High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

…which always pleased me no end!
Thank you for giving me hope and cheer!
Keeps on with that ax and slogans; most having to do with crushing enemies, driving them before you and lamenting of their women


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It’s not disingenuous at all, and the reason you’re unwilling to actually answer it is because doing so will demonstrate how indefensible your position is. Here, let me play the conversation out for you.

The answer is, for those reading, “because every Blood Elf in existence wasn’t present to experience the very specific, very localized series of physiological changes which ultimately resulted in the creation of Void Elves.”

If the High Elves were to experience a similarly specific, similarly localized series of physiological changes which ultimately results in them being visually and aesthetically distinct… in what world do you, as a Blood Elf, have any moral claim over these physiological traits?

You’re right, he was quite clear, Void Elves are biologically High Elves – they’re not a different race. This may change, as they develop the story, but as of this moment your assertion to the contrary is headcanon. :shrug

It isn’t stated anywhere, ever, that BE’s or HE’s draw exclusively from the Sunwell – like the rest of the creatures, in all of existence, they can utilize magic found all over the place.

This is more headcanon. Please, save it for the blog. :man_shrugging:

  • We know HE’s/BE’s are required to sustain themselves with magical energy.
  • We know HE’s/BE’s can do so using any type of magic, from any source.
  • We know that if they don’t, they start to feel the pangs of withdrawl.
  • We know that the Sunwell is accessible from anywhere on Azeroth.
  • We’ve observed that neither experienced withdrawl on Outland or Draenor.

You’re asserting that because of the fifth point, the fourth one must not be true (despite it being canon).

I’m asserting that there are dozens of plausible explanations for why they didn’t experience withdrawl, that don’t require you to ignore the stated canon of the franchise.

Hashtag oof.

The Blood Knights draw their power from the Light – the Sunwell being Light-based is incidental, and evidence of nothing. It’s like you’re suggesting that if the Sunwell were destroyed, again, BE Paladins would cease to be.

That’s some absurd, but hilarious, headcanon. :man_shrugging:

No, of the Sunsworn exclusively drawing from the Sunwell.

You’re basically implying that Blood Knights can’t draw from anything but the Sunwell – which would ironically make Blood Elves the weakest Paladins in the entirety of the franchise. :man_shrugging:

Then… citation? Why do you have all these facts, but keep them to yourself? Seems suspect.


I just read every word in your post Fyorsing.
You’re making sense; keep it up!
…and hoists a :beer: in your name with a resounding SKÖL!

Well, as far as we know today this is certainly correct. Having said that; The Pen is Mightier Than the Lore so let’s not put it past someone to dream up a New Cataclysm™ that nukes it - which would be better than giving any single group of people enough power over it to selectively cut people off from it.

World of Warcraft 9.0: Cataclysm Redux

I mean, why not? Blow it up; maybe write it happening at the hands of some radical Night Elf militants, inspired by Tyrande’s Night Warrior assault on Darkshore, hell-bent on revenge for Teldrassil who use some Handwaving Staff of Destiny™ artifact they uncover. Crank the faction war into seriously high gear and follow the story arcs as both non-GMO factions of Thalassian Elf scramble for a new source of energy powerful enough to sustain them.

Could be fun. :wink:



Thank you, my fav forum gadfly, for putting the best vperspective on this whole ‘allied race’ subject EVER!

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I think everyone is looking for more consistency in Blizzard’s writing than there actually is.


void elf origins began with allerias transformation. she is the first of her kind. her story is the void elf story, shes their mentor and racial leader. as for them not having a story before their introduction, thats because they are brand new and clearly meant to be developed further in the future. even if its just going to be a light(blood elves) vs void(void elves) dichotomy that blizzard is teasing for the future, thats fine. they are the most popular allied race by far, and pretty much neck in neck with draenei representation at lvl 120 with humans and night elves miles ahead. so they were very successful, you even play one yourself

the high elves never had a special bond or friendship with the alliance. humans only helped them because they would get something in return, 100 humans would be trained in elven magic to be exact. this relationship would eventually lead to the co foundation of dalaran. later, they would have to be compelled by a blood oath to help the alliance again

today only dalaran, a city open about its neutrality, and quel’thalas/horde are the only factions that have aligned high elves

all the alliance have are a few individuals

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Unlike the horde races, who the belfs were totally bffs with before they joined the horde.

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Why are there Botani fleeing in the same scenario when the Orcs lament not having any more of them around to eat?

The answer is simple: because the Mag’har are NOT their allies.

Until we learn Jaina had a handful of the same shards that Saurfang had, and then goes to the Bronze Dragons who go, “Yeah, we only let the Horde have the Mag’har because we knew you were coming for the Draenei and Saberon. Have at it.”

Yes, I would take the loyal and well represented High Elves and the interesting and fierce Saberon over some sand sneks that are only good for snoot booping, and a race of fish men that probably reek unimaginably when not near a water source.


Don’t diss the snoop. They deserve to be an AR for that sole purpose. :snake:

I agree about the Ankoan. :sleepy:

They can be Horde where they belong. The Horde restored their Loa, and ended the civil war they had to boot.

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That’s so predictable though. Yet another monster race for the Horde.

They can have Vulpera, Alliance should get Sethrak, we’re definitely in need of monster races, and they definitely need “cute” races.


Makes no sense for the Sethrak to go Alliance. Let them go Horde. Saberon make for a better monster race for the Alliance.


Slightly off topic, but this is a funny video. Worth a watch.


What’s everyone’s opinion on Vereesa’s character? I find her gullible and overly reliant on “someone to follow” first with Rhonin as his “right hand” in the Kirin tor, then Jaina during mist and finally with Sylvanas in War Crimes. Don’t really know about her development in legion besides suramar.

I feel like High Elves would be a perfect opportunity to really flesh out her character, make her seem more of a leader that I feel like we haven’t seen all too much.


I just stopped here to show my support for playable Quel’dorei.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head with your description of vereesa and her sc. They are nothing but story tools to show the divide of the high elf people or further another much more important character, whicn so far has been a leader of the kirin tor or a sister

The only way she will ever be fleshed out is if dalaran becomes a playable faction, which almost certainly will never happen

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I am hoping she steps out of the shadows of her sisters and becomes her own person. Uniting and leading the high elves would be perfect for that!