High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Probably because, if Leorajh is any indication, they’ll share the same struggle between savagery and civility.

Vereesa saying anything about the purpose of the Kirin Tor is largely meaningless since a) she is not a member of the Kirin Tor b) the Silver Covenant doesn’t run the Kirin Tor, the Kirin Tor run Dalaran and allow the Silver Covenant to exist as a functional military force there not the other way around, and c) even if she had some rationale for being taken seriously about it that would now be canonically superseded by Khadgar’s declaration of neutrality at the end of Legion.

Still makes no sense, Huxlley - Worgen aren’t wild forest wolves who somehow got civilized, they’re cursed Gilneans created accidently when bitten by Druids of the Pack, who were the first worgen, following the epic backfire caused by using the Scythe of Elune.

They’ve long-since learned - after an assist from the Night Elves and using the staff more carefully - the discipline to control the curse. They are human - as so many people are fond of pointing out when we start counting up the number of playable groups available for various races - not sentient wolves.

Us REAL ELVES need only :meat_on_bone: and :beer: for our ‘meat and drink’!

I’m not sure what you’re asking for then.

From where I’m standing, Allied Races aren’t necessarily off-shoots of an existing race. All they are is the same rig with different customizations. Vulpera, for an example, aren’t Goblins, nor is there anything to suggest they come from Goblins. But they do use the Goblin rig.

Same with Saberon and the Worgen rig.

I fully understand the convenience factor of using the rig. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense to introduce them as an Allied Race of the Worgens. There is no reason for a perceived unity between the two races.

You answer Euspeth’s…

…with the “convenience” rationale - but that’s just re-use of the rig, not a reason for them being a Worgen-allied addition. I agree with you that the term AR shouldn’t have to be taken in game to mean they share some special affinity for a particular race - in this case wouldn’t make sense to me.

I’m not arguing against re-use of the Worgen rig at all, Huxlley - just an automatic in-game association between the two because of it.

First of all, the plural of Worgen, is Worgen.

Secondly, that’s fine. Could be Velen brings them in since they come from the AU. The idea is that they use the Worgen rig, ergo, they’re the Allied Race associated with the Worgen. Whether or not the Worgen get along with them or cooperate or anything is entirely up to how Blizzard decides to write things. Not like Allied Races need friends within a faction either. Velves don’t really have any.

We have seen 0 evidence of this happening ingame and its just a rumoured thing at present

I hope not. We remember the mess leftover from Cata. Another Cata-esque revamp would just make things worse.

If anything needs a revamp its Outland


Which is where we disagree. I call Saberon the Worgen Allied Race because of the shared rig. Worgen don’t have to factor into it beyond that.

Thanks for the - though pedantic - correction, and right you are.

I agree with you completely here - Saberon joining the Alliance would involve some serious use of the Staff of Handwaving™ to create anything remotely plausible about AU cat people becoming members of the Alliance anyway. :slight_smile:

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Okay but no. Alleria has had zero canonical association with her High elves since her return, and only commands the Void elves that were present during the ritual she interrupted. Even during the battle of Undercity she only arrived with her Void Elves - If she still had control over the High elves she left a thousand years ago I’m pretty sure they’ve have shown up in Bfa somewhere.

High elves are not defenseless, even Halduron knows this when he calls upon Vareesa and her rangers to help assist him in fighting back the Amani tribe. There are so very little High elves in the war because fighting against the Horde, and by extension many members of their own race probably doesn’t sit very well with them.

I don’t think this is true, as Blizzard took steps to reflect the diminished High elf presence in Dalaran to reflect their current state. It’s why almost the entirety of the alliance portion has had its High elves removed and replaced with Worgen. Many of the High elves in Dalaran have unique names, and typically these characters are not considered dead unless stated somewhere in the game or lore.

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I don’t think this is quite the case. It always struck me more as a thematic kind of thing. The Sunreavers weren’t going back to Dalaran for the Horde, so it didn’t make sense to keep them around. Sylvanas became Warchief, so the Dalaran area for the Horde became Forsaken themed. It wouldn’t have made sense for the Alliance area to remain helf themed when the Silver Covenant was off helping the Hunter Class Hall. Putting the Worgen in there, as the main antagonists of the Forsaken (at the time), made sense.

Because if it wasn’t to preserve that sense of faction conflict, then the Alliance’s Dalaran area would’ve been given over to Stormwind Humans instead.


Where exactly are you getting this? Please, if you can, be very specific because becoming a void elf and studying the void are two very different things.


actually they did. otherwise jaina wouldnt have needed to expel the sunreaver magi in the kirin tor and even citizens. they dont join the horde officially until jaina expels them and they return to silvermoon where lorthemar tells rommath to add the sunreavers to the quel’thalas magi. we next see the high elf people story play out in isle of thunder

the sc operate as a militia within the kirin tor, so she is a member technically

tbf, she did but would wind up getting banished in the same instance

Not really. Aethas went back because, well, he’s Aethas. The Horde didn’t have much to do with it at all. They joined the Tirisgarde, though. So, like the Silver Covenant, they had no need for their older lodgings.

while sunreavers encalve was renamed, its still the only high elven place in dalaran reflective of the people who have lived there for thousands of years. the moment you walk in there you are greeted by elf statues making this very clear. i dont think you can assume the sunreavers didnt return to their homes after the council decided to reverse jaians doings. it could have been renamed by the council itself as a statement to dalarans commitment to neutrality once again

aethas is the only one who is exiled and has to make a case for his return. if you played a mage you would have witnessed this

And the moment you walk into the Alliance area, there’s a statue of Alleria and statues of elven rangers, same place they were back in Wrath so…?


No, she is Ranger General of the Silver Covenant, she is not a member of the Kirin Tor - technically or otherwise. If she was, she would consider herself bound by Khadgar’s declaration of neutrality.

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so its a memorial to alleria and the ones that followed her. if they were never presumed lost it wouldnt be there

That’s quite an assumption. May as well say the statues in Dalaran on the Sunreaver side are memorials as well.