High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

The Saberon who are fleeing from the Lightforged Draenei?

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Strange, last I recall they were fleeing from the Mag’har


Why then, pray tell. Are they running through the portal WITH them?

A battlefield is a battlefield. Would YOU want to be caught on a battlefield? The fact remains, when off the battlefield, they fled FROM the Mag’har AND the Horde.

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Their different responses to the destruction of the Sunwell is major point of distinction between the HE’s and BE’s – the former leaning into individual solutions, like magical objects, and the latter turning to the use of the Fel (unwittingly, in most cases).

It’s somewhat likely that many HE’s were completely weaned off of the Sunwell during it’s absence – and while there is a great deal of ease and convenience involved with drawing from the Sunwell, it’s hardly fair to presume that the group which adopted tolerable solutions (i.e. magical artifacts, meditation, basically anything apart from the Fel) would willingly hamstring themselves by re-developing a dependency on the Sunwell.


I am sure they could write one human being mean to the saberon to justify them going Horde. That’s what they did with blood elves.

If a human is mean enough an entire race will forget all about the mass murder and destruction of their kingdom at the hands of other races and join up with them.


Ive given evidence that can be seen in game to debunk some peoples discussions. They instantly deny this and regurgitate their own beliefs as to the reasons why High Elves cant be added even after being given this evidence. Im just tired of repeating myself over and over and over and over. Its not lazy, its helping prevent spam and trolling.


Not just humans. Nelves too.

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I wouldn’t flee into the Portal, and where the Mag’har are going. I’d flee away from the battle, and not run through it like a dummy.

Nightborne shared nothing in common with Nelves. Sorry.

I mean, no matter who’s to blame, Draenor was still dying, so fleeing to another world makes sense. Again, they didn’t stick around and go, “Hey, mind if we join the Horde? Those Draenei are the worst.” They took off immediately, away from the Orcs.

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My post was about blood elves joining a group comprised of races that previously tried to exterminate them because of Garithos.

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Fair enough, but I doubt they have the intelligence to recognize that. “Hey the planet is dying”.

This is headcanon. Busy day today so I won’t be around to get to your original post, but this assertion you are making is ridiculous given the blood elves have individuals who went through the same thing such as Lor’themar who did not need to touch arcane crystals nearly as much as Liadrin did.

Considering high elves and blood elves are the same race, are also affected by the same sunwell, they’re going to hit withdrawal if it disappeared again just as before.

Furthermore, kael’thas still casting magic after the sunwel only means it takes a bit of time for it to manifest. it is canonically known that anyone who was of a magical class was significantly weaker, otherwise, they would have claimed the kingdom shortly after its fall without ever needing to mana tap.
I’ll get to that mega post once i get the chance to address it fully, but stop with this nonsense theory to create distinctions that don’t exist.

In today’s update of Warcraft According to Broflake, we learn about how High Elves didn’t actually find ways of coping without the Sunwell.


Let’s play a game. Which solution is most different?

  • Touching crystals a lot.
  • Touching crystals a little.
  • Not touching crystals at all.



Still bait, we both know the lore doesn’t support your assumptions and arguments. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be spending time pulling an Oreahna and devolving into emoticon spam and nonsensical statements.

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The lore doesn’t support that High Elves weaned themselves off of the Sunwell, folks. If this type of Broflake post isn’t trolling, I don’t know what is. :man_shrugging:

I feel like everytime Broflake makes a post, like 11 people should directly respond to him with completely unrelated pictures of High Elves. Just do that forever. :smiley:


I am going to simply provide you a video of the logical fallacy you are making. I made the mistake of trying to correct you, I have no need to do so as your fallacies are self defeating and do not warrant any serious discussion.

Edit: Now I go off to do adult stuff. Have a good one.

I’m going to begin the trend.
