High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

On noteable void elves on the wiki, they are the only two listed. I am still skeptical of Alleria counting as a void elf at all though.


Yep. She probably doesn’t even know who Umbric is
 or who his followers are. She doesn’t share their Blood Elf background. It’s just so stupid.

Why is she representing them? I takes away from their story, imo. Stuff they could of used for lore isn’t really needed because one of the most worked on characters is representing them.

Aside from Umbric, the only other velf who does anything remotely notworthy is Instructor Duskwalker teaching novices in Telogrus.

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Well she recruits them into the alliance, but their interactions have been limited since as far as I know.

And all they’ve done is open portals and make spooky skeleton dinos to scare the zandalari because they don’t like undead though they join a faction lead by a corpse who is raising people left and right.

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I’m fully expecting void elves to go traitor before the end of BfA

What? Why would they do that? And, like, I doubt blizzard would force us players to swap faction. Umbric does say he wants Quel’thalas free from Horde’s control
 even if it feels 100% forced.

Not the entire race, but Umbric and many void elves will turn out to be servants of N’Zoth all along. Wait and see.

That would ruin any chance they had of surviving with the Alliance. I personally think if that was the case, it would be the opposite of them being with N’zoth. The Void Elves will probably be used as a weapon against him.

velf warrior? been a while since i’ve seen a unicorn. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Aha, okay, so you consider Man’ari Eredar and Draenei different races, correct?

red skin draenei and brown skin orcs are somehow different but eye color isn’t different? there’s a word for that


Maybe not servants, but pawns. They’re probably indirectly helping N’zoth.

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We could go even further and say skin tones, considering not one single High Elf is seen with the more reddish skin tones reserved to Blood Elves.

We could infer this skin tone is a consequence of Fel radiation, but there is no official statement that backs this up.

I still find it odd though that not one single High Elf NPC has those reddish skin tones. Nary a High Elf.


I would say its this way because of the enchantment of ever spring they have on Eversong, not the fel. I do agree its something that Blood Elves have that the High Elves dont, but I definitely dont think its because of fel.

Edit: It feels like a lot of plants have redder tones in Eversong. This is what makes me think this.

Even Anduin is somehow a pawn? Idk
 lol this story isn’t really clear in its direction. Feels like plot twists for the sake of plot twists.

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Right? Il’gynoth could have been saying things to try and confuse you. It gets the players thinking and guessing, probably in the wrong direction, so Blizzard can throw us a curve ball later.

I like that hypothesis! It would definitely make sense - although I’m not sure why then Blood Elves in Outland didn’t go pale too?

Every “twist” (or curve ball) they have come up with this expansion players have seen coming way before it happened.

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Haha its probably because Blizzard didnt think people would dwell on things like this this heavy.

Thing about Void Elves is that they were basically rushed out the door instead of getting a proper scenario of their backstory. If They were the High Elf Rangers from Outlands that were lost within the Twisting Nether then it would have been a interesting story. Just Blizzard gave us Blood Elves with Blue Skin than the Actually Quel’dorei.