High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Like the “Who burned Teldrassil?! You’ll be surprised!”


Jessie and James, blasting off again!


Lol that was the biggest fail I think I have ever seen. Still waiting for that “4Dchessfooledyou” plot to come back around so they can “amaze” us with some stupid “redemption” story for the hag.


Its disgusting.


Like with Nazjatar? That was so lame. It took us ages to plan out our attack on the Zandalari fleet. :frowning_face:

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Yeah the only thing surprising was that she used fire instead of blight. I guess the “tactical genius” added a new tactic, so she has blight it, burn it, and die in stupid ways in her arsenal now.

4D chess indeed.


Or everyone speculated it was Vareesa who was dead on the beach.

Would have been better if the tree was set ablaze in a trap or something. The horde invaded the tree and sees that the night elves are nowhere to be found. Then trapped in the fire by Genn or something.

That would be “morally gray”


well the alliance is like the usa. we have advanced aircraft that could’ve leveled any country giving us grief, like to the ground, but we send in ground troops instead, to redeem as many people and resources as possible. some of our tech is so scifi, most of us dont even know it exists. the alliance has the vindicaar. they could’ve parked in orbit above undercity, sent sylvannas a message she couldn’t refuse.

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Well it turns out that the Silver Covenant wasn’t even there at the Burning of Teldrassil. So all that crazy insane hype from the Antis of Vereesa getting murdered on the shores of Teldrassil didn’t even happen.

Through the War of Thorns would have been alot better written than what it is now. Like you said. Genn does something to kill the Horde but in return destroy the Night Elves Hometree to trap the horde inside.


Which makes everything worse, imo. STill, I doubt Sylvanas’ “4dchess” is over yet. She’ll do at least one more thing before BfA is over.

They wanted to save switch and bait with the alliance and horde at the battle for lordaeron… in which somehow all of the Horde were there??? But the alliance or Draenei couldn’t even make it to darkshore while the Night elves held off all the horde?? :face_with_monocle:

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Thing about this was that it was just Worgen and Night Elves in the War of Thorns. Draenei have been Allies since TBC. Why weren’t they around?

if she attacks stormwind, things will get dicey. lol

writers forgot alliance had draenei lol we might ask, hey what about using the vindicaar

That’s kind of dumb. I mean like what the Writers took their lessons from Game of Thrones or something? So much for Alliance Justice in all kinds…

There will be no justice for the night elves. Their “revenge” was killing sylvs spare val’kyr. We’ll have to sit back and watch as she gets her redemption arc.


Well Tyrande has disappeared… if anyone deserves to kill Sylvanas at this point and time it’s Tyrande. Have her smite Sylvanas with a black moon bolt or something…

I think we will see the conclusion of that story in 8.3 or 8.3.5

Maybe she will get chased down in silverpine or something by tyrande, And Genn.

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we’re all bellyaching about this, but some of it is well deserved. for example, marching alliance troops into horde territory, passed all the blight machines, the blighted landscape of southshore, with intel from si:7 of sylvannas’ activities, and didnt bring one mask to protect our troops from blight.

and the horde not having advanced warning that the alliance was marching on their city. they would’ve heard and seen the alliance coming for hours beforehand. had time to sabotage and slow their movement.

they need to hire a war historian to help with battle writing

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I seriously hope everyone is celebrating her brilliant 4d chess move and Tyrande and Genn come up and turn her and nathanos into ashes and walk away like bosses.

And so sylv fans can see how it feels, everyone will just kind of wag their fingers at Genn and Tyrande and say “Eh, don’t do stuff like that again” and that’s that.

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Nah, they’ll go full wrathgate when the factions join forces in 8.3.5. That’s my bet.

“The boy king serves at the master’s table” = The Alliance is unwittingly serving N’Zoth. And that will be done through the ren’dorei.

i’m not a big fan of revenge. but i remember watching that thinking…WTFreak? whats wrong with jaina? that was so not jaina. and then varian acting all big man only to chicken out when he saw voljin was the warchief. he just wanted to revenge himself on thrall, who frankly, is the least offensive warchief the horde has ever had. the most honorable and logical.

but this, this takes the cake

sylvannas reminds me of that scene with captain jack sparrow,where the guy complains that jack isnt trustworthy and all jack says is
“pirate…” thats sylvannas. she’s a bad guy and everybody acts surprised when she acts like a bad guy. she should say, “banshee…”.

so now the alliance has to behave badly, so sylvannas will have a reason for being a bad guy, retroactively