High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Siphoning magic means you take it away from its source and “eat” it.
High elves didn’t do that. They didn’t destroy things, living or otherwise, just to feed the addiction with a sudden rush of power.

In Quel’lithien’s case, it was a cursed object, and there’s not a single line of text implying the elves there were siphoning from it.


The Wretched were once blood elves, but they failed to control their magical addiction.

the fact they became wretched is the implication that they were trying cold turkey as they had no other help, and when they came across said object they couldnt control themselves. quel’danil lodge are the only elves who we dont know for sure what they did

btw siphoning magic means to draw from, you just added ‘eat it’

They didn’t even need to absorb magic at that point because the Sunwell was already restored.

There were other cases in which the mere presence of a cursed object turned elves into wretched: the Crystal of Zin-malor.

Your “conclusions” are completely baseless.

It’s pretty clear what Siphoning means.

1. a tube used to convey liquid upwards from a reservoir and then down to a lower level of its own accord. Once the liquid has been forced into the tube, typically by suction or immersion, flow continues unaided.

a tubular organ in an aquatic animal, especially a mollusk, through which water is drawn in or expelled.

  1. draw off or convey (liquid) by means of a siphon.

There’s quite a different between sucking magic by force to feel a rush of power and just being in its presence to ameliorate the symptons of withdrawal.

Why all this discussion again? When will you admit that high elves weren’t actively sucking mana off things?


i am not the one who continues to bring this up. this entire plot point of the high elf people was resolved with the restoration of the sunwell :woman_shrugging:

i could ask you when will you admit the SC is aligned with dalaran and not stormwind

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A group can be alligned with more than one faction. Take the Stormpike Dwarves. They’re alligned with Ironforge as well as the Alliance. I’m not sure the Silver Covenant is alligned specifically with Stormwind, but it’s certainly alligned with Dalaran and the Alliance. I mean, in Legion, Vereesa was amongst Alliance leaders when players got their PvP weapon skin for their artifacts.


the sc high elves in the portal room are even flagged neutral in stormwind, a distinction that did not need to be made. vereesa was there for the horde hunter too

Pretty sure they’re connected to the Silver Covenant rep, no? Isn’t that neutral until you start earning rep? Or are they connected to the old Kirin Tor rep from Wrath? I know that one’s neutral unless you’re a Mage.

Either way, they’re still an Alliance faction.


Lol, you are arguing against reality.

  • Silver Covenant reputation: Alliance-only.
  • Silver Enclave: Alliance sanctuary in Dalaran. No Horde allowed.
  • Windrunner Outlook: Silver Covenant base that will attack Horde on sight. And this was during the Kirin Tor’s neutral stand.
  • Zul’Aman gates: Alliance presence is represented by the Silver Covenant.
  • Purge of Dalaran: Silver Covenant carries it out to expel the Horde.
  • PvP Artifact quest: Vereesa among Alliance commanders, all of them either racial leaders or representing an Alliance faction.
  • Suramar campaign: Silver Covenant on Alliance side, being watched over by Kirin Tor guards so they don’t attack the Horde.

But I know you’ll ignore everything and keep saying your non-sense. Go ahead.


so was the sunreavers rep. their entire purpose is to serve the alliance in the same capacity as the sunreavers throughout the LK campaign. they wouldnt even be a thing if the horde never came to dalaran

the alliance never step foot here canonically. this is the one time they ever appear outside of the context of dalaran. it also doesnt make sense the alliance would allow them to take part in this. other wise where is wrynn or any kirin tor npcs they always appear with? they are here because they consider it their home and as a neutral faction they can do this

they are following jaians orders. this also happens following theramore, where jaiana lost some of her people and vereesa her husband. they are used as nothing but story tools to show the divide of the high people in dalaran

the sc and vereesa appear for the hunter campaign who can be either horde or alliance. as the kririn tor is front and center legion helping both factions, the sc are free to act on their alliance sympathies. after the legion campaign they go straight back to dalaran with the kirin tor they are a part of it and its neutrality. they dont follow the alliance to the faction war

they are part of the dalaran kirin tor army not the alliance


oh and if they were apart of the alliance development wouldnt say ‘there are no more alliance high elf hubs where they could from’


  • In the encampment in front of Suramar, Vereesa says clearly she’s camping WITH THE KALDOREI
  • Kirin Tor guards are friendly (green) to the Horde, Silver Covenant are not (yellow).
  • Kirin Tor guards mention watching the quel’dorei just as they do the other elves so there’s no in-fighting. They even mention stopping Vereesa from pointing arrows towards Rommath. They wouldn’t need to do so if they were under Kirin Tor orders. Or the Kirin Tor could avoid it by not sensing them.
  • If they are the Dalaran army, where are any Kirin Tor guards among them in that image?

Seriously, you are trying to argue with a flat earther. This image with the Silver covenant forces labeled as “Kirin Tor” is just the latest nonsense.


It’s useless, I know. But sometimes I can’t let them speaking their non-sense unopposed.


the kirin tor are there to keep the peace between the night elves and blood elves, not 5 SC elves. the only thing worth responding to besides the fanfictions is the ‘why are there no human kirin tor npcs with them when they address elisande’

i thought it was obvious. the elves have the best chance of getting elisande to flip to their side avoiding a fight. and dont forget what she told them

'you are peasants playing at noblity(exiled refugees living off the charity of dalaran) whose legacy is nothing but siring a couple half elves and unworthy of the name high elf(which they cling to to show political dissent)

let me know when they show up in the faction war and leave the neutrality of dalaran

oh and about vereesa pointing arrows at rom, its prob because she blames him for the theramore bomb


“I never thought I’d share a camp with the kal’dorei, but, desperate times, desperate measures.”

Share a camp with the kal’dorei

Share a camp with the kal’dorei

Share a camp with the kal’dorei


What do you think the forums will be like when they announce high elves?


how does that imply they are alliance aligned, all it means is they prefer to stay on the alliance side for this battle. and guess whos camping on the other side of the night elves. they dont leave dalaran and move in with the kal’dorei after the legion campaign is over :woman_facepalming:

i also like how vereesa is flagged neutral here as well to your alliance warlock thank you for that i didnt even notice before

I’m sorry…but excuse me? You’re pushing for playable High Elves…

A blood elf saying they want high elves…on the


I’m confused


As she said, desperate times. And may times never - ever - get that desperate again. :slight_smile:


I’ll never have to worry, because that’ll never happen.

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Never again, because the high elves will get a camp of their own later on!