High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Oh dont get me started. Golden eyes, upright posture… Blizz doesnt even try to hide it anymore really.


Oh yeah that’s right, Nightborne do have unique idle animations! And then there’s the Kul Tirans being so unique as they are as far as Allied Races are concerned. Even Zandalari seem to have unique animations; though more so the male ones…


except that blue eyed blood elves exist and as golden eyes proved is mutable. the same reason some elves with a strong connection to the light have manifested golden is the same reason for those with a strong connection to the arcane. green is still for those who dont have a strong connection to either to help speed up the dissipation of the taint

still, the alliance elves got night warrior eyes at the same time so they are not ‘1 up’ on anything. if they get their eye colors back it will be when every race gets eye color customization they teased 4 months ago

except we know exactly what playable alliance high elves would look like and the notion they can be differentiated from blood elves has already been refuted by development. orcs and trolls both basically got upright postures, yet it didnt make them feel any different

you are not getting a second compromise because the first wasnt good enough for you and for the record i wouldnt be against them. many on the anti side have already said half elves are fine :+1:

Excuse you. Its a skin color with different eyes.


yes and those eye colors are black. did you have access to black eye color before?

So not only does one have to do a quest to obtain it, but its an eye color not even tied to a face options like they usually are? Great.


3 faces options, 1 completely unique look. seems fair to me

Arnt undead supposed to get an upright posture?

There are animations shown on YouTube for it. Not saying it’s a bad thing, but why add all of this now?


Of course it does. Bye again.

I dunno. I wouldnt be surprised. I figure now is because this is their window of working on customization. Dunno how much longer it will last, but if ARs are an indication, it wont go on for much longer.


Can I ask a question to those of you who claim Void Elves and High/Blood Elves are a different race?

Do you consider Lightforged Draenei a different race from regular Draenei?

Are Demon Hunters a different race from Night/Blood Elves?

Are Felblood Elves a different race from Blood Elves?

Are green Orcs a different race from Mag’har Orcs?

Is Malfurion a different race from Night Elves?

Are the Wretched/Withered a different race from High/Blood Elves/Nightborne?

I’d like to understand your logic.


The “logic” is that those are all the same races but it doesnt matter because they didnt switch factions like nightborne and void elves did. Those two “are different races” because it fits the agenda.


nightborne have a dark/drow elf aesthetic and are mana addicted elves

void elves were bombarded by void energies sprouted tentacles and turned blue. the transformation also severed their connection from the sunwell. they are no longer high/blood elves biologically or aesthetically

“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

you can read more about the thought process for these 2 AR here

That wasn’t my question. My question was whether you think those cases I listed were different races.


void elves for the reasons i listed

and felblood elves who are as different from high/blood elves as draenei and eredar

are the ones i consider a different race and not a variant

are high/blood elves a different race? ofc not, the difference is an adjective

And I’m still confused; so you want Blood Elves and High Elves playable for the Horde apparently…now how would that work?


this is dekkar. i’ve decided to main swap back to my old main. so i’ll be posting on him on the forums.


“Meanwhile, the Void Elves give the Alliance a potential dark side that could be explored in future content.” I don’t really think they deserve to play a part in “a potential dark side” within the Alliance. Other races have been waiting far longer to get a role like that. Void Elves aren’t even respected and liked enough to pull it off. “Hey, guys, we’ve just joined you after spending years with the Horde. Don’t mind us while we go do some sketchy stuff.”


It’s pretty telling that all the void related stuff they’ve been pretty much absent from so far, and the ptr has a situation that would be perfect for calling on Alleria and the void elves, but we seek out Wrathion instead.


I don’t even want ALleria to be involved with Void Elf stuff. We need actual named npcs to start showing their faces. Alleria and Umbric are the only named Void Elves.
(I think)


Maybe that they would be a customizable option to unlock for the blood elves.

Idk as a pro High elf person. I wouldn’t mind Blood elves having Blue eyes, but I’d like it to be from the stance that blood elves regained their blue eyes from being off fel long enough… not absorbing high elves into their ranks.

If they do break down faction barrier enough that we are able to do some pve together but still keep them separate story wise, I believe that would warrant the high elves being able to be alliance playable. We would still have our conflicts and such. It’s just an idea.

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