High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

well what’s more fantasy rpg than dragons and elves on an island, protected from the curious, because the site is somehow connected to the old gods and guarded so the old gods didnt escape out unto azeroth’s surface, thru the portals there.

what do you want the game to have? we already know you dont want elves. you want snake people right? well, i dont have a problem with that. the more options we have, the better, particulary since we cant customize our characters very much.

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That’s not fantasy RPG. That’s disturbing fanfiction.

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whats disturbing about half elves?

the other option i had already suggested a couple weeks ago was, that eilsande had pointed out that the high elves of the alliance were peasants playing at nobility because they had diluted their bloodlines with humans. this meant many of the alliance high elves were actually half elves and the models could be changed to reflect that and the lore retconned, to show it.

i dunno how half elves can be disturbing but talking snakes is okay

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Because one is a natural species that emerged on its own. The other is a contrived, bad fanfiction-level excuse for lore. It dehumanizes people, and insults established cultures and lore. For what, humans with dumpy ears?

Snakes are adorable by the way. Or badass. Depends on the snake.

You’re digging too deep into Eisande’s taunting. She was making fun of Vereesa for her human husband. And her twins, whoever they are.

I don’t think this means that the Alliance High elves are “half” elves, but simply pointed out that the cultural phenomenon of High elves choosing to breed with humans instead of other Elves.

I do agree that Half elves would be a good compromise, but I think they should be their “own” group, not identified as High elves.

There can be no compromises.

problem is, you have a really dim view of elves in general, so your stance is suspect on whether the idea has potential or not.

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The idea doesn’t have potential. You want the Dragon Isles solely to be an interspecies breeding ground for no other reason than you getting to play your special quadratic elf.

Void Elves are less contrived.

I mean Void elves were a compromise, and while I’m also skeptical of them releasing anything after that, its certainly evidence that Blizzard is at least willing to compromise on the idea. Unfortunately I feel many of these compromises will never actually satisfy most Helfers, as many simply want the current Blood Elf model, but with blue eyes.

while you are playing thru the dragon isles without anything i just said being likely, i’ll be playing classic that has only one elf. i’m just sharing ideas for how to bring other unique things to the retail game so that it can keep my interest. i dont rp or pvp or raid. that means my enjoyment comes from the character i can make, questing, running old content and pet battles…

at least the dragon isles are a hitherto unexplored area and the area is lore now as wrathion is looking for it but the other dragons wont tell him where it is. i think they’re afraid he’ll be corrupted by the old god presence there, since he’s a black dragon like his dad. but it could have more than old gods vs. everybody else. it could have new races too

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nopers. its mostly rpers who want it for rp purposes. thats why they want helf lore, particularly sc helf lore

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I want a continuation on the pre-existing High Elf content. If there’s a different model or things resulting from that, so be it, but its that I want the end to

I would have been happy with Void Elves had they tied into existing High Elf stuff, but instead Void Elves are specifically previously Horde-aligned elves who decided to poke the mystery cube. Hence, Void Elves failed at what they needed to do in my eyes.


Wrings wrists nervously and looks up at the post above this one


see what i mean. :sunglasses:

Veeresa says in Purge of Dalaran ‘‘the true purpose of Kirin Tor is to serve the Alliance’’

The wizards of the Silver Covenant are seen serving in the Seventh Legion in Northrend

Ur argument is invalid


I find it funny some people still believe that just because a certain faction or race is not seen actively participating in the current Horde vs Alliance war it means they’re automatically neutral (as in, they’re not Alliance).

Just a reminder that the European countries that did not help the US during the Iraq War still were and are both diplomatic and military allies of the United States. They didn’t become “neutral” states.


She says ‘this was always the true destiny of the of the kirin tor, to serve the alliance’ implying they were always, and currently, neutral just as i have always said

if the kirin tor werent always neutral besides briefly under jaina, they would not have allowed the horde into dalaran. if the SC werent neutral they wouldnt be allowed to help trolls kill other trolls in quel’thalas. if they werent neutral they wouldnt of had to vote to break neutrality to participate in theramore where rhonin was killed and aethas was the deciding vote to get involved

If the the kirin tor and by extension the sc, were always a part of the alliance vereesa would not need to say this. Jaina would not go to wrynn in sw to tell him that the kirin tor now serve the alliance at the end of the quest. Watch a video or play it again if you can

i will link the purge of dalaran alliance perspective and timestamped it at the part where you can read vereesas text. if you watch the whole thing, which i recommend for you since you seem to not know the lore, at the beginning of the quest, when jaina learns how the bell was stolen, she says ‘my own kriin tor betrayed me’ and then she confronts aethas telling him to leave dalaran, when he refuses thats when she gives the order to lock down the city. to arrest or kill any sunreaver that resists, including the citizens, as we all know many sunreavers fought back because its their home and the rest is history. the reason vereesa and jaina are so upset by this betrayal is theramore just happened

Well, when you get right down to it, she’s a teenage mother. She’s the youngest of the Windrunner sisters, so young that in the novels they wanted her to stay home and out of the Second War. War Crimes just shows that she still struggles between what is best for her kids and her own selfish impulses.

So, you’re right, she’s overly reliant on others because she’s probably still at that point in her life where she’s used to someone to answer to, and not entirely independent.

Overall, I don’t think Vereesa is a great character to lead an Allied Race, as she is right now.


The only reason we see High Elves in places for past expansions like Dalaran in Northrend, and Broken Isles is because these areas exist in the past. The world in BfA content is current content. It’d be a hassle to have to go back and re-do EVERYTHING from the past to compensate it for the new era.

Alleria is taking the remaining High Elves and turning them into Void Elves. She’s getting added numbers because of the few remaining High Elves who remained loyal to the Alliance who want to join the fight. They forsake their roots to join the Alliance on the front lines, because the High Elves have practically zero in the way of active combat abilities.

Basically, if you visit Dalaran to spot a High Elf, you’re doing a bit of time traveling since Blizzard doesn’t want to go through the trouble of dumping current content on zones made for an expansion.

I heard the original continents are going to be revamped in the next expansion anyways, so we might see Void Elf replacements for the High Elves in Stormwind. We know they won’t be anywhere in Kalimdor. The last Alliance loyal High Elves in Kalimdor were more than likely killed by heroes of the Horde because of quests.

Why anyone would think “Hey, these cats will make a perfect AR for those wolves.” is beyond me.