horde was being slaughtered while Varian was making a monologue since Gul’dan was toying with us all.

If the Horde stuck around long enough for the Alliance to realize something was wrong there probably wouldn’t be a horde left up there and Alliance would get rolled over by the combined forces.

The Alliance, having been infiltrated by Dreadlords, led the Horde into a trap designed either to wipe us out or maybe, to lead to exactly this, a situation where one side is manipulated into believing the other betrayed them to destroy the chances of the Legion having to face united opposition.

Sylv’s call to retreat SAVED the alliance army.

Although I’m not sure what all this nonsense has to do with high elves?


well it all started when alamara said she thinks the alliance is gonna be the bad guy soon. as the boy king serving at masters table thing, suggests the void elf leaders are working with n’zoth and anduin is an unwitting accomplice.

but if it was dreadlords infiltrated in the alliance that lead to the fiasco at broken isles, this would be the same thing - unwitting dumb as a box of rocks -alliance leaders being taken advantage of again, this time by n’zoth, causing the horde to have to rescue everybody after getting away with genocide. we lost varian because of our inepitude, according to you, so yeah. baaaad writing. if alliance wasnt so dumb, the horde wouldnt have anything to do

did we ever find out who told voljin to elect sylvannas?

Spare the drama. If the Broken Shores mess shows anything, it shows the absolute lengths to which Blizzard goes to justify the actions of the Alliance.

It was a trap from the legion, a dreadlord, which is really good at being deceptive had replaced Shaw in SI:7. Bad info was fed to everyone. For a little bit Blizz went with a bit of “Horde is trying to concentrate on Legion, Alliance wants revenge.” Then it all got mixed up in Stormheim and suddenly Genn’s reckless attack became justified after the fact and we’re back again to Horde being the aggressors.

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Not that I know of.

Anyway, back to high elves. I hope they get whoever wrote the Nightborne stuff to flesh out playable high elves for the alliance.

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not to worry! according to alamara, this will all make sense, retroactively. it’ll end up being the alliance’s fault that the night elf tree was burned down.

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no doubt. that was great. whoever did that content was top notch