High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Were not asking to play blood elves.


It was in the old forums. And there has been other threads on the subject where I repeated my points. Blizzard should be aware of my opinion by now.

Why do you think we called ourselves Belves? The B is for Bad. I be a bad elf.

Needs more popularity, I’ll support you. With cookies

AND because the HIGH ELF ingame history has always been Alliance or at least not-Horde.
Then Arthas. Then Kael and the Great Renaming and the beginning of the butting of heads.

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You ignored the parts in WC, WC2, and WC3 where the high elves immediately left the alliance once things were over.

or at least not-Horde.’’
Get some coffee; you’re trying too hard.

This is a direct quote of you. :man_shrugging:

If its options not available aesthetically? It works if its different enough.

“That isn’t how she looks in canon” isn’t a counter-point, when I’ve never stated it was – nor was that the reason for providing the image. :man_shrugging:

This hasn’t ever mattered anywhere else, in the entirety of the game, not sure why you’re so confident it’ll start mattering now – not to mention, this is further demonstration that your entire position is, “we Blood Elves are entitled to all themes, at all times, because reasons”.

The ignore feature can’t hit this forum quick enough, fam. :man_shrugging:

Who’s to say how they came about? Maybe the only way for pink/purple eyes is to be caught in the middle of a ritual, wherein the HE’s were being melted by raw Arcane energy? Why is this scenario acceptable for Void Elves, but not for High Elves?

(The answer is, “Because, as a Blood Elf, I want those things for myself.”)

To state they’re the same race isn’t a counter-argument, if I never argued that they weren’t the same race to begin with.

It’s just you talking, to yourself, while you think about ways to convince Blizzard that everything belongs to Blood Elves. :man_shrugging:

Not if, as was mentioned in the original speculation which I presume you didn’t take the time to go actually read before weighing in on it, the circumstances by which pink/purple eyes are made available are exceedingly specific – if it was just as simple as gathering up a lot of Arcane, everyone would have it. :man_shrugging:

A lack of evidence isn’t evidence. :man_shrugging:

Wouldn’t that be “headcanon”. It’s not my job to explain it – we know they exist, so there must be some explanation. :man_shrugging:

Except my assertion was that pink/purple eyes would be the starting point, with additional changes being related to whatever circumstance(s) caused the pink/purple eyes to begin with – your assertion is, “anything you can do, BE’s can do better”.


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I don’t want to imagine what you think the “V” in “Velf” stands for :cold_sweat:

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Hey, I admit I mis-read sometimes.
Thing is now the horde is part of the high elf story.

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Many :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1: and even more :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

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and a big ol’ :+1: for your post, in general!

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Care to show the rest? :man_shrugging:

Again, ignoring the rest of my statements, why?

You mean besides their entire history in WoW?

Life does not have an ignore feature. You’ll have to simply accept that people won’t agree with you just because you say so. It certainly is less likely to change their mind when you treat them in such a passive aggressive mann
What do I know though. :man_shrugging:

Consistency is important, that is all. Your intent to try and paint me as a villain is just your way of trying to explain why I disagree with you.

Probably because they stop being high elves, just like the void elves stopped being high elves?

This is laughable and not worth addressing.

I missed the part of a debate where those who are opposed to your position was not allowed to bring up counter points unless you brought them up in terms of subject first.
Should we tell that to those who are anti-tobacco that they shouldn’t bring up cancer rates since the tobacco industry didn’t bring it up first?

Sounds more along the lines that you’re unhappy I don’t agree with you, so you’re trying to make a claim of unsubstantiated bias.

I read it, you’re assuming I didn’t read because I am not nodding my head going "Yeah that works nw lets me HE playable for different glowing eye colors!’.
Read my previous statements as to why it doesn’t work without making high elves, not high elves. In which case, again, you have void elves so what is the issue besides them not being pale?

Just because you wish to close your eyes to it does not mean there is none. :man_shrugging:

I thought my assertion was “Blood elves have privilege to all themes.”?
Now its “anything HE do BE can do better.”.
Look, you’re making wild accusations of character and motivation which is unseemly of you. Take a break from the discussion, because all you’re doing is amping yourself up and becoming increasingly passive aggressive.

Drink some cold water, chill for a bit, and come back after.

Sorry, I simply don’t agree with your suggestions, and you can’t try to bully me into it by making character arguments and passively aggressively wishing you could ignore me.


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for the sake of pete haha
 human skin colors are more than just pale. they run the gamut, from pale to dark, like wrathion. we aren’t talking about a race of one color. we want all human skin colors and if it doesnt include wrathion skin color, we’d like that too.

i swear people that keep bringing up pale and blonde and blue eyes are just dog whistling that helfers are racists who only want a blonde race. what about just human colors? we already have everything else besides green.

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I am hoping for a variety of eye color options. Purple being what I want the most, as well as blue, red, grey and brown. I want red hair the most, and brown, black, white, and blue white should be options as well.

A good variety of human skin tones also, including swiping the really dark skins kul’tirans get.

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i want brown. my fav eye color. hubby has big brown eyes. my big high school crush had big brown eyes. my daughter has big brown eyes. i think it would look unique on an elf in wow.

I like being taken out of context. :blush:

this is what you said:

it isn’t about paleness!!! it’s about human skin colors!!! !..! i mean some of the people accusing helfers of being racists have no idea what race the person is in real life. they have accused people from all over the world of being white supremacists and world war 2 criminals, just for the horrible crime of wanting to play a normal elf in a fantasy rpg.

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I also want options for really long hair. And lots of braids!


and curly wavy hair like wrathions

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