High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

been saying this over and over again. culture changes things, not only clothing and language, but food, medicine and spiritual/metaphyisical issues. and we know ingame, food and culture significantly differentiated kul’tiran humans from stormwind humans.

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There is a lot that could be done to make them more distinct. It just depends on what they end up deciding to explore when it comes to high elves.

Personally, I want the groups to merge together, and each bring some aesthetic elements with them. These aesthetic elements could even have aspects that are blended together. A mix of braided ranger-ish like hairstyles with more mage like ornaments for example.

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Feeling “better” around magical artifacts is not the same as actively feeding or drawing off them. Vareesa never drained Rhonin’s staff, it simply eased her pangs, although not completely. She didn’t seek out his staff, or deliberately use it to help cope with her addictions.

Here’s a direct entry from the Wow Encyclopedia.

Like blood elves, high elves can use arcane magic, but most do not because most high elves are not spellcasters. Whether or not they are spellcasters, all high elves are suffering acute pangs of withdrawal in the absence of the Sunwell’s energies. A few high elves here and there have realized the cause of their distress; others have not. A crucial difference between [high elves and blood elves is that no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources (now that the Sunwell is useless). Even today, though, a high elf might still succumb to that addiction and become one of the blood elves.

The Encyclopedia clearly says that the High elves abstained from using any alternative means to sate their magical addictions. Grabbing magical stones to sate your magical addiction is very in-line with Blood Elf behavior, regardless of whether or not you think they actively fed off them, the point is the goal and means are practically the same.

Hmm that makes me wonder. Since the Sunwell has been reignited, High Elves and Blood Elves no longer need other sources of magic to be sustained. That line in there that says High Elves could become Blood elves is now obsolete. This could mean Elves that left to join the Blood Elves could potenially return to the High Elves. They only left for the reason of survival. They might be accepted back to the ranks of High Elves.


It’s the only problem I have with High elves being added to the Alliance, I really don’t want themes that could be used to further the fantasy of the Blood Elven theme being divided with another race. Even if their original theme is entirely Dalaran, many players fear it’s a slippery slope that will inevitably lead down that path the moment people start asking for more options.

But let’s be honest, Void Elves were practically shoe-horned horribly into the game both from a lore perspective and visual perspective, and I for one am never in support for butchering the story even if it means I get what I want, or because “its happened before”. I like the idea of Dalaran themed High elves simply because it supports a narrative already prevalent in-game.

Well some High elves most certainly do have a hatred for the Horde, some have shown otherwise as well. Captain Thalo’thas Brightsun is a High Elf captain in Ratchet that gives Horde players quests to kill Alliance soldiers for instance, and then there’s also Gilveradin Sunchaser (Same last name as Auric) who’s drinking buddies with some Orcs in Orgimmar. Like Ros’eleth, and Auric these quests and narratives were intentionally implemented into the game to depict the many different views of remaining High elves.

And with the Sunwell restored, and their homeland now a thriving city containing many of their former friends, lovers and family members, I can easily see Blizzard pushing the Narrative that they’d want to return home. Even Vareesa herself says that she still considers Quel’thalas home herself, and was even tempted to leave the Kirin Tor to join Sylvanas on the Horde.

Ros’eleth’s quest text never said they sucked power from the draenic vessels either. As far as it can be said, they were just artifacts like any other, to help high elves cope with magic withdrawal.

Amid the ruins of Tuurem are a number of vessels containing raw, magical energy. We are fortunate that the Broken who have overrun the city are ignorant to the resource in their midst, but we cannot assume they will remain so forever.

With those vessels and their power in hand, the scattered survivors of my people can resist the lure of demonic magic. Every quel’dorei we can save from our prince’s folly is one more that can help us regain our lost glory. Bring me these vessels, <class>.

My point is that the outland high elves didn’t resort to any sort of actions that were unique from the high elves in Azeroth.


I wouldn’t see this happening simply because Blood Elves don’t see the current High elves as a returning point, they see the High elves as a deviation from who they are as a people. Joining the High elves would mean shedding their culture in favor of the alliance, and turning their backs on everything they fought for.

That’s not the point though, both are using magical artifacts to sate their magical addiction, regardless of whether or not they “sucked” on them, or simply resided near them to absorb residual energies. They went out and collected these Vessels for the sole purpose of using their magic to sate themselves, which is very similar to what Blood Elves did. Both cases end in magic being absorbed to help battle their addiction to magic - something High Elves never resorted to. Like Aurora, High elves used meditation to suppress their addictions.

They did though, as no other High Elf in Azeroth was ever said to have actively searched out magical sources to sate their addictions.

Im not talking about the people who first went with Kael’thas. What you posted mentioned High Elves that left because they needed a new source of magic. If they Were just hanging around the Blood Elves to fend of the pangs then its not crazy to think they would go back to be with the people they were with first.

Now you are just refusing to acknowledge the obvious.

  • Encyclopedia says clearly the artifacts helped ameliorate the effects of withdrawal.
  • High elves in Outland are seeking magical vessels to help resist the lure of demonic magic.

Since when 1 + 1 seized to be 2?

At no point it’s said that Outland high elves are sucking off power from the vessels.


She had two kids though.

Sorry, was reading after a practice quiz and couldn’t help but be immature

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To be fair, it’s very unlikely that a completely fleshed-out Silver Covenant would be overly derivative of the Blood Elves – they’ve really got almost no overlap, insofar as social, political, or cultural interests are concerned.

The few remaining tidbits, like Vereesa self-styling as a Ranger-General, are things which can be redressed with the stroke of a pen.


I was specifically referring to the Allerian HE’s, because they’re the group you used as your example.

Yes, of course, there are many like this. That doesn’t mean they don’t have extreme reservations about the Horde – with the Allerian HE’s having violently opposed the Horde early on, and the predominating majority of the Silver Covenant having reservations borne of Theramore’s destruction.


The entire phrasing of that sentence is “theoretical” on how there’s “apparently” some artifacts that can ameliorate the pangs, and “might” be able to suppress them altogether. But it does not establish that it is something High elves take part in, but rather that it is a possibility.

I literally just said that they didn’t need to be “sucking” on the vessels, that the result and means are the same. Both Blood Elves and Allerian High elves used Vessels of magic to battle their pangs of addiction, while most modern High elves resorted to meditation. The high elves even wanted to lure in Blood Elves with these Vessels to have them join their cause.

I believe the uniting of highelves is a good idea. I dont think they should get an island though. I rather blizzard put an addon to an old zone or revamp one of the highelf settlements with both an underground zone and above land zone that is fortified.

Varessa is the key leader with alleria’s son as the secondary leader.

I would also love a cavern of time expansion involving the end time to take us back to the war of the ancients era where we can recruit more famous high elves.

There is so much blizzard can do in the game i just wish someone up there would use their imagination and come up with a good story to imtroduce the high elf into the game. Its been over due for a very long time as well as the necromancer class that had lore as well


No, they are not the same. There’s a difference between sucking magic off something or just using its ambient presence to ameliorate the pangs. It’s like the difference between smoking cigarettes and using those nicotine stickers to help resist addiction.


What is really telling about their decision is it explicitly means that they wanted to keep the option of making playable High Elves open.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Regardless of the lawyery words thrown around, the actions of the devs clearly indicate that they didn’t want to end the High Elf story with them becoming Void Elves. This implies that there is more story to come for them.


The difference between “smoking” and the patch is in one example you’re inhaling toxic fumes, in the other you’re simply absorbing the nicotine. In this instance both cases are absorbing the same kind of magic through alternative sources, simply through different means. This is something that clashes with most modern High elves, who prefer to meditate to suppress their pangs.

Source? Because this sounds unintelligible…


As a curiosity, to which modern High Elves are you referring specifically?

There’s huge differences between the methods. One is feeding the addiction in the most unhealthy way, the other is trying to reduce your need for the substance. You can also resist addiction throught abstinence, but it’s harder.

Mana tap is smoking. Being in the presence of magic is using nicotine stickers. They are not the same thing.

The only high elves we know of that decided to abandon magic entirely are the highvale.