High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

To be fair, the corruption of Draenor’s Orcs is probably the least consistent thing in the entire franchise. I mean when they had the opportunity to redress the confusion in WoD, they instead made it more muddled than before.

Hell the art team can’t even decide on just what color scheme Void corruption is from one patch to the next. I have seen, blue/black, white/black,red/black,purple/black and so on but it’s all Void corruption…


Like I keep saying, there are no consistent rules. We think about this stuff way more then the writers do.

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Thank you! So very tired of hearing how Void Elves and and Nightborne somehow became brand new elves, but apparently Blood Elves are immune to this with the fel.


imo the best way to introduce high elves would be blood elves being free from any thirst of magic as they were before and having them an allied race on the horde.


Popping in to support High Elves as always!

Also having done some thinking on the subject, has anyone talked about the kinds of animations High Elves would have were they a playable AR? I’ve been reading since page one and I may have missed it or even forgot if it ever came up…


That’s because the context of them is different and they were specifically written to be new races, where as…orcs aren’t.

You’re trying really hard to push two unrelated things as the same.


Not going to play around with double standards, sorry.


How is it a double standard when the circumstances involving each race is different?

Orcs: Exposed to fel.

Nightborne: Transformed by the nightwell over 10k years.
Void elves: Transformed by a void prince]

A double standard would be same situation, but different treatment. Not the case here.

We’ve suggested a bunch of stuff in both threads.

I think my favorite is a combination/mixture of animations. Such as the idle animation of Night elves and the combat animations of Blood elves.

Or perhaps even new combat animations with the idle animations of humans.

ARs have been shown to use a mixture of things like these, such as with the Nightborne, with a unique idle animation but with the combat animation of Night Elves.

Hell if Blizzard wanted they could easily create an entirely new set of animations for them, the way they did for Kul Tirans and Zandalari, they’ve shown they can put as much effort as they see fit into Allied Races.


can you imagine the fallout lol it would be epic. the problem i see here is the devs treating the alliance as if it were a separate thing from horde, when the people play both factions. if they feel the devs are dissing them while they are alliance, they assume the devs dont like that part of their own game. its odd to make a game you dont like. such a concept lacks common sense or logic. make both factions fun. make the game fun for both sides. as a developer you should want to play either side (and dont forget the ladies. we like feminine stuff too. no such thing as too pretty. )

comes about by assuming half your playerbase isnt going to respond positively to the same things the other half of your playerbase responds to, especially in light of the fact, most people play both factions. if its popular on one side, its likely going to have a similar popularity on the other. it’s not a surprise that alliance players want thalassian elves.

I am not disagreeing with you on that notion, but that wasn’t what the post you quoted was about.

yeah it just popped into my head when i saw the words different treatment. i thought ya know, i dont understand why the devs dont get that part. if thalassian elves are popular on horde, and people play both factions, naturally they’re gonna want equally pretty elves on the other faction. it’s basic common sense.

People want playable High Elves on the Horde now? Oof.


its gotta be trolling. i mean the fall out would be so epic-ly bad.


That’s been one of the inflammatory ideas brought up every once in awhile. It makes as much sense as Blood Elves (not exiled) just deciding to join the Alliance. Some posters, if they had their way, would have Sanlayn, High Elves, and Blood elves on the Horde.

Nevermind that acknowledging High Elves as a potential Horde allied race throws mud on all of the bickering we have heard about. If they’re “capable of becoming a Horde allied race” then they are even more capable of becoming an Alliance allied race because they are already on the Alliance.


High Elves are too neutral for Alliance to play as them, but they make a great potential candidate for a Horde AR? The same High Elves that live, work and die for the Alliance?


I am sure we will hear about how:

they are the same race (Nightborne and Night Elves)
and the same race cannot be split (Pandaren)

But that’s okay.


Only you and yours have perpetuated this myth.

Pandaren were made neutral so everyone could play them.
Were designed as a neutral race from the get go.
They also don’t have 90% of their race picking a singular faction group.

Game design wise, there is no need to make high elves playable sincee blood elves give that fantasy.
Asking to make them neutral damages the purposes of faction identity, and just creates the precedence of doing it for every race. of which I do not agree.