High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Ok sorry to keep promoting the Second High Elf Discord. The Lodge is open up for everyone who wants playable High Elves but also more Warcraft Related topics. We open up to those who don’t like or like ether. https://discord.gg/rrUAvx

Come join us and form a community of folks. Of course if you don’t want to join. That’s fine I do however appreciate more folks to chat and hangout with.

Of course if the invite doesn’t work. Message me and I’ll give you a invite. Ok done. You Pros and Antis can go back on the topic at hand.

Like seeing Humans on Horde. It seems like a lot of people cant get past the idea of thinking High Elves are the same, biologically, as Blood Elves. They say we shouldnt see a Horde race on Alliance. A few of these people have said that if they were given something like Humans in exchange for High Elves they would be ok with High Elves on Alliance.


You’re going to have to cite this, because I’ve read Chronicle volume 3 and I can’t remember anywhere it saying that siphoning magic itself is dangerous to elves. It says that Elves can fall to their addiction if they siphon too much like the Wretched, but siphoning itself is not dangerous. Cigarettes are dangerous point-blank, they harm your body the moment you inhale, siphoning magic does not harm the user. You’re trying to conflate the wretched who could not control their addiction, which were elves that were already considered gluttonous before the well was destroyed, with elves that siphoned magic within their capacity.

In fact many of the Blood Elves openly deride the wretched for their foul addictions, calling them oblivious for gorging themselves on magic and refusing to heed the warnings of their elders and teachers. Falling to your addiction has less to do with siphoning and more to do with the elves mindset. It’s the argument as old as time, who killed that man, the gun? Or the man holding the gun?

The “addiction” aspect is certainly a parallel, but not the siphoning of magic being compared to smoking cigarettes. That seems like a contrived analogy to suit the agenda of your position in this conversation. Someone can siphon magic for their entire life and never succumb to their addiction or experience any illnesses or side effects from it, smoke cigarettes your whole life and it slowly destroys your body and eventually kills you.

I’m referring to the current “modern” High elves, not the traditional High Elves renamed as Blood Elves.

Well they aren’t biologically the same anymore anyways. Fel usage causes mutation.

High Elves are basically like Mag’har Orcs, while Blood Elves are like Orgrimmar Orcs. And that is good enough for Blizzard to differentiate the two, or Mag’har would have been new customization options for the green Orcs and not a full AR.


if that were true you would have gotten playable alliance high elves, and not a high elf variant

can you point out my fel mutation please


Blood Elves are like Orgimmar Orcs? No. I’m going to have to stop you right there. Org Orcs drank a demons blood that corrupted them inside, and out, so much so they went mad with blood lust and lost all rationality. We’ve seen Blood Elves corrupted to this degree in the Sunwell plateau, where the fel has corrupted their whole bodies. The Blood Elve’s green eyes are literally a mild radiation from Fel Crystals, not a “mutation”. By that argument the golden eyed blood elves are now an entirely separate race too, right?

Be honest, do you just hop in here to say random things with the hope that maybe you’re right? Or do you purposely recite lore wrong to get a reaction out of people?

To be fair, most of the ARs could have been new customization for core races.

I also dont see the fel being as corrupting as that. They didnt directly consume it like the orcs did so the corrupting effects would have been way less severe. The only current change we know of is the eyes. We can indeed connect this to the fel since the High Elves didnt live in close proximity to the fel like Blood Elves did. Not all Blood Elves were active in the maintaining of the fel crystals either. Silvermoon has a lot of plain civilian people who are traders or cooks, etc so they wouldnt have the direct link to these crystals.

Yes I think they were effected by the fel, but they werent corrupted.


You’re still pushing this despite being countered on it. Fel usage mutation requires heavy, heavy use. As seen in the fel blood elves who are mutated.
The most that happened with blood elves is their eyes turned green.

Even if your statement was true, the sunwell would have purged them of the effects, so they would be the same as high elves, who are also affected by the sunwell.

Every single AR could have been an additional option for their core race. It was an easy way to create content that was “new” and maintain people playing the game by having to “earn” a new race.
Seriously, you could look at HM tauren whose only difference is the horns.

I will certainly try, but I’m going to have to do a complete playthrough of TBC and WotLK to do so – because it’s been about 6 years since I’ve done that, and quite honestly, I can’t even remember the specifics of anything therein.

These days I just spam-dungeon through the entire 60-80 period.

The Silver Covenant are citizens and denizens of Dalaran who are in favor of the committing exclusively to the Alliance – it makes plenty of sense, IMHO, that they would still be more loyal to Dalaran than to the Alliance.

That doesn’t make them “disloyal”, at least no more than it made those Night Elves who followed Tyrande to Darkshore against the wishes of King Anduin “disloyal”.


It is mentioned briefly while completing the quests in the Dalaran area, I only vaguely remember seeing it while hard leveling my Worgen Druid some 5 years ago.
It is stated the high elves were using magical objects to sate their addiction which I believe, is part of what pushed the conflict with the blue dragonflight at the time.

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I’m switching jobs this coming week, so probably won’t get to it, but my KT Warrior is like level 56 – so I’ll find out soon enough. :slight_smile:

It is easier if you just take a level 120 there to one shot everything and fly on through. I don’t have the desire to do it these days.

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I dont think ive ever seen anyone on the anti side deny the sc have alliance sympathies, and when the kirin tor gets involved with existential threats they are free to act on those alliance sympathies. They are aligned with dalaran not stormwind and the alliance

The night elves and tyrande have been active in the faction war because they are part of the alliance. No one in the alliance considers the sc a unit they are aligned with that can be ordered to the frontlines for battle. They dont have a seat at the table or representation anywhere in the alliance. I dont really get the comparison

And I don’t think I’ve seen anybody for playable High Elves suggest that the Silver Covenant, as an organization, is currently engaged in any conflict on behalf of the Alliance.

You’re right that they’re aligned with Dalaran, and aren’t aligned with the Alliance in any official capacity, but to exclude all mention of the fact that they’re adamantly supportive of working exclusively with the Alliance is to paint an egregiously dishonest portrait of their political landscape.

I’m not comparing their positions in the Alliance. I’m just saying that it seems perfectly reasonable for a person, or a group, to display more loyalty to their actual home than to an international political confederation.

I don’t think of the Night Elves as being “disloyal to the Alliance”, when they prioritized the well-being of their homeland over the shallow interests of the Alliance; similarly I don’t think it’s being “disloyal to the Alliance” when the Silver Covenant elects to respect the decisions of their leaders and not participate in the Blood War (which is apparently what we’re calling this conflict, right now, I just learned).


There is nothing stopping the sc elves from taking off their sc uniforms and putting on a 7th legion form. Only 3 showed up

Dont forget the sc elves exiled themselves in dalaran, not stormwind. A city open about its neutrality and one that has a long standing relationship with quel’thalas and the high elf people

You, friend, are fundamentally missing the point.



Their only friend in the alliance is jaina


That last comment is a troll, has to be.


Thrall is a Green corrupted Orc who never drank demon blood nor did his Father… And yet he is just as Fel tainted as any who did drink Manaroths blood…
So Yes all the Blood Elves became Fel tainted even by just using Fel as a power source. The Lore he stated is backed up in the game.