High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I’ve done no such thing, all you are doing at this point is packing straw into the strawman and hoping it will be recognized as something else. Let alone you are spending more time arguing about what my argument is, instead of actually addressing the argument.

You did not address the fact I was discussing under the context of what you presented. Is your position so indefensible you feel the need to try and repeatedly strawman instead of addressing my points?

Here, allow me to make it simpler for you.

Based on your proposition is this not a description of void elves?.

nitpick, Game design=/=game play necessarily.

Considering the entire dialogue was in reference to game design such as AR’s, yeah, it wasn’t exactly a discussion of lore specifically.

blood/high: connected to the sunwell. Does not have tentacles. Does not have a connection to the void.

Void elves: Not connected to the sunwell. Has tentacles. Has an innate connection to the void.

You can shake your head as much as you like but the differences are literally staring you in the face. :man_shrugging:


Even though there is nothing stating they are using anything else. I find it contradictory for you to say “this is an absence of evidence, it does not support you”, when you literally threw out theory with no support or argument to stand by it.
Even though we have sources stating the opposite of your argument as well as strong implications to support mine.

I wrote it messed up since i was in a rush.
Long story short: High elves get access to the sunwell from anywhere and are directly attuned to it.
Blizzard got lazy and literally wrote out distance/space/time as a factor.

What magical energy do blood knights use given they are Paladin?
I’ll wait while you pick out sentences as if it contributes to your discussion point in anyway.

Cause Blizzard literally never said such a thing.
In fact, when I cited it earlier for you (which you ignored), they actually said the opposite.

Which wouldn’t be supported because the last time they were in a situation without a sunwell, the effects of arcane withdrawal were immediate, they had no “satisfaction” of magic being given to them, and they were constantly looking for their next fix.

They go to Draenor though, a place in a completely different universe, and they somehow find a source that provides them the same degree of power but it is never mentioned anywhere along with no mention of them ever going into withdrawal..

Or not knowing the fact they never said such a thing and that you made it up

Of which nothing was ever suggested.
Along with the fact that blood elf paladins only get their light powers from the sunwell as has been explained since TBC, but you’re ignoring that as well.

You know the lore, why are you ignoring it?

Edit: Corrected phrasing.

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They’d be the worst. Humans 3.0, a literal waste of a race slot.

Half elf just means half elf.
Which means, half night elf.
Half thalassian elf.
Half nightborne elf.
Half void elf.

Things of that nature.

They’d be humans with dagger ears, dreadfully uninspired. They’re freaks of nature anyhow, and only four exist really.

I am going to bed now

Not as sad as making Helfs a playable race. Here’s how they would be made:

Blood elf model, shorter ears.

:clap: so original

Bonus monty python since this played immediately after.


We don’t even need that though. There are plenty of High Elves already roaming about the place.

While I agree that the alliance need more monster races I don’t see the sethrak join the alliance with the current story as they’re more horde leaning currently. I’d be happy if they gave either version of Arakkoa though, or any other equal cool race. And before someone tells me that the Arakkoa would be horde, no they would most likely not as they really hate orcs due to their history, this is for both the Draenor and outland ones.


It doesn’t, because what we’re asking for is the ability to play as a group derived from those High Elves who’ve maintained their allegiance to the Alliance since at least the onset of World of Warcraft. Not sure what’s difficult to understand about this.

I didn’t realize that when he said, and I quote, “Void Elves are pretty much another flavor of High Elves”, he’d intoned he was specifically and exclusively referring to gameplay OR game design.

I fixed it for you, so that you can not answer it again in a different way next time. :man_shrugging:

Didn’t say it was. :man_shrugging:

None of the differences you highlighted are biological – you should definitely keep trying, but just try a little harder. :man_shrugging:

Here’s two things we know.

  1. We know the Sunwell doesn’t extend beyond Azeroth.
  2. We know HE’s/BE’s can draw magical energy from anything to satiate their addiction.

We’re not explicitly informed about how the HE’s/BE’s in Outland or Draenor are able to avoid withdrawl – you either believe that HE’s/BE’s resort to utilizing latent magical energy that they source locally, something we know they’re both capable of, or you believe that the HE’s/BE’s are able to connect to the Sunwell all the way back on Azeroth (something the lore implies is impossible).

There isn’t evidence either way, but your assertion completely ignores an existing reality of the narrative – making it many magnitudes less likely. :man_shrugging:

Proof? And no, WoD isn’t proof. :man_shrugging:

They currently utilize the Light, just like everyone else, and can do so without the Sunwell entirely. I’m sorry you didn’t play TBC through to the conclusion? :man_shrugging:

It’s pretty clear that when he says “it’s magic”, he’s referring to the Light generally – as it exists across the universe. :man_shrugging:

They felt the connection break immediately, the actual symptoms took weeks to manifest. Additionally, when they originally lost the Sunwell they had become so dependent upon it that they didn’t have any contingency plans in place – which isn’t the case today, both HE’s and BE’s being entirely prepared for whatever might happen.

It’s implied in Blood of the Highborne that the limit is even more finite than the entirety of Azeroth.

I’d argue that the video you linked says just that. :man_shrugging:

They, the Blood Knights, are entirely capable of calling upon the Light without the benefit of the Sunwell.

If what you’re saying was accurate, and HE’s and BE’s were incapable of utilizing magic not sourced from the Sunwell, Kael’thas wouldn’t have been able to do mage things in WCIII. :man_shrugging:


Also, asking for something like this is basically just asking for High Elves because of the way they look? I thought this was about wanting our Alliance High Elves. Having a bunch of random Helves show up would be pretty awful, imo.

well it solves several problems and i’m a problem solver. not that my solutions are any good, just that i feel compelled to problem solve lol

the following issues are dealt with:

  1. claims by ion that there are not enough high elves left to make a playable race from
  2. claims by ion that no significant hub of high elves exist in the game at this point, they’ve all either been killed or assimilated
  3. resolves for angry or upset blood elves who dont want a carbon copy of belves, as the shipwrecked elves would look quite a bit different
  4. resolves for the stick figure complaint of people who think belves are too skinny as the shipwrecked elves would be thicc-er than belves, more like the sylvannas model
  5. uniqueness of concept and appearance, solves for lore

:man_shrugging: I feel like this is how Velves became a thing. Stormwind, Dalaran, Hinterlands and a few other places could be used a their hub.

There is 100% more High Elves than Void Elves, so I don’t know why that would still be a problem.

I don’t think a bunch of High Elves could have survived the fall of Quel’thalas with out any help from the Alliance or friends. As far as I remember, the only group of High Elves that tried to isolate themselves ended up going crazy and withered.

You could change their idle stance and animations. Simple. That wouldn’t break the lore or anything like that. Large, thick beards, human and dwarf styles would be great. I really love how Dwarves and Humans are like family, you know? I feel like that would be perfect for Helves to copy a few of their styles.

Their body shape shouldn’t really bother anyone too much. You could also make them slightly leaner/slight bulkier.

Being unique isn’t always good.


i agree with you completely but i’m not trying to solve for people i agree with, they aren’t the problem. ion is the game director and he has dug his heels in and said maybe someday but not in the near future (something that’s been the same position at blizzard since people started asking for playable high elves. its been years now. over a decade), and other even more problematic things like not enough, no hubs, etc.


Dont forget already being playable, and even a high elf variant for the alliance is also already playable as well. What isnt playable is alliance high elves

High Elves as a race are playable, yes. The actual High Elves aren’t though. :stuck_out_tongue:


other issues dealt with, with my idea:

  • still thalassian, just not full thalassian
    for example, this rendition of nozdormu’s consort, soridormi. she’s a bronze dragon in thalassian form.
  • can have a large amount
  • a nice new hub with its own unique environment
  • can introduce wavy/curly hairstyles like wrathion’s new model


  • can introduce the concept and lore of why and where the dragon aspects got thalassian non dragon forms from. since kalecgos and wrathion both are copying half elves, and since an actual ingame half elf (arator) uses thalassian model, its a good lore point to suggest they got the idea from interacting with various kinds of thalassians a long time ago.
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The problem is that not all remaining High elves are Alliance-aligned, many are neutral, so that already takes a huge chunk out of an already small demographic that the Wow Encyclopedia describes as being practically nonexistent.

So the problem might not be there aren’t enough High elves, the problem might be that there aren’t enough willing to join the War effort on the Alliance. Although there is no evidence to support that there are more High elves than Void elves, it goes without saying that the Void elves have shown far more initiative in the War than the High elves. (Probably because unlike the High Elves, the Void elves no longer need or care for the Sunwell.)

Hyper. We don’t need to hear about your interspecies breeding camp manga.