High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

memorials for who?

Good question. No one important enough for us to know I suppose.

memorials for people as part of a fountain? they arent even depicted in a heroic way

Why not? To each our own interpretation.


First, there was no ‘evolution’; it was an immediate and ordered change, implemented by Kael the Failure and happened in a very short time.

Second: don’t you, fyrepants and all the other trolls get tired of being made to look ridiculous, when the rest of us call you on your made-up expositions by actually quoting facts at you?



if you can point to a high elf army or state in the alliance, to prove different cite it. other wise all you can claim are the 3 that bothered to show up

I will, when you will.
Even a minor scrolling of this thread shows more fanfiction from you than appears in that actual forum.


i can only point to the 3. youre the one stating other wise

Don’t bother arguing with them. Everyone with two brain cells knows that what is shown in game is only a small part of what is actually going on. Remember when people thought Jaina Proudmoore of all people was sitting out the Legion invasion and doing nothing, letting the world burn, because of Horde being allowed back into Dalaran? I do. I remember people telling them they were dumb for not realizing she’d actually be fighting off-screen. Then when we got her comic and saw that she HAD been fighting the Legion the whole expansion, half the people in that topic went, “See?” and the other half cried, “Retcon! Filthy retcon to make her look better!”


Ordered change? All that had “changed” was their name, he didn’t tell them to stop practicing their culture, traditions or beliefs. A main reoccurring theme for Alliance High elves is their acclimation into the Alliance cultures, essentially tossing their past as “traditional” High elves to the wind. It’s why High Elves are wearing human clothes, why they aren’t given High elven voice lines or ride High elven mounts. It’s the very reason why all these things that made up High elven culture are now found with the Blood Elves.


everyone knows jaina was off doing her own thing to help in legion. not sure where you got the impression she was doing nothing tho. if there was a high elf army in the alliance, they would be allowed to spawn as one of the endless waves of 7th legion alliance races

if the SC werent aligned with dalaran and bound by its neutrality, they would be accompanying their only friend in the alliance, jaina. all you have are a few individuals

if you could respond with a piece of lore or dev commentary to debunk me you would and what is never depicted in game is a high elf army aligned with the alliance fighting the horde besides a few individuals in BFA

I already showed these people the evidence in game and they instantly dismissed it. They dont care to look at what happens in game or how Blizzard uses lore. They are literally here to argue which means its technically trolling. I wouldnt flag them because it could get the thread locked. If we all just stopped responding to them they might just go away.


its not the anti sides fault we can cite lore and development, we arent going to tie our hands behind our backs because the pro argument is backed by fanfictions and a desire to get access to a horde race with playing the horde

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Fyre’s an obvious troll, but you gotta admit, she has stamina!


Honestly this always sounds like a really lazy way of dismissing the opinions of others. If you don’t agree with someone to the point where conversing with them “annoys” you, then by all means just don’t respond anymore. But far too often do I see honest, and genuine responses dismissed as “trolls” by a few of the more “radical” helf regulars for no other reason then the fact that they disagree. It’s disappointing to see on both sides.

its because they have no counter softsong. it is not trolling if an argument is presented, if they could trump you they would. the entire anti position has already been validated by development


Lol no. It’s not even a contest, Worgen are cursed and don’t deal with it after being cured. Saberon can’t even figure out basic hygine. Which is befitting for cats.

i also dont think saberon are that different from worgen aesthetically. you could argue they already are an AR and another flavor of human. just like void elves are another flavor of high/blood elves. i also cant think of a reason they would join the faction war unlike every other AR so far

Only as different as cats and dogs.

I mean, if the Vulpera being attacked by the Alliance is enough reason for them to join, I imagine the history with the Orcs would be enough for Saberon.


They are pretty different aesthetically. Saberon are little better than beasts, and don’t have any form of heritage or culture.

The Worgen curse, once soothed, doesn’t render you a screaming idiot. Like the Saberon. It just makes your emotions more in line with Goldrin