High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

i like these guys except for the crinkling sounds they make when hit. the females could be prettied up with flowers here and there, growing on the wood.

he’s saying tyrande ain’t exactly being logical atm

I’m not misunderstanding NElf lore or druidism

I’m understanding the type of terrible, awful decisions someone who’s watched their home for over a decade burn to the ground out of sheer spite, and has been driven to the sheer end of it is going to make when she finds out the orcs brought their local potential world-ending superweapons over and just let them run off. Oh, and potentially driving a wedge into the Alliance being all buddy buddy with each other.

Tyrande also has the power of a god, and the capacity to exterminate them to the last. She’s not going to let a threat sit there and fester in Ashenvale and “defile those sacred lands”.

She might let them kill some orcs, but then they’re having a bonfire.

I dunno. I dont see any point anyway, but thats just me.

I don’t know
 I have a feeling they’ll make Moknathal and Half Elves playable, if anything

Not that I wouldn’t like it, I personally love Half Elves and wouldn’t mind it as a (real) compromise, but I know many if not most of pro-HEs are against this idea.

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Half elves would be a complete waste. Atleast Mok’nathal are similar to a race we can’t play.

Oh, moment they cross her its gonna be murder city.

But the first reaction to “Orc-killing tree people capable of making forests spring up rather quickly” is going to be “Let us discuss how much of a hopefully nice future you and I will have”

The books implied there are a lot more Mok’nathal than the few we know of ingame, and they were basically bred by the dying Gorian empire until the Frostwolves and doesn’t-appear-ingame clan the Whiteclaws showed up and broke them free

well customization is the point. most mmorpgs have sliders where you can customize so many things, its crazy. for example (mind you, this video is already nearly 4 years ago)

Nah. The Botani would be Garithos and Tyrande would be Sylvanas.

If they capitalized on that Gorian Empire heritage. They’d be really unique (muscle-wizards am I right?).

Well, WoW isnt known for its customization. Thats an entirely different topic though because then we are in the realm of all races and their customization (cant just keep giving blood elves more eye colors while all the others are left hanging after all). Im going to stick to no because of the lore and let Blizz think about what they want for that one.

exactly though i agree that belfs are already up an eyecolor on everybody. only race so far with two eye color options that can be chosen independent of a quest chain or other feature.

:roll_eyes: Grasping at straws, uh?

The screenshot isn’t mine. Vereesa’s color depends on your reputation with Silver Covenant. The character there is tolerated. My characters are all above Respected, thus she appears green to them.

They’ll be partying like it’s 1999.

Page 139:
Illidan Stormrage had taught Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider and his people how to siphon energy from artifacts, creatures, and the environment to sate their cravings for magic. Yet these methods only left the prince and the other elves wanting more.

Mana tap is like smoking. You get addicted to it, and some will lose control and want more and more. Heck, the name “mana tap” is a reference for tapping a cigarette. There was always a storytelling paralel between magic addiction and real world drugs.

From this passage alone we also get clear confirmation that the high elves weren’t draining power from artifacts, since it was also part of the mana tap skill. And Ros’eleth’s text is very clear that her plan is about saving the quel’dorei from their prince’s folly.


It’s going to be fun place.

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hey, is there any new info from ptr?

Tbh I feel like a lot of alliance backfall to that already, what’s new?

I agree with this, but I can acknowledge the founders were horde style players so you can’t blame them for liking that style of play and being interested in it, it was their game.

I suppose, but you can’t blame them at the same time. If you were making your own game regardless of how you felt you’d probably like one or the other side more.

dont think so. i’d be making them as interesting as possible.

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Nope. The current PTR version is very barebones. There’s some encrupted story stuff, but even that does not indicate a lot of content.

We will probably get crunchier stuff in future builds. At least I hope so.

so far all that was, was: (spoiler):


a quest to do some sleuthing in karazhan crypts (looks nothing like the original) to discover the whereabouts of wrathion, and collect ingredients that would purify ebonhorn (the tauren black dragon) of old god infestation. supposedly wrathion discovered this cure to help resist old god infestation. its rather short.

you get quest to go to the chamber of the heart. see ebonhorn being bubbled by mother and she gives you the quest to hunt down wrathion at the crypts. so you go there and its an instanced version of the crypts, smaller than stormwind stockades. you pick up some notes. kill some baddies, create the cure and give to ebonhorn.

otherwise, the patch has worgen updates, goblin updates, the new callia, wrathion, valeera and zappy boi. far as i can tell thats it. so 3 quests and some model updates. that cant be all

I think this has to be the least interested I have ever been in WoW. None of that stuff sounds too interesting to me. Hopefully before the expansion is over, Alliance will have some kind of proper revenge.

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