High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I know what I said, and I said quite a bit more, under a different context. No accusation was made, that is something you chose to see. Stop it.

Play a blood elf hyper.


It isn’t that you are or aren’t allowed to say anything, it’s that it isn’t actually a counter-point if it isn’t countering a point. When you just make unrelated statements, it’s not “a debate”, it’s you talking to yourself about things you don’t like. :man_shrugging:

Your every response involves mentioning how if it could happen to HE’s, it could happen to BE’s. Sorry you don’t like being characterized by
 your own words. :man_shrugging:

No, I’m assuming you didn’t read it because you keep implying that all we’re talking about is throwing some pink/purple eyes on the existing model and calling it a day – the original back-and-forth, wherein the concept was briefly touched upon, was quite clear. Their pink/purple eyes were simply mentioned because they’re the most obvious avenue of distinction, with other adjustments depending entirely upon the specifics of the HE’s Arcane-infusion.

You keep citing to nothing, as evidence. It’s my issue that you can’t prove your own assertions? Seems suspect. :man_shrugging:

They don’t. That you believe they do, demonstrates where you’re coming from – you’re not against playable HE’s because the lore doesn’t support it, you’re not against playable HE’s because there aren’t plausible methods of making them distinct, you’re against them because you want their customization options (and all possible future distinctions) to yourself.

That’s fine. Just own it.


i already do, broflake. i want a normal elf on alliance and by normal i mean human skin colors, since alliance high elves have been mingling with humans, diluting their bloodline, they should the full gamut of possible human skin colors with some elf features. we should see elves with dark skin and elf ears, also. with curly wavy hair,long hair, short hair, inbetween hair, with skin ranging from pale to wrathion dark. this lets people from various ethnicities take part in the fantasy elf trope, since the alliance high elves are intermarrying humans.

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Geez Fyorsing. I applaud you for trying to break that shell as long as you have.


How’s Teldrassil? Oh wait, it’s a pile of ashes now.

I wonder if they got to plant the Tear of Elune in the ashes if itll regrow the tree.

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i think she brought up the dead scar as evidence that blizzard is not updating zones/content even after years, like no capital city for gnomes, no lore for velfs, still dead scar in eversong and so on

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I brought up how it does not support you specifically to counter the point you made. You didn’t like it, and tried to dismiss it. Now we are going in circles on this matter which is ultimately going to be fruitless. Shall we continue? :man_shrugging:

Probably because they are the same race and would be affected the same way per lore? :man_shrugging:
Sorry I made you so upset you need to paint me a certain way to justify your feelings.

Which, as I mentioned earlier, would mean they stop being HE’s now wouldn’t they? It is a self defeating concept.

You’re being obtuse and it makes this discussion difficult.

Warlords of draenor: Different universe
Starvation for blood elves? Not present
Alleria in beyond the dark portal? Arcane withdrawal? Not present

Sunsworn forces draw upon its forces, as they are headed by the blood knights, who use the sunwell’s light to use their power.
Blood of the highborne states the sunwell’s energy reaches them anywhere.

No one should need to tell you this, it should have been easily observable by trying playing Warlords of Draenor which is why I cited it for you.

I find it suspect you have been ignoring what has been explained to you or cited for you.

Didn’t say they did. I am pointing out the inconsistencies you are assigning for my motivation. All you’re doing is using an ad hominem with the intent of trying to weaken my position with an unsubstantiated claim.

Fact of the matter is I play a blood elf because 20+ RP through a racial is very useful for tanking. :man_shrugging:

As I said previously, take a break from the discussion. You’re dropping down to arguing motivations instead of actually discussing the talking points in it. It is disappointing and I have seen better from you.
If you don’t want to, that is fine, but I am just going to flat out ignore any part of your posts that involve “You feel this way for this reason.”.


she thinks too deeply. i’ll boil it down for her. you cant claim overabundance of arcane pink/purple without a device in the story because the sunwell is only half arcane. this is why the arcane device was conjured up in the fertile minds of people trying to give a lore reason for a different appearnace to alliance high elves. no sunwell access would mean emergency measures. such an emergency measure could be an arcane device like an artifact. tada, arcane overabundance.


I know what she means Hyper, I am pointing out why it doesn’t work.
The blood elves have no means to cut someone off from the sunwell without it also cutting them off.


yeah. the pilgrimage is only for tradition correct?

Its just them doing what they used to do before it exploded, since the high elves consider it a sacred relic given it was made from well of eternity waters.

They don’t need to be in person to do it.

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I understood it as feeding, to avoid succumbing to magic addiction. There aren’t enough arcane artifacts to sustain a population and it was never a permanent solution
 which is also why Blood Elves didn’t just do what the Silver Covenant did.

right-o. i learned that on the old forums. presumably all elves that can be effected by the sunwell’s presence, should have gold eyes by now. only way pink/purple arcane would even be a thing is if they were in the vicinity of another arcane source, similar to how fel crystals messed with the belves, locally.

Yep. Its just been mostly flavor on what color eyes blizzard gives them.
If you’re doing the Isle fo thunder quests most of the blood elves have blue eyes.

Blizzard isn’t really following consistent established rules though.

It’s rule of cool
 and green was the flavor of TBC.

To be frank, Blizzard leaves a lot of things unexplained.

It’s like that “One Legion for the entire multiverse” thing they conjured up and makes no sense at all, but it was done because they needed it for the story.

For a long time, it was pretty clear that the elves got addicted to magic because of its overabundance in their land. The Sunwell power radiated everywhere, and they used crystals to store and use it to power pretty much everything in Quel’thalas. That’s also why blood elf bases have power crystals, so that they could carry some “spare magic” with them.

However, when Blizzard needed an excuse for Kael’thas to destroy the Sunwell, for some reason they had to conjure up the “Sunwell feeds the elves no matter where they are”. That, like the One Legion things, brings more questions than answers.

But, anyway, until some place explains it better, that’s current lore.

As such, the high elves everywhere do not need to visit the Sunwell to bask in its power. We can surmise, then, that they do the pilgrimage for tradition or homesickness rather than necessity.


perhaps ley lines could be used to explain it. this might be how belves get blue eyes since the ley line, when added to the sunwell, should have an effect. are ley lines all arcane? or do i misunderstand ley lines?

There’s two scenarios; one is that blue eyes are their natural eye color, the other is it is from sensitivity to the arcane.

Ley lines are apparently all arcane.
It is how the nightwell was made

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