High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Why aren’t all Blood Elves currently Void Elves?

Only in your self-published blog, Warcraft According to Broflake. The rest of us, including Ion Hazzikostas, see this sentiment for what it is: codswallop.

  • The evidence that BE’s continued to draw from the Sunwell whilst on Draenor? Not present.
  • The evidence that Alleria continued to draw from the Sunwell whilst traversing the Twisting Nether? Not present.

It’s been stated, numerous times, that the Sunwell is accessible from anywhere on Azeroth – if you’re going to assert that they’re really able to do it from anywhere in the cosmos, the onus is on your to prove it.



The only mention of distance that I’ve been able to find in Blood of the Highborne is Liadrin mentioning that she can feel the Sunwell from Suntower (which is north of Sivlermoon, canonically, so of course she could feel it there).

Lack of evidence, evidence does not make. :man_shrugging:


this is more like it.


Something like that, yeah.
Teldrassil burning = less than a year ago.

Dead Scar= 13+ and absolutely nothing done not on ly to it but the whole Belf zone.

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eventually will be able to fly there. someday. hehe

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This is a disingenuous argument to which a counterpoint is not required given you know the answer.

I am sensing a lot of resentment. I merely go off what I observe and see. Let alone Ion already made his stance on high elves clear. It is a no on high elves, so why bring up the person who does not support your desire?

Besides the fact that the blood and high elf people are connected to the sunwell to manifest their magical abilities as demonstrated in all lore preceding the breaking of the original sunwell?

Hey, I’ll give you that one, they never go over her drawing power from it.
She never undergoes arcane withdrawal and neither do her forces after being outland.
Your argument is that distance affects things, and yet, there is no indication of them having withdrawal symptoms afterwards, suggesting strongly they continue to gain its power.

It is accessible through time and space as evident in WoD.

The blood knights draw their power from the sunwell. If they are to function in warlords of draenor, they need to access it. Considering they were able to do so in draenor, the power of the sunwell is clearly bypassing time and space.

Your request is the same as asking for why the sky is blue when you can already understand the reason.

Of the sunsworn using the sunwell as a source of power as evidenced in every piece of literature on where the high elves get their power? Including after TBC where it is demonstrated in Shadow of the sun?

You’re right on this one I was remembering where I gained my facts incorrectly.
It was from blizzcon 2016. :man_shrugging:

Except this isn’t a lack of evidence, this is a case of you closing your eyes and declaring light does not exist.

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As long as they look hawt in armor AND have decent fighting anis, I’,m good.

wrathion is also half elf, presumably. i mean thats a belf skeleton and animations. but no long belf ears.

Why not? You do it all the time.


how so?

…and tattoes!
LOTS of them and a set of options for each class!

he’s just a dragon using a half elf form.
I do think it would be neat to have half elves, though no one seems to like the idea

i like the idea. even took part in a thread on the topic, started by murgatroyd. i think people are worried if we ask for a significantly different appearance, it’ll end up like void elves with tentacles, bags under their eyes, blue skin that makes them look like they’ve had a heart attack or are out of oxygen. draenei blue looks watery blue. velf blue looks like theyre about 5 seconds away from going unconscious. haha

She distinctly typed ‘a normal elf’; not a 'mana-sucking, emaciated, addict who tortures beings of Light, joins forces with Orcs, Undead and other nasties, and has fits about their hair at every opportunity."

NEVER trust a Belf!

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hey now… be careful there. hehe

You do realize high elves mana drained, and were emaciated wretched as well.
They also tortured their own people and fed them to sharks.
They’ve also joined forces with humans who stood by while their people were unjustly imprisoned by humans, and ahve also worked along side orcs, undead, and others for a common cause.

They are also prone to being very prideful of their looks.

So…does that mean you hate high elves too?

…as well as looking like they eat something once in a while.

how many humans knew what garithos was up to?

I am not sure, but I do believe Dalaran knew at the very least, whichy is why silvermoon cut ties with them.

Hey, I NEVER said they were perfect!
And, as I recall, you and others were bemoaning the fact that you thought too many peoples wanted them to be all ‘goody-goody’.
Well ok; everything you just typed made me want them EVEN MORE!
Starts slamming ax onto shield, while howling various warcries!

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No, I simply pointed out they aren’t good goody
Anyway, I’ve a few things to get ready for the next couple of days. See you guys ina bit